The budget is a transcript and future homework that the government handed over to the people every year.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Huang Xuncai on the seventh day of the first month of the first month, published 2024 fiscal budget statement that the people are still digesting the information revealed by the entire budget.

Some people think that it seems that it is not like a budget of the election year, but there seems to be no clear saying what the year of the election budget is like.

Some people also think that this is a budget for the way for the election. Several big conclusions of the budget: 1.9 billion yuan to strengthen the "concentration and assistance support", improve the people's ability to resist inflation, and continue to issue neighborhood shopping vouchers; 82; 82;"Common supporting facilities" of 100 million yuan is to strengthen the social security network and send savings red and health savings to the elderly and retirees who continue to work; increase the employment income subsidy and the local salary threshold, and pull one to pay for the employees of the salary employees.The "corporate assistance support" of 1.3 billion yuan, 50%of the company's tax rebate, shows that the government does not forget to business outside of the government.The additional 4,000 yuan "Skills Innovation Future Training Subsidy" is to wait for the 40 -year -old to continue to study new skills and find new interests to receive rewards.

Confucius said: "Thirty stands, forty instead of confusion", "forty but not confused" can be understood as a person who has seen the world at the age of 40, and the mood is relatively stable.EssenceBut it can also be understood that people from 40 may lose their interest in everything and have no motivation to continue learning.

President Shangdaman posted on Facebook on February 17 that people need a second wave of learning waves in middle age, but re -study is not for the results or burdens. Instead, they should learn some solid knowledge., Continue to develop in your career or turn to new areas.He believes that measures to encourage training can help everyone move forward, and at the same time are one of the ways to prevent unequal exacerbation.Only professional people and those who have been educated more educated in their youth have learned more, so they go further.He said: "We must reverse this trend in Singapore."

Looking optimisticly, modern Singaporeans have strong curiosity, and new generations of new generations of credit technology are available every day.It is more affordable for people with high education level. For low -paying employees, the government must also plan to promote their training to enhance their jobs or assist those with aspirations.

The total subsidies, allowances and rewards of Lin Lin are continuously strengthened and improved on the basis of the original supporting facilities.There are new and new. The original plan is because the original plan has played a role, and it means that the government has constantly new ideas; it is easy to give the people's benefits.A major feature of the practice is that it is not allowed to be regarded as a matter of granted all kinds of subsidies and rewards. Whether it is one -time or packaged in the supporting facilities of various famous halls, they are flexible. Therefore, the government avoids various people's benefits.Become the burden of the future government.The "variableness" in the meantime depends on the economic development of Singapore, provided that the current government must be capable of continuously accumulating reserves; the reserves continue to grow, so that the government can design various supporting facilities and reasonably bring the whole people to continuously improve their lives. ThereforeImproving people's longing for a better life.The higher the expectations of the people, the higher the government's leadership.

Therefore, the Singaporeans have new expectations for the budget every year. There are always many lists and wishes before. To to to what extent the government can meet the expectations of all levels, the government determines the reputation of the budget.

At the group meeting of Prime Minister Li Xianlong at the group of Hongmao Bridge collection districts, the view of the budget summarized the spirit of the budget: Singapore has passed the difficulty of the crown disease, but it must still be a challenge for the next challenge.Prepare adequate preparation.

"The budget provides a lifelong guarantee for workers, continues to maintain an equal society and promotes social liquidity, provides more support for families and elderly people, ensures the sustainability of fiscal expenditure, and builds a stronger and united"He said" I hope these comprehensive and pragmatic and effective policies and measures can promote the economic growth of Singapore and make everyone a more stable life. "

Smart and prudent fiscal budgets must be available, not only solving the problems in front of you must also be long -term.The annual budget must be continuous, not alone.The budget is a transcript and future homework that the government handed over to the people each year.

The next election is approaching. There are many candy snacks and staple foods in the new fiscal year budget, and individuals and enterprises at different levels can take their own needs.Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to see the "election budget".

The so -called "soldiers and horses have not moved, grain and grass first", and all kinds of subsidies, rewards and redness can be regarded as preparations before the ruling party march.This is the advantage of the ruling party, but it is not taken for granted.If the ruling party performs mediocre, Xiao Ji Cao Sui will only eat the old books, how can he change the trick, and you can't get the grain and ammunition of the election campaign.

The government has proposed both a plan for the people and long -term pragmatic and feasible plans, which have both a large direction and a detailed route.From the perspective, the budget that is released every year can be regarded as the annual budget of the election.