From the perspective of global and long -term, the US 2024 election was somewhat different, and it was pushed to a very complicated and difficult times node.Once this round of elections, the next round will witness the emergence of the political new generation of political new generations, and the future of American democracy is still bright.

This year is the 248th anniversary of the founding of the United States.Far in 1893, China was still struggling with the obscurity and backwardness of the Manchu dynasty. Dvoshak, the Czech composer of the Dean of the National Academy of Music, launched his ninth symphony (also known as the New World (also known as the New WorldSymphony) conveys unprecedentedly without the spirit of aggressive spirit, and freely developing temperament.It is worth pointing out that when the development of some countries and civilizations often only involves the level of utensils when the development of modern times, it is often taboo to the psychological level, but it does not help, and it hurts future generations.

When Russian President Putin recently accepted a special interview with American journalists, high profile mentioned that the GDP of the so -called "BRICS Group" (GDP) is also comparable to European and American advanced countries.Not to mention the main force of the GDP in the BRICS countries: China and India, the great development of the past three or forty years is precisely the result of interacting with modern civilization. Putin only mentioned the level of economic GDP.The level of civilization progress.For example, Iran in the BRICS country has been ruled by the "Political and Education One" that has been abandoned by advanced civilization as early as the Middle Ages.Essence

On the basis of comprehensive frank recognition, acceptance, and absorbing modern advanced civilization, it can more objectively and accurately examine the challenges in the process of development of modern civilization, and also provides experience inspiration for their own progress.

The United States will hold the presidential election this year, and the competition is fierce.On the surface, the biggest challenge is that in the Democratic Party, the current President Biden, who is striving for re -election, is over eighty years old, with more status and body, causing widespread concern from American voters.In the Republican Party, the steady and gentle institutional faction is still unable to oppose Trump former President Trump, which represents populism and US interests.Although Trump is also boss, the Republican young school is completely unable to look back on Trump's item during the nomination of the presidential candidate in the party, one by one.Trump finally won nominations for Republican presidential candidates and will once again match the Presidential President with Bayeng, which seems to be a foregone conclusion.Some people will ask that Trump has tossed once in the United States, especially after the defeat in November 2020, he refused to refuse to retire, and made American democracy in crisis. Does American voters hope that he will come back to toss again?

From the deep perspective, the prospects of the Presidential election in the United States are confusing. Among them, factors such as culture, economy, society, race, immigration and security are intricate, and the roots are wrong.Trump's characteristics are his basic support. It is mainly composed of the so -called "lost group" in the latest round of globalization, including the middle and lower white groups, traditional manufacturing blue -collar workers, cultural and political extremist elemental groups, etc.wait.

From the perspective of global, the latest round of globalization has caused a large transfer of capital and industry, helping hundreds of millions of people around the world to get rid of poverty and move towards a well -off and developed; at the same time, it will inevitably affect the original capital direction and industrial location.Group Volkswagen.Of course, this is not to deny the balanced and popularization of global wealth distribution brought by globalization, but it should be the direction of human progress and development; but in this macro process, some people are happy and worrying, which is also an inevitable objective phenomenon.A populous radicals headed by Trump, trying to reverse this overall objective development process, are actually short -sighted and futile.

The Democratic Party Policy is more correct

What is more paradoxically presented is that in terms of specific policies, Trump corrects unfair international trade, eliminates the proliferation of illegal immigrants from the southern border, and strikes the Iranian regime.The attractiveness of voters.Therefore, if the United States chooses Trump again, it will face dilemma: Macro, its arrogance is difficult to solve the problems of the United States and the world, but in terms of specific strategies and short -term effects, many of his measures seem to seem to beMore powerful and practical, happy and decisive.

The Democratic Party's policy is relatively correct. In recent years, the vitality and growth of the US economy is the recognition and return of the Democratic Party's correct policy.

In the international situation, the Bayeng government has been in a hurry, continuing to play the role of world leadership in the United States, and has also won the recognition and respect of the civilized world.However, the Democratic Party's problem is that it is hesitant in the handling of certain specific affairs (such as the illegal immigration crisis in the southern border and Iranian issues), and even misconduct.This is mainly due to the extremely rampant forces in the Democratic Party for many years, which has greatly misled the harm of the Democratic Party's implementation ability.

As for the age of Biden's re -election, it is naturally grasped by the Republican Party, and the middle voters are not worried.The Democratic Party's strategy is to ask experts and scholars to come out to popularize knowledge and clarify hidden concerns.For example, recently, neuropsychological experts have continued to say that some memories of the elderly are natural phenomena, but it will not affect the thinking and decision -making process.It is said in China: Ginger is still old.Whether similar persuasion efforts are successful to see the effectiveness remains to be observed.

The conclusion is that this round of elections in the United States has a significant weak point in both sides.From the perspective of the light logic of the two harms, Trump's overall negative effect is greater, because once he is rolled down, it will not only threaten the continuous stability of the US's domestic foreign policy policy, but also the biggest risk isHe will also threaten the US democracy and rule of law system itself.Trump is currently facing various judicial disputes and lawsuits.As a result, most American voters will not vote to be president as long as they see that Trump has a charges of the final charges.The current strategy of the Trump team is to delay various trials as much as possible to strive for the date of the presidential election.In this way, once he re -enter the White House, he can use the presidential exemption right to exempt himself first.

The two major rulings of the Supreme Court are pivotal

Therefore, time becomes the key to the game of both sides, the two major rulings of the US Supreme Court will be important: first, whether the US president can enjoy the unprecedented power of France's abroad; more, whether the states of the United States have the right to cancel the special specialty.Trump's presidential qualification.

It is currently predicted that the Supreme Court of the United States is likely to determine that everyone is equal in front of the law, but states must not determine the qualifications of the US presidential candidate without authorization.The final result has to wait and see.

If everyone is equal in front of the law, the various cases of Trump will enter the actual trial procedure as soon as possible, and will never delay until the November election.In this way, whether Trump can be elected president again will become a huge question mark.

From the perspective of global and in the long run, the US election in the 2024 election is somewhat different and wrong. Coincidentally, the United States has pushed the United States to a very complicated era node.Perhaps time is the most effective medicine, that is, once the United States has passed this round of elections, the next round will witness the emergence of the political new generation of political new generations.Due to temporary bumpy difficulties, it has stagnated.

Finally, you can also end this article with music.In 1924, the United States was in the second industrial revolution at that time, and the climax period brought by steel and electricity.A young composer living in New York George Gryhwin, he feels about the great development of the American melting furnace, and created a famous blue madness.The song is very beautifulThe national style integrates the unrestrained vitality of street jazz music and the metal of industrialized production, supplemented by the grand narrative structure of classical music, fully shows the creative spirit and style of Americans's free and enthusiastic creation.

After three years of crown disease, the author recently visited New York again, and also deliberately experienced it on the streets of Manhattan and the shopping mall. It really found that the vitality and freedom of the United States are still strong, and the blue madness is vagrant.The field followed.This is the true source of American creativity and strength.

The author is an expert in international cultural strategy in the United States