This year's fiscal budget is considered by many parties to be dew, and everyone has award. In fact, it is indeed very tolerant. It takes care of many levels of demand, from low -paying workers, seniors to enterprises and families.As Premier Li Xianlong commented, the overall goal is to lay a more solid foundation for the next stage of Singapore's development, so that Chinese people can live a better life.As in the past few years, the government has also passed the fiscal budget to overcome difficulties such as inflation in front of the people.

In addition to the support and assistance supporting facilities such as shopping vouchers such as Social Affairs, it has continued to attract the attention and welcome of the people. The budget is related to the competitiveness of Singapore. It is also particularly worthy of the Chinese people.

Singapore's GDP last year (GDP) increased by only 1.1%. From the perspective of economic development, if it continues to grow low or even does not even increase, it will bring a lot of trouble to the country, including increased unemployment rate and risk of recession.EssenceThe disrupted international supply chain caused by the competition between China and the United States is further intensifying the reorganization of the supply of enterprises and international materials, especially in key industries.More and more economies have discovered that they must ensure that important materials and talents are unobstructed.Both China and the United States have rich resources, but small and medium -sized economies must try to make their supply chain more tough and avoid being hit hard when even more unknown accidents occur.Therefore, countries are attracting multinational enterprises and talents with various preferential policies, especially industries in strategic and critical areas.

Focusing on the future, it may soon lead to the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and advanced semiconductors that dominate the world economy, which is one of the focus of investment in this budget.Can be refunded investment tax credits (referred to as RIC) is a new corporate tax subsidy plan. It is intended to encourage enterprises to invest in large -scale investment or expand innovation, production and research and development in key areas, including the green economy.Industry depth.For industries that have already performed well, such as semiconductors and financial industries, the budget has also increased efforts to continue to improve its advantages.

In order to help local enterprises participate in the international supply chain, the budget proposes a customized plan, including enhanced the company's capabilities cooperation plan, corporate financing plans to provide green loans, and enhanced version of energy -saving allowance plans.With the assistance of large -scale enterprises, local enterprises can improve innovation and internationalization capabilities.In terms of talent, the budget has strongly invested in the employment capabilities of Chinese people.Rice bowl.This is a measure to fundamentally improve the local talent resources and improve the overall human quality from a large scale. The subtext, as the Minister of Defense Huang Yonghong, recently attended a meeting in Germany: "This is the worst period, but I'm not sure if it is whetherThere will be the best time. "

With the rapid evolution of international political wrestling and technology, the future world economy and employment market will become more unpredictable. Although the government's financial assistance can play a short -term thirst, it should not be regarded as the "long -term long -term long -termFan Ticket ".Workplace employees must examine their own abilities, actively make progress, and learn more in line with the skills that the market needs.It is urgent to cultivate the spirit of the younger generation of entrepreneurs.

Economic strength is the foundation of national competitiveness. In the international competitive environment, changes in tax systems such as the second generation to prevent taxation and profit transfer (referred to as BEPS 2.0) will affect the choice of investment locations of multinational companies, but it is Singapore, but it is Singapore.It must be actively adapt.Therefore, while continuing to solicit foreign investment, Singapore must be more consciously ensured that more local companies have international competitiveness and go abroad, especially for new enterprises.In fact, the Zincode, which is the Zincode, the deputy prime minister and the Minister of Finance Huang Xuncai in the fiscal budget statement, is a successful example of competitive strength of local companies.

But with the close population scale, Singapore's enterprise innovation and competitive strength is still not as good as countries such as Nordic and Israel. Although policies can help promote improvement, the grand vision and pioneering spirit of entrepreneurs are the soul of the development of enterprises.In this regard, more entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs with entrepreneurial spirit will help local companies extend overseas and expand the scale and talent pool.The growth of enterprise groups with international competitiveness can consolidate the foundation of Singapore's economy and benefit the people. It can also produce the effects of hens with chickens and ecological chains for local SMEs, and cultivate their national strength.This goal requires the joint efforts of the government and entrepreneurs to move towards the correct policy direction.