In 2022, after two years of the trough of the crown disease in Hong Kong, it suddenly ushered in an unprecedented peak.A number of Hong Kong films shot by local directors are applauded and appointed. One after another, they have won more than 10 million Hong Kong dollars in beautiful box office results, making the industry confidence.

But now I look back, that year, Hong Kong's production films trended sharply that year, and it seemed to be just a flash.

The data released by Hong Kong Box Office Co., Ltd. earlier this year shows that last year, Hong Kong's film box office revenue was only 1430 million Hong Kong dollars (about S $ 248 million, the same below). Compared with the 190 million Hong Kong dollars in 2019 before the epidemic,The significant reduction of 20 %, backward to about HK $ 1.4 billion in 2011, reflecting that the cold winter of the Hong Kong film industry has not yet passed.

According to the company's analysis, the box office revenue of Hong Kong's film in Hong Kong last year originated from factors such as the increase in foreign tourism after the Hong Kong people's epidemic, and the stagnation of new films during the epidemic situation.The biggest reason is probably related to the changes in the consumption model of citizens.Soon after the movie is released, you can watch it on various streaming platforms soon, affecting the willingness of citizens to watch the movie in the cinema; urban people's life is getting busy. Generally, only men and women friends will go to the cinema.It will be more and more difficult for the film industry to watch online videos.

Entering 2024, there is still no way to recover the decline in the box office.On April 21, the Hong Kong Theater Chamber of Commerce once again held the "Hong Kong Theater Day" event. The fares of the movie theaters across Hong Kong were all 30 Hong Kong dollars on the day to attract audiences to enter the venue.

The movie tickets were on sale on April 17, and were welcomed by a large number of Hong Kong people. The ticketing website of some cinema was unable to log in because of the network crowding.On the day of "Hong Kong Theater Day", although Hong Kong continued to be heavy rain, there was still no reduction in the audience to enjoy the movie theater to enjoy the movie. A total of 203,000 admission was recorded throughout the day, setting the highest number of admission since the record.

Although the "Hong Kong Theater Day" successfully drives Hong Kong people to watch the atmosphere of movies, after all, it is only a one -time event, which will not help the overall business of the movie theater and the entire film industry.On the same day, Jiahe Kai Tak Cinema, located in Xinpugang, announced that the lease period expired and immediately graduated.After more than a week, the Xinbao Academy also announced that its Causeway Bay Presidential Theater closed on Tuesday (April 30).

The Presidential Theater of Causeway Bay has been operating for more than half a century. After the news of the farewell, it would not surprise the Hong Kong people.Many people in the industry booed, and also pointed out that the presidential theater is a self -employed property, and there are many people nearby. Choosing the closing business will undoubtedly sound a severe alarm number, revealing that the operation of Hong Kong cinema is not the same as before.

The Hong Kong media quoted politicians who were familiar with the film industry on Monday, and further believed that the Hong Kong government had to re -consider the policy induction to support the development of the theater industry.But objectively speaking, there are many reasons for Hong Kong audiences to go to the theater to watch movies. It is not simply supporting the cinema to change their dilemma.

I remember when I was in middle school in the late 1990s, in order to do my homework with my classmates, I did not know that the Hong Kong Directors Association was thick and high.Interview.Later, Zhang Che responded to us and accepted an interview.After another period of time, Zhang Che hired me to become his personal assistant in her spare time.

The China Star Film and Television Entertainment Company founded by the filmmakers Xiang Huaqiang was just preparing to show up 100 films at that time, and invited Zhang Che to return to the rivers and lakes as a consultant.Director Zhang, who has retired for many years, is ambitious and finds someone to write scripts everywhere. One of them has won the Golden Awards Best Screenplay Award, but because of a car accident, his life is quite down.

But after Zhang Che poked, the screenwriter was delayed to submit the first draft of the script, and was anxious about the ants that Zhang Che rushed around in the hot pot.Later, he filled out a check in advance, told me to send it to this person's house, and then watched him write the script.The screenwriter was unhappy, but he took a check and was embarrassed to work, so he scolded others while writing.The scene of that year was still vividly remembered.

This trivial matter shows that the screenwriter has no quality, but also reflects the sorrow of the Hong Kong screenwriter industry.It turns out that Hong Kong film screenwriters are mostly free of work. After writing the script outline, investors need to be recognized before they can receive compensation. Life is extremely unstable.

According to Hong Kong media reports, in recent years, the screenwriter industry system seems to have not changed much.Unless it is a full -time screenwriter for television or film companies, the general screenwriter is still lack of income, and it is even easy to involve in labor disputes.

In recent years, the production of film production in Hong Kong has deteriorated in recent years. Compared with the peak period, hundreds of films have been reduced to less than 100, it is undeniable that it has stepped towards dusk.All industry people agree that another fatal injury of Hong Kong production films is to eat the old -fashioned, old -fashioned rough and rude, unable to mention the willingness of the audience to watch movies, and part of the cinema with a low entry rate will naturally get the business.Hong Kong production films lack creativity, and to a certain extent are related to the screenwriter system.When the screenwriter can't even care about three meals, it is difficult to focus on writing a good script.

However, there are still talents in the Hong Kong film industry. As long as it increases the salary and treatment of screenwriters, it is not difficult to create creative Hong Kong films.It is time for the film industry to think about how to improve the screenwriter system to enhance the competitiveness of the industry.