Lin Dingguo, director of the Hong Kong Department of Justice, wrote in Hong Kong media that the newly concluded the state security regulations (that is, the basic law, commonly known as the basic law) will not restrict the media's criticism of the government.

Ming Pao Monday (April 29) published an article published by Lin Dingguo on the title of "change and unchanging".According to Lin Dingguo, the new law will never give additional unreasonable restrictions on the freedom of the press, including the freedom of criticizing the government, "how sharp and severe the relevant criticism is."

He said that as long as the press in the press, the most basic professional codes that seek truth, fairness, objective, impartiality, and comprehensive reporting, do not need to worry about illegal, including the regulations on national security risks in the new laws.

Lin Dingguo pointed out that the general law system is the basis of the rule of law in Hong Kong and one of Hong Kong's core unique advantages.The values ​​and goals behind the rule of law "do not need to be changed, unchanged, and cannot be changed." The law must protect the basic human rights, but also must also safeguard the overall interests of the country and society.

He said, "can be changed, variable, and needs to be changed" is institutional arrangement and legal provisions to ensure that they can still reflect the core values ​​and goals of the above core values ​​according to environmental transformation.The newly established regulations for maintaining the national security regulations are an example. This law supplements the shortcomings of national security laws, and has not shaken the values ​​and goals of ordinary legal rule of law.

Lin Dingguo Sunday (28th) posted on Facebook to introduce him to attending a lunch party held by the Hong Kong Best Fund tomorrow, and the Dong dinner of the manufacturer's meeting.Commentary and communication.

He said in the meeting that the regulations meet the international human rights standards, including responding to the expectations of the media industry, and joined the "public interest" as a reason for "illegal disclosure of state secrets";"Innocent Third Party, which is exempted from the behavior of the behavior of suspects or absconders; the execution of the regulations has institutional guarantees to prevent abuse, including the need to obtain the written consent of the Department of Justice in order to perform prosecution.

Lin Dingguo stated on Tuesday last Tuesday (23) that the newly established national security regulations have covered incitement crimes, and there is no plan to formulate the "fake news law".