After the Hong Kong property market is "withdrawn", the volume of house transactions continues to rise in April, and it has risen by 88.9%monthly. It is expected that the overall property trading volume can be directly for the overall property.New high record.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and Zhitong Finance reports, the Midland Property Research Center's comprehensive Hong Kong Land Registry information shows that as of Monday (April 29), Hong Kong's first -hand private buildings and second -hand residential registered volumes have been recorded in total.8616, which was significantly higher than 105.8%higher than March 4186.

The overall property, including first -hand private buildings, second -hand housing, first -hand public housing, industrial shops, pure parking spaces and other. The total registration volume is recorded 9,470, which is about 88.9%higher than March 5013.It is estimated that the overall property ancestors in April finally reached a new high of 33 months (nearly 3 years) after July 2021.

Yang Mingyi, a senior co -director of the Central Plains Research Department, believes that after the property market was fully withdrawn, developers accelerated the sales of new disks, and the price was restrained, attracting buyers and investors to enter the market and stimulated sales.

On February 28 this year, Chen Maobo, director of the Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, published a fiscal budget of the 2024 to 2025 Financial Annual Special Administrative Region Government.The budget pointed out that all residential property demand management measures will be revoked from now on, commonly known as "spicy tricks", that is, all residential property transactions do not need to pay additional stamp duties, buyers' printing duty and new residential stamp duty.