Source: China News Agency

Author: Chen Haoxing

On February 25, 2024, Zong Qinghou, chairman of Wahaha Group, died of illness at the age of 79.

The story of Zong Qinghou has too many labels, "legend" and "richest man", "strong", "low -key", "humble" and "bold" ... In recent years, Zong Qinghou has won several times.The top riches.

Zong Qinghou's death is regrettable, but Wahaha Group will continue to move forward.Many well -known private enterprises in China have now reached the era of new and old alternation.With the old "creation generation", can the "Creation Second Generation" take over?

The performance of the successor is different

There are survey statistics, nearly 80 % of Chinese private enterprises are family companies.At the moment, the new generation of successors have been intensively on the stage.

This succession list is very long, such as Wahaha Zongli, New Hope Liu Chang, the third -generation Zheng Zhigang of New World, Junyin Chuangzhan Zhu Ou Rong, Tongwei Liu Shuqi, Hailan Group Zhou Lizhen, Shan Shan Group Zheng Kouwait.

Taking Wahaha as an example, the group's successor has been finalized.Zong Qinghou's daughter Zong Yili was born in 1982. After returning from studying abroad in 2004, she entered her father's Wahaha Group. Starting from the most basic production workshop, she gradually promoted to the Minister of the Brand Public Relations Department and Deputy General Manager of the Sales Company.Placement of succession.Her performance inside the group gave Zong Qinghou's "90 points" evaluation.

Zong Yili has made great changes to Wahaha, such as the brand breaking and creating an IP.In addition to taking over Wahaha, Zong Yili also owns her own company. The Hongsheng Beverage Group she built in one hand has developed from a production line to a comprehensive in the country with 20 production bases, more than 40 subsidiaries, and the layout of the entire industry chain.Beverage Group has repeatedly ranked among the "Top 500 Chinese Private Enterprises" and "Fortune 500 Chinese Private Enterprise Manufacturing".Zong Qinghou has expressed his affirmation of his daughter many times, praising Zong Xili to become a mature entrepreneur in recent years, "better than me".

Another new hope of a star company is also in the succession period.In 2023, the new hopes of changes in industrial and commercial investment in the investment group, and Liu Chang was newly added as the chairman and director.Liu Chang is the only daughter of Liu Yonghao, the founder of the new hope.In 2011, Liu Yonghao first introduced his daughter to the outside world for the first time.

Liu Chang, who was sent by Liu Yonghao to study in the United States in high school, lived a period of "particularly decadent and collapsed", and longed for "expressing different self."Shortly after returning to China, she entered the new Hope Dairy Holdings Co., Ltd. under her father's arrangement.

Liu Yonghao, chairman of the New Hope Group, talked about Liu Chang in an interview with China News Agency in 2020. He revealed his true feelings. "In fact, she has done it well.She is also a mother. She also brought a pair of twins.It is hoped that she can take care of work and life, have more usual facing challenges and opportunities, and can go more smoothly on the road of long -termism. "

Liu Yonghao scored Liu Chang's work performance during the interview, "at least 85 points."

Private enterprises have ushered in the new and older peak periods, and the training of successors is increasingly prominent.But the performance of some successors is not satisfactory.

In 2016, Zhou Chengjian, the founder of Metston Wei, gave the company's control to his daughter Hu Jiajia.Since Hu Jiajia took over for more than seven years, Meitsbonwei has only one annual net profit as a positive value, with a cumulative loss of nearly 3.2 billion yuan (S $ 600 million).On January 5, 2024, Hu Jiajia resigned as the chairman, president, and other positions.

How to take over the "creation of the second generation"?

According to the ecology of Chinese family enterprises for 40 years, the average life expectancy of family companies is 24 years, which is exactly the same as the average working life of the founder of the enterprise; 30%of the family companies can be passed on to the second generation, less than three of them, of which less than three are three.Two -fold enterprises can pass to the third generation, and about 13%of the latter can spread the third generation.

Li Zibin, the president of the China SME Association, previously pointed out in an interview with the media that most of the private enterprises in China are family -style enterprises. At a certain historical stage, it has its existence.However, we must consciously overcome the disadvantages of family -like enterprises, strive to establish a modern enterprise system, and introduce advanced management technology.

Some research shows that the new generation of Chinese family companies is more aggressive than those of the world.

The Global New Section Research China Report in PricewaterhouseCoopers in Pwa shows that looking forward to the next five years, compared with the new generation of family companies in the world, the proportion of the new generation of mainland Chinese family enterprises is 69%for the role of corporate leadership, far away, far away, far away51%of the survey results above the world.

72%of the new generation of Chinese family companies believes that achieving business growth should be the primary task of their company in the next two years, followed by new technologies.At the same time, 35%of the new generation of Chinese family companies believe that they can create value in the field of "realizing business growth", which is higher than 31%global.

In the long history, succession inheritance is always a difficult task, and challenges are constantly.The challenges and opportunities faced by the "two generations", as the ancients said: hitting the country and mountains, it is difficult to keep the country.