Nationalism mainly obtains motivation by mobilizing the two most basic emotions of human beings. One is love and the other is hate.More specifically, it is the love of your country and the hatred for hostile countries.Theoretically, these two emotions can be distinguished, such as calling the love of the country as patriotism, and the hate of the enemy country as nationalism.But in reality, two emotions are often mixed together.For example, many people think that patriotism naturally contains hatred for enemy kingdoms, otherwise it is not true patriotism.Others, under the banner of patriotism, rationally propagate their hate of other countries.Perhaps this emotion and behavior of fusion of love and hate can be called patriotic-nationalism.

In the past eight years, Taiwan and the mainland are hostile. This patriotic -nationalism has begun to ferment on both sides of the strait.As Lai Qingde is about to serve as the next president of Taiwan, the patriotic -nationalism on both sides of the strait is facing the possibility of radical evolution.In Taiwan, radical Taiwan independence may appear again; in the mainland, the public opinion may rise again.The slogan of radical Taiwan independence is to love Taiwan, but the expression method is mainly the hate of all groups that do not love Taiwan in their eyes, especially the hate of the mainland; the reason for Wu Tong is also patriotic, but it advocates using force to express this kind of love.In other words, use force to express the hatred of Taiwan independence.

Global media are concerned about the Taiwan Strait, for fear that Taiwan's radical Taiwan independence and the confrontation between the public opinion of the mainland martial arts have entered a vicious circle, so that the cross -strait knives and soldiers meet each other, affect the global economy, affect the geographical strategic layout of some countries, and affect the countries of various countries.Various interests of the mainland.If the two sides of the strait are concerned, whether it is radical Taiwan independence or martial arts, even if it has not yet developed the level of military conflict, it will have a huge negative impact on each.Audit Taiwan independence will tear Taiwan, and the public opinion of Wu Tong will also put the mainland government in a dilemma.

When Chen Shui -bian was engaged in radical Taiwan independence in the second term, the author happened to investigate in Taiwan and experience how radio Taiwan independence tears Taiwanese society.When the tragedy and resistance of Taiwan society were launched by various radical Taiwan independence policies, love Taiwan has become a hate enemy and hates all people who do not love Taiwan in their eyes.Because Abian and the DPP think they are the only one who loves Taiwan, all those who do not support A -Bian and the DPP do not love Taiwan; because A -bian and the DPP monopoly love Taiwan, so othersEverything that loves Taiwan is not really love Taiwan.These people who do not love Taiwan, in addition to the opposite mainland, the first in the Taiwan is the provinces with "original sin", and the "eleventh pirates" who often have objections to Abian inside the DPP have also been attributed to the deep green as the "Love Taiwan.

At that time, the conflict within Taiwan at that time was not only in the Legislative Yuan, but also spreading between different ethnic groups of the people. During the election, the mainland became the target of public criticism.At that time, I saw in Taipei from the TV news that a lady loudly called an old glory on the road "Roll back to the mainland!" The angry uncle of Rongmin raised his umbrella in his hand and hit her.One of my doctoral friends is the second generation of the province in other provinces, because in Taipei, I can't stand the increasingly public and strong discrimination of people from other provinces, hiding in Southeast Asia for a year to investigate.Another artist who talked about cross talk told me that because he spoke as a Beijing cavity, sometimes he called the other party's discrimination.

And myself, one evening at the momentum conference of a DPP candidate in Taipei, was terrified for the first time after coming to Taiwan.Before I went, I didn't eat dinner. I wanted to buy a "large intestine bag" on the snack stall around the conference, and then watch it while eating.At that time, the people on the podium of the conference had been criticizing the mainland in Taiwanese. The audience in the audience was angry, and they also shouted in Taiwanese slogans to respond. This made me who can only speak Mandarin in the north.Knowledge is a mainlander, and he might be added by the people around him.As a result, I was shocked. I didn't dare to buy things on the surrounding snack stalls. I ran far away. After I couldn't hear the hustle and bustle of the conference, I couldn't help thinking: Maybe this is the Cultural Revolution in Taiwan?The radical Taiwan independence torn Taiwanese society, and Chen Shui -bian and the DPP, who engaged in radical Taiwan independence, also tasted the evil results of playing fire.The DPP was defeated in the 2008 election, and Abian also entered the prison.

If radical Taiwan independence is patriotic -nationalism's performance in Taiwan, Wu Tong public opinion can be said to be his performance on the mainland.The mainland government still adheres to the first choice with the uniform, and Wu Tong is the last choice under certain conditions.However, the people's martial arts of the mainland are much more aggressive: they think that the hope of Huan Tong has lost, and delaying martial arts will only make Taiwan farther away from the mainland and make the cost of martial arts higher and higher.EssenceThis point of view has conflicted with the mainland government's position, expressing dissatisfaction with the government's policy on Taiwan.Sure enough, in 2019, the author conducted a random investigation of mobile phones in nine cities in the mainland that residents' dissatisfaction rate for the central government's policy on Taiwan should be much higher than the dissatisfaction rate for the overall work of the government.Taiwan's policy is even more dissatisfied.How to deal with this kind of martial arts?If you develop it, more and more people will be dissatisfied with the government's policy on Taiwan.For their development, they will be more dissatisfied with the government on the grounds of patriotism.

Therefore, maybe both sides of the strait need to think about the same problem: how to avoid inciting hate on the other side when cultivating people's love for local love?The consequences of love are positive for who, and hate is to put the double -edged sword, which seems to hit the enemy, but it also hurts himself.

The author is a senior researcher at the East Asia Research Institute of the National University of Singapore