It is generally believed that the elderly are more likely to be deceived, but the data of the Singapore police forces show that 67.7 % of the victims of the fraud case last year are younger generations aged 20 to 49. Victims 65 and over account for only about 7 %.Essence

Police on Sunday (February 18) announced fraud and cyber crime data to summarize the scam victims of all ages.The official adjustment of the age group this year, joined the "Young Seniors" mentioned at the National Day Mass Conference last year (50 to 64 years old).Police spokesman said it was to better convey anti -fraud information according to the characteristics of all ages.

Spend more time to surf the Internet or increase the risk of deception

Although the police did not disclose how many victims were in the last year, 24.6 % of young people aged 20 to 29, of which nearly one -third of them fell into a job fraud case.Adults aged 30 to 49 accounted for 43.1 %, and nearly a quarter fell into an e -commerce fraud.The number of these two ages accounted for 67.7 %.

Police spokesman said that scammers are not targeting these two ages, but they often spend more time on the Internet. Whether it is shopping, remittance or chatting with relatives and friends, it has increased the risk of deception.

A 50 -year -old victims of the age of 50 to 64 accounted for 19.9 %, of which 28 % fell into fake friends to call fraud, followed by e -commerce and fishing fraud cases; 65 -year -old victims accounted for 7.1 %, theyThe easiest to fall into fake friends calls, invests, and fishing fraud.

The 19 -year -old and below accounted for only 5.3 %, of which one -third of them fell into e -commerce fraud, followed by job hunting and fishing fraud.

Compared with the data of the past two years, the rate of ratio and older people increased from 20.6 % in 2022 to 27 %, which is worthy of attention.The proportion of other ages has declined separately.

Chen Yuxing, deputy director of the Anti -Fraud Public Education Bureau of Police Force Action Bureau, said that illegal people are good at using human weaknesses, and they are cheating if they need and desire.The public should not hold a fluke mentality and relax, because the data shows that anyone may fall into a trap.