The Hong Kong minimum wage committee has submitted the report on the minimum wage review, and the Hong Kong government will soon announce the review and decision.It is reported that the minimum wage review will be changed to "one year a year."

Comprehensive Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily and Hong Kong Radio website reported that Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao attended the Executive Council on Tuesday (April 30) that decided to get a balance, not only to ensure the reasonable salary of workers, and ensure that it will not allow itLow -wages of posts must also allow the economy to develop and provide employment.

Li Jiachao said that he hopes that the decision to decide is clear and easy, so that the society is predictable and certain for the minimum wage.

The minimum wage setting method of Hong Kong has made new progress in Hong Kong. It is reported that it will be changed to "one year of one year" and introduce the "additional" equation.In the amplitude, if the negative number is calculated, the existing level will be maintained.

The minimum wage was changed to "one -year inspection", and the chairman of the Labor Federation Lin Zhensheng welcomed it, but he believed that the plan was still conservative. Unless the GDP increased abnormally in a certain yearLimited.

The Hong Kong business community has a mild attitude towards the minimum wage review. Shi Ronghuai, the employer of the Labor Care Club, pointed out that many of the current labor laws involving compensation for employees are adjusted according to the rise and "only increase".There are only less than 18,000 workers who receive the minimum wages, and the actual impact is not great. The new plan is acceptable.Huang Jiahe, president of the Catering Union Association, also believes that the basic hourly salary of employees in the food industry is higher than the minimum wage. The new system has a very low impact on the industry. In addition, there is an objective calculation method to save time.