The New York Times website published on February 24, entitled that Trump's reports on the future of the United States have proposed two contradictions at the conservative political action conference.It is reported that former US President Trump used the opportunity to give a lecture at a conservative political action conference on the 24th to describe the situation that he or Biden won the 2024 Presidential election -one is about the future of the United States almost near the future of the United States.Utopia -like vision, the other is reminiscent of the disaster film of the doomsday.

Trump warns that if Biden is re -elected for another 4 years, federal medical insurance will "collapse", social security will "collapse", and so is public education.Millions of manufacturing jobs will be "stifled".The US economy will fall into "energy scarce" and will "constantly stop power."Hamas will "run around us on the streets."The Third World War will break out, and the United States will be defeated.The United States itself will also face "destruction".

On the other hand, Trump promised that if he was elected, the United States would be "richer, safer, stronger, proud, and more beautiful than ever."The crime rate of big cities will become the past.He said: "The Chicago problem can be solved within a day, and the problem in New York can be solved in half a day."

Reports pointed out that the future cannot be verified, but Trump's speeches at the National Tourism Resort and Conference Center in Gallum of Gallum, Maryland, are familiar, just like re -acting in 2016 or 2020.

In the 2020 campaign, Trump warned that Bayeng would "confiscate your guns" and "destroy your suburbs".He predicts that the US economy will fall into a worse situation than the Great Depression in the 1930s, and "the stock market will collapse."He predicts that if Biden was elected, "it will mean that the elderly in the United States have no air conditioning in summer, no heating in winter, and no electricity during peak hours."He also warned: "You will not obtain energy from Texas, New Mexico or anywhere."

Reports said that some of his past forecasts can now be verified and proven to be fabricated.When Trump left his office, he also left a long string of unused campaign commitments, including completing the construction of the southwestern border wall.On the 24th, he blamed these failures on the Republican colleagues of Congress and his own experience.(Compiled/Liu Zongya)