The Hong Kong Exchange released the first quarter of the 2024 financial report on Wednesday (April 24). At the same time, it also disclosed the information of the company's chairmanship to the market and announced that he appointed Tang Jiacheng to take over Shi Meilun as the chairman.

More than a month ago, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange welcomed the first female administrative chief executive, Chen Yiting, and replaced the Champions League who had left in advance.As the Tang Jiacheng served as the chairman of the Hong Kong Exchange, it meant that the two heavy executives have changed the situation within two months of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

As the current market is concerned about the continued decline in Hong Kong's international financial center, this personnel change is undoubtedly of great significance.

The Tang family is 69 years old and has been rolling in the accounting industry for a long time. For example, it is 32 years in KPMV, one of the four major banks, and in 2011 as the chairman of the KPMA Pacific region.In contrast, there are countless public office.In terms of the financial industry, the Tang Jiacheng served as the chairman of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Listed Committee from 2006 to 2008, and served as the chairman of the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission from 2012 to 2018.During the presidency of the CSRC, he participated in the interconnection arrangements such as the supervision of the Shanghai -Shenzhen -Hong Kong Stock Connect and the mutual recognition of the fund.

After Tang Jiacheng's post to leave the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission, in recent years, he has become the "special envoy" of the Hong Kong government in recent years. When the Hong Kong government participated in Cathay Pacific financing in 2020, he was officially appointed as an observer of Cathay Pacific board.The Hong Kong Government established Hong Kong Investment Management Co., Ltd. last year. Tang Jiacheng was also appointed as an unofficial member of the board of directors.

In general, the Tang family has always actively participated in the capital market work, and has rich experience in corporate governance and regulatory compliance.


The Hong Kong Stock Exchange is one of the world's main exchange groups. The business scope includes stocks, commodities, derivative products, interest rate and currency products, and are regarded as the performance of Hong Kong stocks.Since 2021, the Hong Kong stock market has been sluggish, and the HSI has fallen for four years. The number and financing scale of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange for the first time have also declined significantly, resulting in a two -year consecutive years of performance in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.Recently, Hong Kong stocks have performed well, and Hong Kong has been described as the site of the international financial center by some netizens.

Tang Jiacheng's current public office happens to be closely related to the Hong Kong stock market liquidity policy.In August last year, the Hong Kong Government announced the establishment of a team to promote the liquidity of the stock market to comprehensively analyze the factors that affect the liquidity of the stock market and submit suggestions to the Chief Executive.The special responsibility team is the chairman of the Tang family, and at the same time, he is also appointed as a member of the listed policy team this year.

Many people believe that the background and experience of the Tang family is an ideal candidate for the chairman of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.After he was appointed as the chairman of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the first major challenge was to try to improve the transactions of Hong Kong stocks and activate the Hong Kong government's stamp duty income.At present, he is also the chairman of the chairman of the liquidity of the stock market. After serving as the chairman of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, it is believed that the group's proposal will have the opportunity to gradually implement it at the level of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

Of course, another greater challenge faced by the Tang family with many years of financial supervision experience is how to reverse the world under the current changes in geopolitics and continue to promote Hong Kong to become an international financial center, so that Hong Kong can "eat" food "eat"Sifang rice", successfully absorbing funds and enterprises in various countries, can also avoid the "wind eyes" of Hong Kong's financial market into the game of great powers and geopolitics.

Tang Jiacheng said in an exclusive interview with the Hong Kong media in early January this year that the purpose of being a person who has adhered to for many years is to have a sports spirit. "For example, to be equal, everyone will participate in the same event."

The problem is that the current international political atmosphere is becoming increasingly tense, economic problems are often political, and the previous rules may not work.The chairman of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange is not easy to do.