"AI (Artificial Intelligence) Whirlwind" and "AI anxiety", which are suddenly set off between the general public, have been set off for more than a year.Discussion on AI ethics has never stopped.When the master and the industry are still struggling with how the ethical norms and regulations of AI development and application are formulated, and whether it can be effectively implemented, the education community is also busy fighting with students to prevent the latter from abusing AI and gradually launching ethical courses to be students for students.Prepare to welcome the AI ​​world.

But people say that education is a century -old tree. If the AI ​​ethics is isolated for "teaching" or cultivating, is it suspected of "headache doctors"?Perhaps, it is time to include AI ethics into the context of all -person education, discuss the correlation between AI ethics and various existing courses, and the teaching goals of the 21st century core literacy.

Look at the AI ​​ethics itself, what are the values ​​and skills of students cultivated?For students, AI ethics is two -way. On the one hand, it is necessary to learn and prevent AI threatening to their own well -being and privacy.Essence

Clarifying the basic category, we can see that AI ethics is located in the overlap of AI literacy and character and citizen education.Character and citizen education focuses on cultivating students' correct universal values ​​and behaviors — integrity, positive, respect, fairness, tolerance, compassion, social responsibility, and ability to reflect on related issues, eventsIt is to migrate these values ​​to use and respond so that in the case of development of AI.AI literacy also covers the functions, limitations of AI, and the understanding of positive and negative effects that humans may cause, and the operation and actual use of AI technology and tools. These are "preventive" and "good use and not abuse".Basic knowledge.It turned out that learning AI (literacy and ethics), (also) is to learn to be people -not only learn to do things.

In fact, AI may become the water of "boat", in order to prevent "covering the boat" from doing its best.You can make good use of ChatGPT to assist the character and citizen education and AI literacy education, and discuss, debate, or role -playing with students to discuss, debate, or role -playing with students.Assist them to clarify their thinking and clarify their doubts.For example, enter a press release into ChatGPT, let it digest the content, and talk about this topic with students, just like reading newspaper teaching.ChatGPT can even perform the Socrate dialogue limited. If you are not only passively accepting and responding to students' questions, you can also ask students and challenge students.Students not only learn to do things, learn to be people, but also learn.

For example, ChatGPT can adopt the following life context as a metaphor to guide students to think about AI ethics: "Imagine that you form a group to participate in inter -school intelligent robot design competitions. In the competition, a group of robots performed beyond expectations, but laterI find that they cheat in the program. Do you think this is fair? "" Imagine, in the future high -tech classroom, students wear smart glasses to class.Remote intrusion, the other party saw your notes and personal privacy.Do not.

As an excellent Chinese traditional values, "do not want to do what you do", but in this era of information?We think that the local area of ​​"Chinese courses has not changed for 30 years, and in addition to respecting Asian values ​​such as the old and love, protecting the environment, and racial harmony, there is basically no other content ... boring and boring".Later, some people analyzed all the main texts of the six -year course of elementary school, involving only one -fifth of Asia or universal values.We do not think that Chinese lessons must also deliberately and over -assume the responsibility of character and education.However, these 19 main texts and the design of various learning activities around it always closely closely at the goal of "allowing students to communicate with Chinese in real life"; the context of preaching is actually driving learning specific language knowledgeAnd the medium of skills.ChatGPT may provide new opportunities for these interdisciplinary learning goals.

AI Age Literature Teaching Ethical Value

As a small three lesson, there are a few children, and a few children play the ball downstairs to break the flower pots next door, as if they want to "escape".The follow -up activities that had no science and technology intervention could be students who simulated the situation in the classroom. Learning the connective words "Anyway (no one knows) ..." "Whether or not (stay in the stool) ..." Discuss the solution.However, you can also try to prompt ChatGPT and student role -playing (ChatGPT can play the homeowner, student parents, or another child involved in playing football), discuss or debate.We enter this context into ChatGPT, please make ChatGPT to simulate a paragraph that he talks with the student by himself:

Chatgpt: Xiao Ming, I heard that you and a few friends accidentally broke the flower pot of the neighbor when playing football.What do you propose?When answering, remember to use "anyway" and "no".

Xiaoming: Anyway, the neighbors have not found it, or we slip away.

ChatGPT: Okay, this may be a way, but we can also find more responsible methods.If you slip away, then you may lose the trust of your neighbors, and you cannot learn from the mistake.Is there any other solution?

Xiaoming: Otherwise, let's leave Zhang Shibu to the neighbors first, tell him what happened and sorry.

ChatGPT: Very good, this is more responsible.Are there any other ideas?

Xiaoming: Otherwise, I will go home and tell my parents.But I'm afraid my parents will scold me.

Chatgpt: Xiaoming, it sounds a little worried.But asking parents for help is right. Mom and Dad are most concerned about your safety and health.They may be angry, but they will also understand that you are willing to admit your mistakes.You can tell them frankly and show them your sincerity, let them know what you want to do.

Xiaoming: Okay!let me try.

Chatgpt: Very good!You have proposed several different methods, each of which has its benefits and disadvantages.We can discuss which method is better.

This simulation "script" may not be in line with the Chinese level of the local general junior life, but it demonstrates the possible application method of ChatGPT.Training together with one furnace.

At present, the main chat robots that the public use publicly have ethical and content closing mechanisms, which will refuse to answer inappropriate topics.Under general applications, they are unlikely to cause damage to users, especially others will strictly adhere to the bottom line of universal value; even if they are more controversial values, they will actively remind them that the cultures of various places are different, and they will specify various concepts.Teachers or experts can design new tips to "train" chat robots to plan for them to interact with students, instead of chatting in the south of the north.

Technology may create problems, but it can also provide solutions.How to stand in this world in this world, especially the people who are "surrounded by AI", and cultivate and adhere to the positive values, not only the responsibility of AI ethical education, but may also reflect and adjust the overall education content.

The author Huang Longxiang is a senior research scientist at the National School of Education, Nanyang University of Technology

Lu Cijie is a lifelong honorary professor of Nanyang University of Science and Technology, a lecture professor at Hong Kong Education University