Singapore's overall fertility rate continues to decline.Preliminary data shows that Singapore's fertility rate last year was only 0.97, which has always been the lowest and far below 2.1 population substitution level. Like South Korea and other countries, it is at the bottom of the world.South Korea's fertility rate fell to 0.72 last year, and it is expected to continue to decline to 0.68 this year.

The Singapore government's efforts to support and encourage fertility over the years have not been able to reverse the trend of decline in fertility.In view of the next economic development and growth, it will face more resistance, and it may have a psychological impact on people. Therefore, to prevent this decline, challenges will become greater.At the same time, the rapid aging of the population is a favorable fact, and it is generally expected that we will soon become a super -aged society.

Simply put, there are dual challenges of low fertility rate and aging superimposed in the population problems we are currently facing. The two will have various negative effects on the future development of the Singapore economy.These two major population issues are not just government issues. Just as the Minister of the Prime Minister of the Prime Minister of the State Population and Talent Department, the Minister of the Prime Minister of the National Population and Talent Department, and Ying Lanni, the Ministry of Finance and the Second Minister of the Ministry of Finance, pointed out.Long -term survival problems that work together to solve.

Ying Lanni said on February 28 at the expenditure budget of the Prime Minister's Office of the Congress of the Congress of Dating Committee that a decline in fertility rate will have an impact on Singapore's society and economy.The fewer families are less, which means that more sandwiches will face the pressure of taking care of children and elderly people.Decreased population will also affect the scale of the labor team.Singapore will be more difficult to maintain sustainable economic development, attract overseas companies, and create opportunities for the next generation.Therefore, the government is determined to respond to these challenges.

The question is, what are the more effective solutions for the government?Ying Lanni listed various family and family -assisted measures implemented by the government over the years.These measures should have a certain boost, but it is obviously not enough to stop the fertility rate.Is these measures not strong enough and need to be strengthened?Or is there some shortcomings in implementation?Such issues may be worthy of in -depth research and comprehensive reviews of the State Population and Talent Department.

Taking maternity leave and accompanying leave as an example, this is absolutely needed.Because in the current social circumstances, young women who have had stable work cannot give up their work in order to give birth and take care of their children.If they are assured of pregnancy and fertility, in addition to being able to arrange flexibly at work, the most important thing is to have a long enough maternity leave so that they can take care of their babies after maternity, until the baby can be sent to the baby care club.

Secondly, modern women are also unwilling to take the responsibility of treating the baby alone like traditional housewives, but expect her husband to bear housework together. Therefore, men's accompanying leave is also indispensable.Although there are currently accompanying maternity leave, according to Ying Lanni, only about half of the men who are qualified to get fakes do so.The reason is worth studying.Is it that some men can't get rid of traditional masculinity?Or do their employers encourage this?

Although Singapore has maternity and accompanying maternity leave, compared with some developed economies that have better fertility than Singapore, it is still insufficient.Nordic countries and France have provided longer maternity leave and accompanying maternity leave. Maternal leave in some countries can be as long as half a year to nine months, and company companies can also provide flexible working hours for mothers.

There is no doubt that it is relatively difficult to implement such measures in the local private corporate community, because this is because our companies are far from the culture of their family.Some parliamentarians ask questions, should the government be legislated and compulsory stipulated that the company provides accompanying leave?The answer obviously cannot be achieved overnight, because this involves issues such as the company's hands, costs, and operation arrangements, not what many small and medium -sized enterprises can cope with.Therefore, the government can only carry out step by step, and cannot be rushed, even if this is the ultimate necessary measure.

The decline in the fertility rate alone is a very difficult problem. Nowadays, the problem of rapid aging population is now full of the country economy.Because the world economy is now facing many anti -wind and uncertain factors, Singapore will strive for 2%to 3%of the growth rate of 2%to 3%in the future. It is not easy to start from structural reorganization and improve productivity.At the same time, it is necessary to take care of the challenges such as fertility and aging. The task is very difficult, so it is necessary to pay attention and cooperative power of all Chinese people.For example, in moderation of new immigrants and foreign labor to make up for insufficient fertility and population aging, Chinese people must continue to maintain a tolerance.Enterprises should respond to government calls and actively implement relevant policies, such as encouraging more male employees to use their associated leave responsibility for childbirth to create a working environment of their family.Of course, young couples should work harder and improve their fertility.