(Hong Kong Comprehensive News) Xia Baolong, director of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the director of the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office of the State Council, ended on Wednesday (February 28).Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao quoted Xia Baolong as saying that the central government supported the Hong Kong Government to protect the freedom of remarks, rally, and demonstrations enjoyed by the Hong Kong government in accordance with relevant regulations.

Comprehensive Ming Pao and Radio Hong Kong reported that Xia Baolong returned to the mainland on Wednesday. Li Jiachao later met the media that Xia Baolong met with all sectors of society in the past week and participated in many exchanges, and the theme revolved around economic development and regional governance.

The one-month Article 23 Legislative Consultation on Wednesday (28) ends (28)..At the current special timing, most of the Hong Kong media believe that Xia Baolong is for thisArticle 23 Legision .

Li Jiachao said that in terms of economic development, Xia Baolong proposed three points. One is to affirm the work of the SAR Government, and the other is to strengthen the development of confidence. Especially during a discussion with the local and foreign chambers of commerce, Xia Baolong used facts and data to prove Hong Kong's strong core core of Hong Kong.Competitiveness points out that Hong Kong's development prospects can not sing and decline.

Former Chairman of the US Investment Bank Morgan Stanley Asia Roach previousIn the middle of the month, I wrote in the Financial Times and said that Hong Kong has finished playing.

In addition, Xia Baolong also stated that Beijing will, as always, will fully support Hong Kong to develop the economy and improve people's livelihood, fully support Hong Kong to consolidate and enhance the status of international financial centers, and its support for Hong Kong is real and continuous, and more Hong Kong policy will come one after another.

Li Jiachao also said that Xia Baolong also emphasized that the central government has firmly supported the SAR government to protect the well -being of Hong Kong residents in accordance with the law, the property and investment, prosperity and stability of Hong Kong, and the inherent regulations including speech, news, publishing, associations, rally, parades, demonstrations, and demonstrations.Waiting for rights and freedom.

Xia Baolong and his party arrived in Hong Kong on Thursday (22nd). This was the second time he visited Hong Kong within one year after going to Hong Kong for six days in April last year.