Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency

Author: Shi Xinyue

Taiwan's roughly drive away from the mainland fishing vessels to cause two fishermen to kill the incident in the past week. The relevant Taiwan official departments have repeatedly stated the incident and deliberately concealed the truth, causing strong public opinion.

On the afternoon of the 14th, a fishing boat in Fujian was roughly chased by the Taiwan sea cruiser in the Golden Gate waters, causing all the four people on the ship to fall into the sea, and two of them were killed.

The Taiwan Strait patrol department claims that the "law enforcement" process is not improper for the first time. It is that the mainland fishing vessels will be turned over when the "snake line refuses to inspect the inspection".The Taiwan MAC even demanded that the mainland authorities restrict the people's "cross -border" fishing behavior.

In the past few days, the incident has detonated public opinion, and people on both sides of the strait are urgent to understand the truth of the incident. The families of the victims need to explain.The video of the Taiwan Strait Patrol Patrol from duty can originally help restore the truth, but the sea patrol department was unwilling to publish relevant evidence on the grounds that "the investigation was not disclosed".

On the 20th, the mainland sent someone to accompany his family members to the Golden Gate, and directly asked to check the complete video of the incident. He hoped that the Taiwanese side would announce the truth and severely punish the responsible person.The incident has intensified.

Seeing the pressure of public opinion, on the evening of the 20th, the Taiwan prosecutors confirmed that the ships of the two sides had "collided", and the sea patrol players were anxious to save people and "forgot the video" to make the outside world uproar.

The Taiwan Strait Patrol Department has also disclosed further, claiming that under the circumstances of high -speed chase, the hull of both sides had "multiple contacts".Sea patrol players failed to recording evidence to obtain evidence in real time under the condition that they were highly focused on maintaining balance and preparing for the inspection.In other words, the mainland fishing vessels are overwhelmed because of the chase, causing casualties, not the so -called "refusal to escape".

In addition, the two living fishermen returned to the mainland on the 21st and were interviewed by the media. The description of the incident on the day also mentioned that shortly after they went to the sea, the ship of the Taiwan Strait patrol department rushed them and knocked the fishing boats, causing the fishing boat, causing the fishing boat, causing the fishing boat to cause it, resulting in the fishing boat, which caused the fishing boat to cause the fishing boat, resulting in the fishing vessels, which led to the lead, resulting in the fishing vessels, which led to the cause4 people fell into the sea.Further sitting on the actual Taiwan side deliberately concealed the facts of the facts.

The Taiwan Strait patrol department said that there was no video of the video one week after the incident, and it was also suspicious.According to the Blue Camp, according to relevant regulations, when the shipping staff should take pictures, recording, recording, or other methods at any time to preserve related evidence.The regulations are clear and clear, why did the sea patrol staff not follow?If such a major critical event really does not have a video, it highlights that the fishing vessel incident is deserted and doubtful.

Taiwan media comments pointed out that after the incident of the Taiwan Strait patrol department, it repeatedly declared "administration according to law". After questioning from the outside world, it was learned that there was no video evidence, and the fishing boat was overwhelmed due to the collision.From the perspective of this incident, the Taiwanese side has not told the truth for many days, repeatedly concealed the truth, and loses the situation before and cover it, resulting in increasingly expanding.I am afraid it is difficult to recover any more words in the future, and it will make the incident more difficult to end.

In response to Taiwan ’s side, he has repeatedly pushed responsibilities for various reasons and covered the truth about the truth. Zhu Fenglian, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the China State Council, emphasized on the 21st that his life was in the sky and announced the truth.Strictly demanded that the relevant parties in Taiwan announce the facts as soon as possible, severely punish relevant responsible persons, and explain to the families of the victims and compatriots on both sides of the strait.