Sex is beautiful.Very healthy.Sex is an important part of our social structure.And you, especially you, may have more sexual life.

In a lonely epidemic, Americans do not have enough sexual life.Among almost all population groups, adults in the United States are young or young, married, rich or poor, and have less sexual life than at any time in the past 30 years.

Sex is not the only form of human interaction. Of course, no matter what form of loneliness, sex is not a antidote.Nevertheless, it should still be regarded as an important part of our society's happiness, not an indulgence or dispensable thing.This is large because the increase in loneliness is highly consistent with the reduction of sexual life.The last comprehensive social survey was in 2021, showing that more than a quarter of Americans had no sexual behavior in the past year.The proportion of asexual life in this survey is the highest in the history of the survey.

Nearly 30%of this population is men under 30 years old. This number has doubled since 2008.In the 1990s, about half of Americans had once or multiple behaviors once a week -now this proportion is less than 40%.For many people with sex, the frequency of sex has decreased sharply.Not only sex: partner relationship and cohabitation relationship are also decreasing.Time to get along with friends and lovers is reduced -these problems do not exist alone, but the symptoms of the same cultural illness. A kind of alienation is destroying the social life, love life and happiness of Americans.

Based on different estimates, the value is slightly different, but about one -third to two -thirds of Americans expressed their loneliness.Loneliness is existed in a feedback circuit: the rupture of cultural bonds, damage to physical health, and reduced social contact will exacerbate loneliness, and exacerbate these factors due to loneliness, so that loneliness will reduce the expected life.For researchers, loneliness is a phenomenon that is difficult to quantify, but there are signs that society is lost.According to a study from the US Life Investigation Center, since 1990, the number of Americans who claim to have no close friends have doubled.The U.S. Census Office found that the average time of Americans with friends in 2021 decreased by 58%compared with 2013.

The new crown has promoted the surge in loneliness and promotes reduced sexual behavior, but this is only a part of the reason.From 2014 to 2019, the time for people with friends to be with friends was greater than the period of popularity.During the period of popularity, many Americans have been alone and more and more. There are neither friends nor lovers.The most appalling is that the possibility of sexual sex for young Americans is lower than their father -even if they have sex, they have fewer partners.

As a sex and cultural author, in my work, I have talked with dozens of men. For them, lack of sexual life is the basic characteristic of their daily life.The lack of sexual life has created their interests, motivations and hope.Some people are the abbreviations of "non -voluntary celibate", and they believe in toxic, hate women's ideology -but most people are not.Some people think that pursuit is completely futile.They also started to think that going out, getting along with friends and meeting new friends were futile.This idea began to cycle -soon, not only was they afraid that they could not find sexual partners, but they were even afraid of Plato's social interaction.Sex is just a part of their overall isolation state, but in many cases, sex is the key to the entire problem.

It is easy for people to think of these people as aliens, or label their status, thinking that it is due to personal failure or even modern masculinity crisis.Although most of the research on sexual life is concentrated on young men, almost every American group is experiencing the lack of sexual life -the consequences are profound.If the lack of sexual life is affecting the culture and social participation of these young people, it may also affect the others.Lack of sexual life can easily lead to reduced social activities, reduced family, and increased population: sexual life can reduce pain, relieve stress, improve sleep, reduce blood pressure, and enhance heart health.

The authors like me have made men who have no sexual life a well -known issue, although women are in the same situation.The data of comprehensive social survey actually shows that their sexual behavior may be less than men.In 2021, about a quarter of women under the age of 35 stated that there was no sexual behavior in the past year.For men, this number is 19%.And women with sexual behavior are not very satisfied with their sexual behavior.Both men and women say that they regret and unhappy after random sex, but this situation is more common in women -some reason may be the cultural concept of sexual autonomy.Sex can gather people together, but this is only effective only when the sexual experience is good.

Women and men not only choose a sexual life together; they are also lonely.During the epidemic, young women are more likely to lose contact with their friends than men. A British study found that women claim to "often" or "always" the probability of feeling lonely than men.Research reports often pay attention to the asexual life of young men and the ideology of "non -voluntary single", but the sexual life is reduced, loneliness, and social isolation are not unique to men.In the United States in the 21st century, loneliness is everywhere, and high school students who "others have sex" have been far from reality.

There are no solutions once and for all.Lonely epidemic is caused by countless factors that have been accumulated over the past few decades.Social media is one of the culprits; the appropriate walking community is eroded in the 20th century is another factor.But loneliness has spread to an endless level: the social loneliness of us now -and asexual life -is the result of social and cultural transformation, and the continuity of this loneliness has further promoted the transformation.

Lonely epidemic may be a social problem, but it can at least be partially resolved in personal bedrooms.Those who have conditions to have more sex should do so.This is a rare opportunity to make people around the world. All you need to do is to enjoy one of the most basic fun of human beings.

Increasing sexual life is a personal guidance that private doctors will probably agree with, and also a political declaration.There are fewer and less connection between people in American society, and individuals seem to be more willing to be in a state of self -isolation.Increasing sexual life may be regarded as social unity.

Not everyone who wants more sexual life can easily pay for their wishes.Disability, belief opposition, nonsense, and any daily restrictions or responsibilities will deprive or block the sexual life of many people.Some people may not want more sexual life at all, and even completely refuse.But even if they are unwilling to pursue more sexual life, people should avoid indifference.Sex is indispensable for a society built on social relations, and now, our interpersonal relationships are collapsed with our sexual life.

Like some young men I have talked about in research, many people have given up their sexual desire, relying on pornographic or other network stimulus products, and map such a variety of relationships contained in the digital world.As a lonely comfort, digital sex is not much better than digital friendship -it is the source of jealousy, resentment and hatred, which will bring loneliness, not cure loneliness.It cannot be compared with real experience at all.

Therefore, all people with conditions should be as many as possible, as much as possible, as frequently as possible to enjoy sexual life.

Magdalene J. Taylor is a writer, writing articles about sex and culture.She is the author of "Many Such Cases" news.