The Indonesian presidential election has ended less than two weeks. The Economic Cooperation and Development Organization (OECD), known as the "Wells Fargo Club", launched the discussion procedure applied for the Indonesian meeting last week.Indonesia's application has historic significance for OECD because it helps it expand its influence and representativeness.Generally believes that Plabovo, who is about to be president, should continue to implement the major decision -making promoted by the Zoko government.OECD and Indonesia began this process, and even Indonesia meets various requirements and becomes members. It will have a profound impact on the development of Indonesia itself and the economic prospects and geopolitical prospects in Southeast Asia.

Indonesia has been an important partner of OECD since 2007. It officially applied for a meeting in July last year. I hope to use the high standards and mature specifications of OECD to help Indonesia's industrialization upgrade, avoid the middle income trap, and reach the founding of the country in the founding of the countryIn 2045 in 100 years, it became the goal of developed countries with a per capita income of 30,000 US dollars.In the short term, Indonesia hopes to increase exports and attract more high -quality foreign investment through this way.


OECD review session is strict. It must pass more than 20 technical committees, and there is no time limit for approval, depending on the time required for the consistency adjustment of Indonesian domestic regulations and OECD standards.In this process, Indonesia will inevitably face the impact of different interest groups and political parties in China.OECD adopts a unanimous consent system. A few major members such as Britain and the United States have expressed support for Indonesia, while Israel may be blocked due to religion and diplomatic reasons.Therefore, the resistance inside Indonesia and OECD may be the future variables.

If Indonesia can eventually join OECD, it will be a win -win situation for each other or even Asians.At the economy level, OECDs with 38 member states will have a great and international norms emerging market in Southeast Asia. Indonesia can integrate into the international economic and trade system faster, strengthen the confidence of international investors, improve the technology and operation of SME technology and operationsLevels to increase national income and expand the development space for SMEs.With the acceleration of the economic development of nearly 300 million people, the overall economy of the Asian safety is bound to be more active, and the effect of radiation and spillover.

For Singaporean companies, the huge Indonesian market and the young population are sharp. If it actively follows international norms, consolidate the business legal system, it will help gradually eliminate bureaucrats and business disadvantages such as corruption and improve efficiency.Local enterprises play.Regardless of the factory, recruitment or sales, there are great business opportunities.

The benefits of applying for the club for Indonesia are not only from after success, but also in the process of discussing and gradual adjustment of policies in the process of discussing and gradual adjustment of policies, which can be seen.It can improve the business and employment and life of the enterprise.

But more significant significance may be on the political level.Indonesia's acceptance and pursuit of OECD specifications and many aspects will help consolidate the five principles of the Five Principles of the Founding of the State, and can also avoid the expansion of extreme religious forces in the environment where economic development and the continuous improvement of people's livelihood.In the process of politics, Plabowa was supported by religious extreme groups. After he announced that he was elected, some analysts also paid attention to whether Indonesia would return to the old road of military politics.Policies such as society will enhance the international investment community's confidence in Indonesia and Asia's overall, which will be a great gospel.

Focusing on improving economic and people's livelihood and maintaining long -term stability, it can not only bring well -being to the development of Indonesia and Asians. The world's Muslim community can also see a historic demonstration role from Indonesia's achievements.

At present, the uncertainty of the conflict between international geopolitics and religious culture will not slow down in the short term. As a country with the most Muslims in the world, Indonesia starts from economic and commercial norms, actively connects with developed economies, eliminates extreme extremes to prevent extremes.The religious thinking or racial politics of theization of the regional countries that emphasize the respect of diversification and secularization.From the perspective of regional stability and prosperity, the move of Indonesia's application for the meeting has the dual significance of economic and politics. The two complement each other, and the political significance is particularly prominent and eye -catching.