Singapore's advantages in hardware and software are like puzzles with different sizes and different shapes. Putting together are huge scrolls in garden cities and elegant society.The Chinese characteristics are one of the puzzles.This puzzle is more and more shiny after the time of time, and it is gradually dimming in the erosion of the years.Essence

I read the column of Mr. Wu Jungang on January 24 and the article of Mr. Wang Huidi on January 29 Tong Yan Wuji,Sending people and provinces , the two express their opinions on the identity of Singapore Chinese, international advantages of multi -language society, and the dilemma faced by Singapore's mother tongue education. They are worried about the country and the people.

Singapore has rich bilingual learning resources and a good learning environment.More than 20 years ago, more than half of the Chinese families mainly spoke Chinese.For more than 40 years of the Chinese Movement, 71%of the Chinese families, family terms have quietly become English.Since the Chinese school withdrawing from Singapore's historical stage, Chinese people who have received English education have also become parents one after another.Although they think that Chinese is important in their hearts, when counseling or urging children to learn Chinese well, they seem to be more than enough.Just when many people were hesitant to spend so much time and energy to learn Chinese, the outside world has undergone tremendous changes.

In recent years, international Chinese education has flourished around the world.December 2023 is the highlight stage of international Chinese education. In addition to the grand held in Beijing in Beijing, Jinan University, Overseas Chinese University, Beijing Chinese Institute and other professional institutions have held "Chinese Education · Chinese Teachers" study.class.In addition, there are many overseas Chinese teenagers who go to China to participate in a variety of roots and study group activities. Chinese teachers and Chinese students from all over the world are charged and empowered themselves while they are on holidays.

These activities encountered low -temperature Blizzard this winter in the world, converging a passionate Chinese religion warm current.The number of people studying Chinese in the world has continued to increase, and Chinese schools have sprung up like rain. In addition, the flexible and changeable online courses make the incident of learning Chinese become more convenient and efficient.

Pain and Highlights of Bilingual Education in Singapore

The Ministry of Education has always persisted in promoting Chinese education, continuously optimized curriculum design, colorful teaching content, and various teaching materials compiled, which has opened up a broader world for learners.However, students' love and enthusiasm for learning from the heart are not directly proportional to this.

Speaking Chinese Movement was initiated in 1979 by Li Guangyao, the founding of the National Prime Minister. The purpose is to encourage Chinese Chinese to speak more Chinese and speak less dialects.As fewer and fewer people speaking dialects, Chinese in Singapore has not ushered in a solid social status, increasingly strong English, forcing the increasingly micro -speaking tongue to step by step to the corner.Surprisingly, at the speaking Chinese sports scene, the host and guests spoke in English. The reason is that in order to make young parents under the stage facilitate understanding and participating in interaction.The status of the mother tongue has deteriorated and became a pain point in bilingual education.

In order to solve this pain point, many parents actively act.For preschool children and elementary school students, the family atmosphere and parents' attitudes towards Chinese language largely determine their children's learning attitude, which will directly affect the children's Chinese grades.For example, some local grandparents who graduated from the early Chinese school took the initiative to assume the responsibilities of Chinese language to counsel and create a good family environment in Chinese.In addition, most of the immigrants from China can achieve satisfactory results at the elementary school stage.Students in these families have one thing in common in common to speak Chinese, read Chinese books, watch Chinese movies and other Chinese programs, and participate in Chinese -related activities.

The end of the year is the peak season for Singaporeans to go abroad. Some parents who are hard -working are carefully designed to travel on vacation in China.Parenting standards for books, walk thousands of miles ".Many parents sighed sincerely that their children have unknowingly growing their knowledge during the journey, broadening their horizons, and inspiring their interest in learning traditional culture.Although going to Northern Europe to chase aurora, go to Australia to drive, go to the Mediterranean and take a cruise, have their own excitement. In contrastThe positive impact brought about is far more than a star.Parents' choice and attitude determine the achievements in front of the child and even the future direction.

Many well -known people around the world move to Singapore. Bilingual education is a highlight of attractiveness.The parents who have seen outstanding consciousness have considered their children. The financial tycoon Rogers moved to Singapore in order to allow the two daughters to learn Chinese; and the international kung fu superstar Jet Li, who settled in Singapore for the same purpose, and business giants from other countries.

The importance of mastering bilingual is not doubtful, there is no need to repeat.The most basic recruitment requirements for most industries in Singapore are bilingual. Whether it is government departments, chain supermarkets, multinational companies, restaurants, or grocery stores downstairs, they are almost bilingual or multi -language users standing on the front line.From a large -scale point of view, learning bilingual or multi -language can be left and right in many countries in the world to seize the opportunity.

It is not easy to prosper today

As the saying goes: Xingjia is like a needle to pick the soil, but the loser is like pushing the sand.Early Chinese immigrants from Singapore came from the coastal areas of China, drifting across the ocean, throughout the process of suffering and suffering, and making the traditional culture of their hometown to this Nanyang Island.These valuable Chinese cultural heritage.Since the opening of the port in 1819, it has experienced difficulties in the formation of modern Singapore.In the colonial era, the Chinese need to learn English. During the Japanese rule, the Chinese were forced to learn Japanese. The mother tongue and culture that the Chinese were preemptive before they were reserved.

Fortunately, the Chinese characteristics are still Singapore's shiny business cards.Some typical Chinese families still maintain good traditional habits, such as hand -made traditional food such as rice cakes, rice dumplings, dumplings, and moon cakes during the New Year.The reunion meal during the Chinese New Year lasted for more than a month from the year before to the year. The auspicious words of red envelopes and fish raw, cheers, and the sound of Yu Yin around the beam.Hand -made, carbon -baked meat, egg rolls, etc. have also become one of the selling points of traditional old stores to solicit customers.

In the Chinese family who respect the filial piety, children who have already worked take out a part of their income every month and give them to their parents as a home.The Housing and Development Bureau also encourages parents and children to live nearby, and provide more flexible group housing opportunities in some respects to facilitate their response when necessary.Usually, the temples with rushing shoulders and crowds. Whenever the first and fifteenth day of junior high school, they are full of good men and women who are full of incense, wishing, and signs of visa. A vegetarian restaurant of large and small is also lined up.Some devout believers hung the plaque and banner from the temple from the temple.In addition, even some Pasar and Food Pavilion have large and small Shentai. Nearby hawkers and customers who travel and go can burn incense and pray at any time.blessing.The entire lunar calendar in July, from morning to night, every day someone burned incense and worshiped ancestors downstairs; July Ge Terrace had already become a distinctive landscape in Singapore.

Singapore is an island country with extremely scarce natural resources. It has worked hard for more than 50 years and has developed into one of the global emerging economies and central cities.And religious freedom and ethnic equality.Singapore's practical experience in urban construction has become the target of many countries and cities. The veritable garden city has left a good impression on many visitors.Among them, the more important bonus items are the enthusiastic, kind, aggressive, and uncomfortable attitude of Singaporeans, which contains the spiritual core of the Chinese traditional characteristics.

How to grasp the future general direction

Singapore's advantages in hardware and software are like puzzles with different sizes and different shapes. Patching together is a huge picture of garden cities and elegant society.The Chinese characteristics are one of the puzzles.This puzzle is more and more shiny after the time of time, and it is gradually dimming in the erosion of the years., And continuously strengthen our Chinese identity, and then maintain the advantages of Singapore's multi -language society.

Banana people originally pointed out that the Chinese born in the United States. Although they are Chinese, they do not understand Chinese. They speak authentic American English, and their way of thinking and values ​​are completely American.This title is somewhat ironic and derogatory, and some overseas Chinese who are not Chinese will also laugh at themselves.In the process of incorporating the local immigration descendants, the price paid was to slowly lose their language and culture, and it was like a galty perkin in spirit.

2022 statistics show that Singapore Chinese account for about 74%.No Chinese will be willing to make ourselves or descendants a banana man who has no sense of belonging. What can we do for mother tongue learning and the inheritance of Chinese culture?The two predecessors of the two swords are still in a thorn, and they have made suggestions for the development of society.

The author is Chinese teacher