Hong Kong will shorten the minimum wage review period from 2026 to one inspection of each year. Huang Guo, a member of the Legislative Council of the Federation of Industry, predicts that the minimum hourly salary will only increase HK $ 1 (about S $ 0.17) each year.

Comprehensive Ming Pao and the Hong Kong Radio website reported that Huang Guo said on Wednesday (May 1) in the millennium of Hong Kong and Taiwan programs that the minimum wage increase is not ideal. It is recommended to increase the proportion of economic growth factors.From 20%to 30%, let grass -roots workers share economic results.

Huang Guo said that from two years of inspection to one year, it can ensure that the adjustment of the minimum wage will not lag, and the minimum wage level should reflect economic growth.Add amplitude.

Huang Jiahe, the president of the Hong Kong Catering Union Association, said that the new equation is a consensus that both workers can accept.Minimum wage level.

He said that under the shortage of labor, the salary of workers is generally much higher than the minimum wage level. Therefore, the minimum wage level calculated by the new mechanism does not have much impact on the actual operating costs of the catering industry.

The minimum wage in Hong Kong's 13 -year promotion will be shortened from 2026 to one year to be inspected, and the "additional" computing equation will be introduced.The equations include the "Class A Consumption Price Index" that represent inflation and the two elements of "local GDP" representing economic growth., By 20%, the upper limit is 1%, the lower limit is zero, plus the overall Class A consumer price index.