Of course, a person's voice is weak, but the tens of millions of voices are gathered, which is a strong public opinion. Of course, the power of the pioneers is weak, but the fate is in their hands.

On the afternoon of January 30, Zhao Kongliang, an internship lawyer who worked at the Beijing Law Firm, stayed in a hotel in Heze, Shandong. At about 10:50 that night, the police checked the house.When entering the room, a assistant police (some places are called co -police officers, and the specifications are called "police auxiliary personnel") on the spot.Zhao Kongliang asked the inspection personnel to show that the police's documents were rejected without any explanation, but rudely responded "I was eligible to check you in this clothes." Then he touched him to the ground with handcuffs and brought it to the police station.At this time, he was only wearing a single uniform outdoors.

This incident is not complicated from the legal analysis. The Heze Police suspected of multiple violations of laws and regulations during the law enforcement process: First, the police's documents were not shown; second, the citizen who had no suspected crime was brought to the police station; 3. Police assistanceIndependent enforcement of personnel; 4. Police -assisted personnel use police (handcuffs); 5. The abuse of police and public power; 6. Anti -civil freedom of citizens.

According to Article 9 of the People's Republic of China Police Law, the police "have shown the corresponding documents on the spot and can be questioned and checked on the spot."One of them can bring the suspects of illegal crimes to the public security organs.

Laws and regulations have not been awarded the independent administrative law enforcement power of the auxiliary police. Only when the police are allowed to be present, the auxiliary police can assist the police to engage in some law enforcement work.Even if the police cannot use restraint such as handcuffs at will, the people police of the administrative regulations use police and weapon regulations Article 8 of the police and weapon regulations. It clearly stipulates what tasks of the police perform and what dangerous behavior of criminals can be used before they can be used.

After participating in a friend's wedding on January 31, Zhao Kongliang began to defend his rights. He first went to the Heze Procuratorate and the Mudan District Public Security Branch of Heze City to petition and appealed; the Heze Public Security Bureau quickly set up an investigation team to follow up the verification.On February 1, after he posted on Weibo that after asking the inspection staff to show the police card, I was handcuffed to the police station, becoming a network explosion, and once rushed to the hot search.

Yangguang.com, surging news and other mainstream media have reported or commented quickly to give play to public opinion supervision.On February 2nd, the Heze City Public Security Bureau issued an intelligence notification to confirm that "the auxiliary police have not presented the police card and the use of police uniforms in violation of regulations."The punishment fired the two auxiliary police officers involved.

The crisis of public opinion is relieved, and the problem of refraction still exists.First, how to define the boundary between public rights and private rights.For public rights and public officials, "the law cannot be authorized" and "the legal duties must be" should be common sense, but China is too large, the public officials are mixed, and the public power has the instinct and impulse of expansion;In the case of, "the law can not be prohibited" and "the law is not prohibited to be free" should be common sense, but the people's interest and people may not have the ability and rational use of legitimate means to safeguard legitimate rights and interests.

Secondly, governing the country according to law is far away.The focus of modernization of the country is not governing the people, but governing officials. The main resistance is not the people but the officials.Criticism, suggestions, appeal, accusations, reporting and other rights.

Once again, public officials must fulfill their power and responsibilities; if they cannot be equal, they must implement legal term, rotation, and avoidance restrictions.All law enforcement standards and procedures, if they cannot be unified across the country, at least they must be unified and standardized in the province.A compliant law enforcement video produced by the provincial authorities, demonstrates all newly -employed law enforcement officers to demonstrate and train, and can only be on -the -job after passing the assessment.

Zhao Kongliang unfortunately encountered illegal acts. Fortunately, he had sufficient legal knowledge and graduated from Southwest University of Political Science and Law. The topic selection of graduate papers was related to police law.The judgment is the associate police, and it is also clear that the police have no independent law enforcement power, so the documents are required.

In the comments of netizens, a few people questioned that he wrote an article to make things bigger. He made fun of him and asked the police to show his documents and cause the police to be mandatory to the police station. Good men should not eat in front of them.But the vast majority of people like, support, and pay tribute to him, such as "more such people can the sunlight be illuminated."

Professor Qian Liqun, Chinese Department of Peking University, spoke at a education symposium in 2012, criticizing China, including Peking University, is practical, practicalism, and nihilism.Religion.They have a high IQ, amazing, old, and old, deliberately make loyalty, know how to cooperate and perform, and know how to use institutional forces to achieve their own purposes.The great care, great compassion, sense of responsibility, and awareness of private interest will inevitably take personal desire as the only pursuit. "In an interview in 2021, Qian Liqun further pointed out that the national problem was not only a younger generation. "Now the biggest dilemma of the whole of China is that the entire nation has no spiritual pursuit, so it can only rely on instinct to survive.Avoiding.

Qian Lao's criticism and concerns about the blood are basically in line with Chinese education and social status.However, it cannot be denied that there are always some "aliens" in Chinese youth that have awakened their rights, inherit excellent traditional culture, are willing to worry about the world's worries, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of themselves and vulnerable groups, and promote social progress.The 27 -year -old Zhao Kongliang is one of them. With his own behavior, he took a public lecture on the law. The author appreciates it.

The Confucian governing the country is more effective. For two thousand years, it has been alienated, utilized, and foolish people.The rise and fall, everyone is responsible.Chinese scholars take the world as their own responsibility, count the world's interests, and conspire the livelihood of the people. They have a strong sense of responsibility for national political and social life, have a strong sense of autonomy, and have a strong impulse to intervene.The heavens and the earth stands the heart, set the way for the people, and learn to learn to the sanctification, and to open the peace for all generations "(public opinion Zhang Zaiji · Receiving recording).

Is there really peace in the world?Not necessarily; is there any peace?Not necessarily; can you see and enjoy the peace?not necessarily.The true Confucian and good man do not believe that there are peace, all the world, and not believe that they can achieve the peace of the world, but to "open" the peacefulness, although tens of millions of people, difficult to go, "I go back" (I go back "(I go back" (I go back "(I go back" (Mencius Gongsun Ugly).

Of course, a person's voice is weak, but the tens of millions of voices are gathered, which is a strong public opinion; although the power of the pioneers is weak, but tens of thousands of people act in their own hands.Once the civic society thrives, it will take shape. Any political figures or any political organizations, at any time and occasion, dare not have any reason and despise.

Fairness is still, justice is still, even if he is dissatisfied with the status quo, you must believe in the future.A good man must eat a loss in front of him, and even if he eats the eyes for fairness and justice and public interests, he has the courage to come out to "open" the peace.Adhere to rationality, toughness, constructiveness, forward -looking, and calmly accept the test of time and people's hearts. I hope that in the hard efforts, progress is in the struggle of everyone.

The author is a Chinese current affairs commentator