According to the transportation data of 2023 released by the traffic police station on February 20, last year's fatal car accidents and deaths were 131 and 136, respectively, the highest in seven years;There are 44%and 13%more than the previous year. The guidance includes red lights, speeding and drunk driving.This phenomenon is worrying and worthy of attention.Local society is well -known worldwide with good public security, but the increase in the number of people who died on the road on the road shows that there is still a shortcoming of social security and must be improved.How to improve traffic safety depends on all members of society.

The increase in elderly people who died due to a car accident reflect the reality of the local society's ruthless reality.Singapore is about to enter a super -aging society, and one in the population is more than 65 years old.The elderly's physical strength degraded, and the response was slow when facing emergencies. Similarly, because physical strength was not as good as before, they tended to copy shortcuts. When crossing the road, they were unwilling to take a few more steps to use traffic lights or zebra crossings.Therefore, the official construction of the Sliver Zone (Sliver Zone), improving road design and slowing the speed of the vehicle. Similar methods need to be promoted to more communities.The driver must also understand that pedestrians have more and more elderly people on the road, so they have to be careful when driving.

The number of fatal car accidents has risen. Perhaps it is related to the post -epidemic era, people return to normal life, and there are more going out and social activities.In addition, changes in living habits may not have enough attention on traffic safety.For example, many pedestrians are still using mobile phones when crossing the road, and lack a sense of security for the changes in surrounding road conditions.Furthermore, the demand for express services during the epidemic sealing period has increased. So far, there are still common courier and food delivery staff on the road.Some of them do not fully abide by traffic rules in order to complete the tasks as soon as possible.These factors can lead to more car accidents.

Another phenomenon that must be paid attention to is that the rapid development of socio -economic development has increased the psychological pressure of urban life.The rhythm of urban people's life is fast and generally lacks patience. Whether it is a driver or pedestrian, it seems to be in a hurry.This may explain why the fatal car accident caused by speeding and red lights rose.But these behaviors that endanger the safety of others must be not allowed by the law.Chen Yingxing, director of the Traffic Police, warned that officials would treat highway users who disregarded traffic rules, but they also called on everyone to be patient while traveling.

Singapore has become increasingly becoming a city where foreigners like to travel or even settled, coupled with the population policy tolerance for new immigrants. As a result, there are more non -local people on the highway, whether they are drivers or pedestrians.Although most of them are in charge of the law, because they may not be familiar with local traffic tacit understanding, they are more likely to occur.The popularity of drinking culture may also be related to this, which increases the probability of drunk driving and the probability of car accidents.Therefore, it is necessary for foreigners to raise more awareness of traffic safety and understand the local highway culture as soon as possible.

Paradoxie is that the rapid progress of automotive technology is also one of the causes of rising car accidents.Although the safety design and coefficients of the car are getting higher and higher, the safety of the driver is better guaranteed, the speed and kinetic energy of the new generation of cars are stronger.It is easy to cause great disaster, especially the elderly.The latest research found that electric vehicles are heavier due to batteries.This is more fatal to pedestrians when traffic accidents, and it is worthy of official attention.

Officials intend to strengthen law enforcement and punishment for violating drivers, including setting up more speed measuring machines to observe speed and break through red lights.Of course, this is necessary. After all, there are always a few people who only eat penalties, but the way to cure is still to strengthen highway safety measures and consciousness.This requires long -term planning and preparation, as well as continuous education and publicity.Traffic safety is related to the interests of almost all residents in cities like Singapore.Therefore, this must be increased to the height of the national level so that everyone can travel with peace of mind every day.