Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency

Author: Li Jinliang

The Sino -US Science and Technology Cooperation Agreement, which was signed for the first time in 1979, expired on February 27, but this witnessed whether the agreement for the development of scientific and technological cooperation between China and the United States for more than 40 years can be successfully renewed, which has attracted attention again.

At the regular press conference of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the day, China ’s response was that the two parties were currently renewing the Sino -US Science and Technology Cooperation Agreement to“ maintain communication ”.

From the perspective of the Chinese response, although the dialogue is not closed, it is now the date of the relevant agreement on February 27. If it is renewed or renewed for five years, it will continue to be postponed. There is still no official announcement.

The Sino -US Science and Technology Cooperation Agreement is a non -binding agreement. It has basically been renewed once in five years since the signing.However, in 2023 and the renewal of visas on August 27, the deteriorating Sino -US relations, especially the intensified scientific and technological war between the two countries, made the routine five -year renewal failure.

At the last moment of the agreement failed, the U.S. State Department requested the two parties to postpone six months in order to modify and consolidate the agreement.After that, the two parties began to negotiate around the agreement.

At the end of 2023, the US Ambassador to China Burns revealed in a think tank event held in Washington that the agreement was the cornerstone of the US -China science and technology cooperation, but the relevant discussions were complicated and the renewal prospects were unreasonable.

Ma Wei, an assistant researcher at the American Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency on the 27th that at present, the risk of failure of the agreement is very risky.The renewal of the agreement was delayed, mainly because some anti -China members led by the Chairman of the House of China Special Committee of China Issue Special Committee Obstruction.

Ma Wei said that although the agreement does not involve specific Sino -US scientific and technological cooperation projects, this is the basis for China and the United States to carry out cooperation at all levels and fields.Normal scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation.

Looking back at the US dollar since the San Francisco meeting in November last year, the situation of the relationship between the two countries has indeed improved greatly.Human exchanges such as art and adolescent interaction are developing rapidly. The cooperation between climate change is promoted. The cooperation in the field of anti -drugs and the dialogue in the military field have also resumed. The communication in the business field is also underway, and the high -level exchanges in the security field are also continuing.

But in this way, both sides adhere to the willingness to improve the relationship, and the renewal of the scientific and technological cooperation agreement is obstructive, which will inevitably make the relationship between China and the United States cover the shadow.

Analysis and even believe that if the Sino -US Science and Technology Agreement is no longer renewed, it will not only endanger the intergovernmental cooperation between the two countries in important areas such as climate change and public health, but also inhibit the academic cooperation between the two major economies.This is a loss for both sides and the world.