The Hong Kong South China Morning Post website published on February 22 entitled that the double standards of Gasha, Ukraine, and TIKTOK: The United States is eroding its global influence articles. The author is Liang Jianbang.Article excerpts as follows:

In recent years, especially in recent months, with the double standards of the United States to an amazing level, people's confidence in the United States has basically disappeared.

The United States is an indispensable supporter who implemented Israel to achieve the "full victory" and has a blind eye to a large -scale humanitarian disaster.There are still about 1.3 million people in the predicament of about 1.3 million Gaza people, lacking water, food and medical services, and many of them are women and children.

The United States is also the biggest beneficiary of the protracted war between Ukraine and Russia. This is at the expense of Ukraine to suffer painful casualties and severe damage.

Ukraine is just the latest in a series of catastrophic wars involved in the United States. These wars have made millions of people be killed or homeless.The United States' disgraceful withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 is evidence.Prior to this, there was a 2003 Iraq war that caused great damage. This war was later proven to be launched based on the charged "large -scale killing weapons".

Although the United States has given a reason to make careful preparations for most wars, when Biden decided to use TIKTOK for re -election, the double standards pursued by the United States reached a new height.This short video application is very popular among young people in the world, but it has been banned from being used on US government equipment because many people seem to be confirmed "national security" concerns.

Gaza is also an example.In November last year, regardless of the overwhelming support of the 120 member states of the United Nations, the United States opposed the motion of Gaza humanitarian ceasefire proposed by the United Nations Conference.As the Times Weekly commented article, the increasingly obvious dual standards that the United States shows in the United Nations is "losing the south of the world", including many countries that were originally friendly to the United States.

The increasingly obvious dual standards in the United States are weakening its reputation and influence.The reason is that the deep -rooted non -black or white, non -friendly enemy, and non -winning dual thinking methods.

Each country has its own geography, history, politics, culture, socioeconomic, and security characteristics, which means that the measurement scale that has not been allowed to be in four seas in political legitimacy or correctness of behavior.Finding constructive solutions instead of coercion can often bring better results.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi recently reminded US Secretary of State Brillin at the Munich Security Conference to follow the principle of "mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win -win cooperation".China policy.

In a recent unstable world that has undergone turbulent changes, in order to be healthier, the United States and China relations and sustainable world peace and prosperity, the United States is time to adjust its thinking and behavior.(Compiled/Li Fengqin)