The Russian and Ukraine War entered the third year.From the beginning to the present, Russian President Putin lied, quibbled and "referendum" to defend his aggression.Putin's first lying was "rumoring" to "make rumors" in the United States.The United States accurately detects the war that will happen to warn the world Putin to invade Ukraine.Putin refuted US President Biden, saying that he was only in military exercises.Former British Prime Minister Johnson disclosed Putin's guarantee: "He told the whole world that he personally told me that he would not invade Ukraine, and a few weeks before the tank was issued." The world believes in PutinTruely, the Russian army fluttered Jisu, and the war broke out.It turns out that it is not the United States but Putin that makes rumors.

Putin has taken the aggression into a "special military operation", which occurs at a time that should not happen.At the end of February 2022, the Beijing Winter Olympic Games just ended, and the Winter Paralympic Games was about to begin. The international practice was that the Olympic Games could not start war.Putin returned to Moscow on February 24, regardless of international convention, Ukraine.The world believes that Ukraine is about to die, and Putin also believes that the killing of Ukraine for a few days is in line with the title of "special military operation".But his flash failed, and his skeptical "special military operation" was a veritable war of aggression.

Putin has a cunning sophistry, "NATO East Expansion".Looking back at the background of NATO: Stalin encouraged the Czech Communist Party to seize power, especially Stalin's Berlin crisis for nearly a year, which gave birth to NATO in 1949.The so -called "NATO East Expansion" is actually the "forced" of this collective defense organization to expand east.After the collapse of the Soviet Union, some of the republics and Eastern European nations, including Hungary, who were in charge of Putin's friend Olban, were afraid of inheriting the Soviet Union Russia, and joined NATO for safety.Putin invaded Ukraine not only to prevent NATO from the eastward expansion, but further promoted the long -term neutral Sweden and Finland to join NATO.

The Chinese idiom "thief shouts to catch the thief" describes Putin's sophistry, but it is not appropriate.If Putin wants to end the war, he stops aggression, but he pushes his responsibility to Biden.On February 8th, he shouted in an exclusive interview with American media celebrities Tuckercarlson. "If you really want to stop the war, you need to stop supplying weapons."Gonghuo.So weird things happened, and the "arson" offender was not reflected or condemned, but instead accused "fire saving" as "arch fire".The first "arch fire" method in the United States was a vehicle for Zellezki to escape and sent him to Poland to establish an exile government.Zelei said, I don't want to take a car, I want weapons.Ukraine obtained weapons against aggression and did not die, and then said "arch fire" that confused right and wrong.

When Putin was interviewed by Karson, he instilled the historical view of lies and quibbles all over the world.His view of history is that he has been aggressive from the Tsar era to him.However, his historical outlook cannot change the ugly history of Russia (Tsarist Russia and Soviet Russia) to strongly occupy the land of European and Asian neighboring countries and split neighbors; it cannot change Ukraine is the fact that it is a sovereign independent country.Even according to Putin's saying on Karson, the war with Ukraine "to a certain extent" is a civil war, and Putin's actions are criminal.In the civil war, it is not possible to use the cruel means of modern warfare to bombard the town to bomb civilians.

A despicable trick of Putin is a "referendum".He watched the "special military operation" into a long -term war, and it was impossible to win the entire Ukraine. In order to "legal" the territory that had been occupied, using Ukrainian independent elements to engage in "referendum" in four states, first instigating them to "referendum referendum"Lugusk and Donetsk were independent and became two countries, and immediately announced that they had established diplomatic relations with the two countries and sent troops to" peacekeeping "to defend the two countries.When the independent "referendum" Zapolo and Hermone, Putin changed its strategy to not establish a country and directly "referendum" to Russia.Lugusk and Donetsk also canceled the country name merged into Russia.The "referendum" of Putin's independent elements has set a very bad example to split the country else in other parts of the world.

Putin announced by Calrson's mouth that the West now realizes that Russia will not be defeated, although the United States, Europe, and NATO have provided help to Ukraine.Yes, Putin was not defeated because he also occupied Ukrainian territory, but in addition to this, Putin was defeated.

First of all, Putin lost morally.Russia is unprecedentedly isolated, the United Nations debate in Russia and Ukraine, Russia is always in the defendant seat.What made him most shameful was that he was the first or the last one of the five constants who were wanted by the International Court of the International Court.Russia, the world's top second military, only controls the territory of less than one -fifth of the military in Ukraine, at a heavy price of flooding, and exposes that the Great Russia has been strong.Putin has failed to make Ukraine Finland and the goal of preventing NATO from eastward expansion.

Looking forward to the future, Putin's dilemma is even worse.The Ukrainian military and civilians vowed to the end of the Anti -Japanese War. The United States and the West who had long supported fatigue in the United States and the West re -alert, urgent Ukraine, and "arch fire" Ukraine's needs.Putin has been trapped in the invasion, and the unlucky Russian people follow him.

The author is Chinese retired mechanical designer