When policy makes Anju Leye possible, it is possible to have a better life with the next generation, restraint will become the value of the people's inner recognition, and the possibility of inciting and rendering success is not much.

The Emperor Xuantong of the Qing Dynasty announced on February 12, 1912. After half a year from the Wuchang Uprising, the Interim Government of the Republic of China in Nanjing had selected Sun Yat -sen in December of the previous year in December of the previous year as the provincial representatives.The President of the Grand President and set the New Year's Day of the year as the first year of the Republic of China.

Empress Longyu, who was helpless with his six -year -old Pu Yi, was helpless to accept his fate. The most concerned about the overwriting of the dynasty should be the treatment of the royal family.After the Wuchang Incident, the revolutionary party and the Han massacre in many places in the country broke out, but there were no strong enemies in the Forbidden City to break the city, and it also maintained the gift of monarchs.The royal family is most concerned about discussing the road with Yuan Shikai, the Minister of the Cabinet Prime Minister who has the power of military power.

For the Qing Dynasty, this is a peaceful evolution that has to be accepted, but the court of more than 200 years is still there. The Confucianism is still there.

"The people’ s psychology is more inclined and the republic of the country "," people's hearts, and destiny can be known.This part is most noteworthy: "The world's world is focusing on protecting the people's lives ... If the hearts of the people who are against the majority of the people and restart the end of the infinite war, they will break the overall situation and kill each other.Poisoning, how can the disaster be able to reconnect. "" It can be seen that the racial retaliation of the nation's massacre in the Forbidden City has already been wild.The ministers such as Yuan Shikai and the Qing Dynasty were likely to be in the bloody spread, and then "this" the funeral of the dynasty.

The Xun Qing Four Promise appointed Yuan Shikai's full authority to organize the temporary republican government, and it was clear that the Five ethnic groups were "complete territory" into a large Republic of China, and they were in the form of the Nanjing government.The Yuan Shikai government has formulated a number of clauses for the royal family and royal family and the Manchuria.If the Nanjing government and local forces at that time could accept this arrangement, many modern China would go to a real republican constitutional system early in modern times.The most important thing is that it can be avoided by hundreds of millions of creatures in the civil war and chaos.

The testimony of the masters of the masters and the trustees and some revolutionaries at that time, and the total number of victims was unimaginable.The subsequent Han government was unwilling to treat the national event of ink.Its roots can be traced back to the earlier Taiping Heavenly Kingdom with the goal of hatement, and wherever they go, they will be slaughtered into the blood sea until the Revolutionary Party (including Sun Yat -sen) rises to rendering racial hatred for the purpose of achieving the purpose, including newspapers, books, books, books, books, books, books, books, books, books, books, booksWhen the people are constantly repeating the people entering the customs, the sin of Yangzhou on the 10th and Jiading Sancu, etc., arouse the anger of the Han people.

The successful reason for the success of the Wuchang Uprising is that the Shanghai stock market caused a big stock disaster with the plunge of international rubber prices, causing a national financial turmoil.The imperial court was lacking money. The post -lecture minister Sheng Xuanhuai suddenly announced that the national railway trunk line was collected by state -owned state -owned.The Alliance and underground organizations took the opportunity to move. The Qing court urgently transferred Hubei New Army to Sichuan for targeting. Wuchang's defense was empty and finally giving history in history.

The Manchu rule has long adopted racial discrimination policies. Although it was encouraged to marry in the later period, it was no longer impossible to calm down and resent; in the dusk of the empire, the Manchu ministers were mediocre and could not conform to the great changes in the times.This is extremely profound lesson for modern countries with many ethnicities and culture.Even if the appearance difference is very small, the language culture has long been assimilated, but the discrimination policy under the human heart is extremely difficult to eliminate. Any institutional can become the last straw that crushes the camel, not to mention a modern country with huge racial differences.

In a country where modern Asian governance is relatively successful, Singapore should not have to be modest.Foreigners often look at Singapore through non -ferrous glasses, or they seem to look at the dictatorship of autocracy, or they seem to be envious of wealth and safety.

There are many ways to succeed in Singapore, but the most valuable thing is that the mutual tolerance, consideration and restraint between the people, especially in ethnic, cultural and religious differences.These traits are by no means human nature. Its formation foundation depends on the relatively fairness of the legal system and various policies, and it is also based on a considerable degree of living.

Anju Leyou first eliminates the gap between the rich and the poor, and especially avoids the deviation of wealth distribution by discrimination policies; while solving the basic but important topics such as housing, employment, education, and old illness, it is more recognized by most people.These basic political skills are not intertwined with the economy, and they are also the basis for the slogan of "stupid, problem in the economy" when Clinton runs for the US president.The rough and fair system is that the results of the officials can not fight with the people, and the results of the people's efforts will not be deprived of unreasonablely. The differences between the ethnic groups are not easy to form a ripple effect, and then they are dissatisfied or even hatred.If the same text and the same type can cause the revolution, it proves that the reasonable treatment of ethnic groups is the foundation of the stable survival of the country.

When policy makes Anju Leye possible, it is possible to have a better life with the next generation. Rehabilitation will become the value of the people's inner recognition, and the possibility of incitement and rendering is not much likely.In other words, the legal and material foundation can internalize good value, which is a firewall for the violent revolution.

It is difficult to stabilize countries that do not pay attention to economic development, lack good economic results, and many policies and values ​​cannot be implemented.From the economic achievements to the establishment of social value, the premise is that the opposition and the field must have a consensus on modern democratic politics -any intention to go dictatorship or corruption, even if the economic and social conditions are good, they will brew all kinds of turmoil.

Political figures must also have a tacit understanding of the tolerance, understanding and restraint that they need to practice democracy, and Singapore's story today can be established.It is the foundation for creating other good values ​​in the multi -ethnic community, the underlying logic of eliminating hatred thinking, and a password for a small country to maintain success.There is no necessity, but no success will be unsuccessful.