For more than a year, the unity government in Malaysia has been in power for more than a year, and the exchange rate of MIT against the US dollar and the exchange rate of Xinyuan has been declining, and it once fell to RM4.80 against the US dollar;Low price.

Former Treasury Secretary Lin Guanying, also a member of the Congress, couldn't hold back and asked if the State Bank had set the bottom line. When the RMB fell to a certain price, he considers the entry to support the MIRC.He expressed his understanding that Malaysia's economic fundamentals are in good fundamentals, but they are also affected by foreign debt, including China's economic downturn, as well as US interest rates, and the hope of reducing interest rate cuts will fail, which will lead to the retreat of the RMB.

But the response of Abdullastan, president of the National Bank, was light and light.Abdullastan said that the performance of MIT is affected by external factors, including the adjustment of the Fed's interest rate, the Russian and Ukraine War, and the geopolitical heating from the Harbin conflict, the fluctuation of food price fluctuations, and so on.What about the solution?Do you want to support the RMB?Avoid it.

However, compared to the gentle and calm conversation of Abdullastan, the tone of the political commentator was more irritable and even lost calmness.They are not polite. Is the title of the MIT still saved?Or the MIR is going to hell!Ferry emotions shrouded the entire Malaysia country.The critics seem to be irritating to the current government's inaction on the issue of MILF.

Looking at the deepest layer, is the current government's biggest responsibility for the decline of MIT?

From Singapore 1 against RM3.20 to RM 3.57, how long have you gone?After a year!This is the year when the government is governed.How much affects people's livelihood and prices?How much affects people's survival?The people's inaction is reasonable.

The ride fell, the first to be the parents who sent their children to the United States or Singapore to study abroad. The tuition, living expenses, and accommodation fees paid each month were increased because of the exchange rate.However, some relatives in Singapore or working abroad to earn dollars will have little impact.

The real thing about cheap is the consumer group that enters John Fozuzo two or three times a week, that is, Singaporeans who have oil, eat and drink, buy medicines, milk powder, and grocery; there are also "Malaysia" who earns Singapore.As for passengers who choose to travel to the United States, Europe or Singapore, their pockets must have broken their holes, but they can afford to consume and have no complaints after all.

It is still the root cause of the ride.Both Lin Guanying and Abdullah mentioned the two major factors, that is, the Fed's interest rate is high, and he held up the interest rate cut.Another factor is that China's economic downturn will last for a while.

This is still tangible and can be seen.The invisible, of course, the disturbance of politics, led to the evacuation of foreign capital and the stagnation of reinvestment.In the early days of the unity government led by Anwar, the world had begun to declare that the foreign debt of Malaysia was almost approaching RM2 trillion.Then the six states elections and several supplementary elections all gave people a feeling. The green tide representing the conservative power of religious power came fiercely, which made people doubt whether they would replace the united government.Then there are often scolding battles in Congress and disagreement with their words, "I hope to change the government tomorrow"!Then there is "Action of London" and "Dubai Action", conspiring to overthrow the government's rumors.In this political atmosphere, the unity government is really as thin as ice.Excuse me, is the MILF be strong?Will foreign capital be confident?

Therefore, the tangible US interest rate, the downturn in China, coupled with intangible political disturbances, and fighting against the country, are indeed the accomplice of the MILF.What can the young people who are working hard and struggling on the life line?It's really weak!

The author is a local writer