Hong Kong Police Wednesday (April 24) seized a large number of weapons in a warehouse in Shatian District, including 18 pistols, more than 100 bullets and firearms with different calibers, but there was no evidence that this case involved radical activities involved in aggressive activities.Essence

Comprehensive Hong Kong Point News and Sing Tao Daily reported that Hong Kong has organized crimes and the three -in -law survey science on Wednesday., More than 100 rounds, more than 100 firearms, a branches, 11 knives, and four daggers.

After the Hong Kong Police Military Armor Certificate Certificate made a preliminary assessment of the evidence, the pistols and bullets that they found that they were fastened are real guns and real bullets. Police will further check their power and performance.Some of the guns have German, I believe it is purchased from foreign countries.

The Hong Kong police arrested the batch of weapon owners He Mengqiang with "exercising false documents", "unlicensed tube firearms" and "hidden inbringing weapons", and arrested the batch of weapon owners He Mengqiang, and in the afternoon of Friday (April 26)Shatian Magistrate Court.

The Hong Kong police pointed out that there is no evidence that He Mengqiang is related to the anti -repair team or the case of the dragon.

After investigation, 67 -year -old He Mengqiang is a Chinese man living in Hong Kong. He has opened a firearm and ammunition trading company, film props, military accessories and model companies in Hong Kong.According to the license record, He Mengqiang held a gun operator license and personal authority license from 1990 to 2007. After 2008, all licenses had been revoked.

He Mengqiang was sentenced to prison in mainland China for smuggling military fire.

Although He Mengqiang had related licenses, the police did not rule out that someone had purchased firearms and ammunition from other places with illegal means.At this stage, the police believe that He Mengqiang is a firearm hobby and collector. There is no evidence that He Mengqiang's background involves any radical or illegal activities.

However, the police suspected that he leased mini storage of this batch of weapons with a fake identity document.