The turbulent political situation from Malaysia from 2020 to 2022 has greatly reduced Malaysia's influence on international affairs.After the Prime Minister Anhua came to power, compared with his predecessor, he actively promoted the diplomatic policy. He expressed his statement on issues such as China and the United States, Asia, and Myanmar, and tried to strengthen the right to speak on the international stage on the international stage.

The Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar has been on power for more than a year, and has repeatedly emphasized that Malaysia has not been an alliance policy between China and the United States, and criticized Western countries such as the United States to watch the Palestinian humanitarian crisis.He also believes that the Asianan is responsible for encouraging the Asia -Pacific strong country to comply with rules and strengthen the integration of the region and economic cooperation.

Scholars who have been interviewed by Lianhe Zaobao pointed out that in order to create a new situation of Malaysian diplomacy, Anwar must first have the ability to coordinate the model of respecting the powers and respect the Asians, and ensure that the relationship between the powers and the countries of the region can promote peace and stability.When Malaysia served as the chairman of the Asian Danan Terry next year, Anwar also had to think about how to play a role in guiding the international affairs in guidance.However, how much the influence of Malaysia's projection through Asia's detailed projection still depends on whether Anwar can continue to stabilize domestic politics.

illustrations/Zhuang Minglang

Lead Malaysia to join the League of Leadership Lhasa to lay a neutral foreign policy

After the independence of Malaysia in 1957, the first Prime Minister Donggu Abdul La Man adopted a foreign policy of the West due to the Cold War and the Malaysian Armed Rebellion.After the second Prime Minister Lhasa took office in 1969, he changed the practice of this side -by -side standing team.

Lhasa promoted the "Zone of Peace, FreeDom and Neutrality" in 1970, and also led Malaysia to join the Non-Aligned Movement, and established diplomatic relations with China in 1974 to become the firstSoutheast Asian countries established with China.

After Lhasa laid the non -alliance, neutral and independent foreign policy pursued by the Malaysian country for decades; the third prime minister, Hushen Weng, was also a small rule Cao Sui during his administration from 1976 to 1981.

The fourth Prime Minister Mahathir began to be in power in 1981. Although he issued remarks against Western countries from time to time, it was still regarded as continuing Lhasa's non -alliance and neutral policies.

After the fifth Prime Minister Abdullah came to power in October 2003, he reached a consensus with China the next year.The sixth Prime Minister Najib established a comprehensive strategic partnership with China in 2013, and established a comprehensive partnership with the United States the following year, and continued to maintain a balance between China and the United States.

After the Najib in the May 2018 election, the term of positions in Mahathir, Muyudin, and Eismame Sabiri, which came to power, were less than two years after the succession.During this period of Malaysia, the regime has been frequent, not diplomatic achievements.

After Anhua was in power in November 2022, his pro -Western image before he came to power made some scholars worry that he might lead Malaysia to move closer to the United States and affect the relationship with China.However, Anhua did not do so.

South Korea, an expert in Malaysian Foreign Policy, told the United Zard that there are three focus of Anwar Foreign Policy: continuing not to associate with alliances and neutral traditions, and at the same time, with China and the United States, strengthen bilateral relations with Southeast Asian countries, and promote the Malaysia country.Relationship with Muslim countries.

South Korea is a researcher at the Ma Guo project of Nanyang University of Science and Technology Rajele South International Research Institute.He said: "Anwar's foreign policy for China and the United States is actually to maintain a neutral and non -alliance of Malaysia in the face of the powers.Powerful country is the enemy " "This approach of neutral and non -alliances, and not selecting the side teams allows Malaysia to not be restricted by any power, and implement an independent foreign policy. From this, Anhua and China and the United States are well handled at the same time.Let Malaysian country be restricted by China or the United States, and can meet their own national interests. "

When Malaysian Prime Minister Anhua (left) visited Australia on March 4, he held talks with Australian Prime Minister Albanis.After Anwar, the joint press conference emphasized that even if they have opinions on China, the United States, Europe and Australia should not impose these issues on Malaysia and hinder the development of friendly relations between Malaysia and China.(Agence France -Presse)

Criticizing Western countries' policies to China emphasize that Malaysia does not want to be controlled by any forces

Anhua recently used the opportunity to visit the Chinese policy of Western countries.He visited Australia on March 4 and held a joint press conference with Australian Prime Minister Albanis.Anwar said at a press conference that Malaysia is an independent country and does not want to be controlled by any forces."If the United States and Australia have opinions on China, it should not affect the relationship between Malaysia and China."

Anwar said that Malaysia must maintain a good relationship with China's largest trading partner country.By 2023, China has become Malaysia's largest trading partner for 15 consecutive years, and the bilateral trade volume of China and Malaysia reached RM 45.84 million last year (about S $ 127.8 billion).

Faizal Mohd, a scholar who studied the Malaysian foreign policy, told the United Zard that the relationship between History and politics prompted the relationship between Malaysia and China.This year is also the 50th anniversary of Malaysia and China.This is also a new diplomatic situation that Anwar can open for Malaysia.

Faysha is also a visiting researcher at the Malaysian Research Project of the Easov Isaf Issa East South Asian Research Institute in Singapore.He said: "With the rise of China to become an economic superpower, I believe that Malaysia will continue to maintain friendly relations with China and the United States without biased towards any party. Recently, it has been reported that the scientific and technological war between China and the United States has allowed many semiconductor companies to make many semiconductor companies.The factory transferred to Southeast Asian countries, Malaysia is one of the beneficiaries. "

Wan Rohila Ganti, a lecturer at the School of Law and International Relations at the University of Dengjia Tower Sultan, pointed out that Malaysia was one of the launching countries for the union of the Alliance.The unreasonable campaign that appeared during the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union emphasized that it was neutral without relying on any super powers.

She said that the trade between China and the United States to Malaysia is closely related to Malaysia.An Hua chooses to rely on either party is not a wise move. Keeping neutrality between China and the United States can allow Malaysia to enjoy the maximum benefits.

She believes that not only should I choose the side stations not only when dealing with intricate Sino -US relations, but also when the relationship between Malaysia and other Asia -Pacific countries.

Wangrohra believes that if Anwar wants to create a new foreign bureau, it is the top priority to let these regional great powers play the role of a good brothers to strengthen the safety and peace of the region."Faced with super powers, small countries like Malaysia with small things must master the art of diplomatic and negotiation."

All sectors pay attention to how Malaysia balances competition and promotes regional integration

Malaysia is the founding member country of Ya'an and one of the very active members.After Malaysia will become the chairman of the Asian Danan value next year, how to balance major powers in this areaThe competition and promotion of regional integration in the domain have attracted much attention.

Anwar presented a speech at the National University of Australia on March 7 that when Malaysia took over as the chairman of the Asian Danan duty next year, Malaysia will work hard to inject new vitality into the dialogue platform led by Asianian and achieve certain results.

He said that the dialogue platform of Malaysia included the Ayan East Asian Summit, the Asian Gyeongan Regional Forum, and the ADMM-Plus Conference (ADMM-Plus)."Without Asianan, this area will be arbitrarily rubbed at will without having to consider more diversified interests and opinions."

South Korea believes that Asians have always been the cornerstone of Malaysia's foreign policy.Malaysia and the Asianan country have been issues such as constructive diplomatic treatment and the relationship between large powers, as well as issues such as the South China Sea dispute and the Myanmar crisis.

He said: "Malaysia will become the chairman of the Asian Danan Wheel next year, which will strengthen the confidence of tricky challenges such as the members of the Malaysians to promote the members of the Aya'an, China and the United States to face the South China Sea dispute."

Anwar said on September 5 last year at the 43rd Asian Security Summit to publish a performer: "Asianan must gather competing countries, remind them that they must give priority to dialogue and cooperation, promote benign competition, and and be benign competition.Ensure that their relationship with Ya'an can help maintain regional peace, stability and prosperity. "

South Korea's analysis: "Ma state has a long -term non -alliance and neutral diplomatic tradition, so I do not want to split due to hostility between Southeast Asian countries. At the same time, strengthening regional cooperation and economic integration will also help promote the regionInternational trade and economic cooperation.

Faysha also agrees that maintaining neutrality is the "best strategy" that Asians can adopt."Sino -US relations are tight or may cause conflicts, and this area will become right and wrong. It is best to be a good relationship to become a peacemaker."

In addition to the competition between China and the United States, the difficult problems faced by Asian in the front of Asia also include the sovereignty dispute between the South China Sea and the turbulence of Myanmar.

Wangrohra pointed out that the United States and China will inevitably put pressure on the chairman of the Asian Danan Dan Dan Dan Director of the South China Sea. When the Malaysian country takes over as the chairman of the chairman Guo Guo, it is naturally necessary to face these pressures.Challenge, "Only the intelligent leaders can handle everything."

On the issue of Myanmar, although Yajian insisted on the principle of the same existence and non -intervention in the internal affairs, Wangrohla believes that Malaysia may try to promote the disposal of Ayan in this area.

The continuous turbulence of Myanmar's political situation has led many people to escape to neighboring countries. According to official estimates, there are about 200,000 Refuels in Rohingya in Myanmar to Malaysia.

Interested in changing the principle of Yaxian's non -intervention in the internal affairs

The principle of not intervening in the internal affairs is the golden family jade law set by Yaxian when it was established.However, Anwar has stated that he hopes to change this principle moderately so that it can deal with regional issues more flexible.

Anwar said in an exclusive interview with the Indonesian Times Network (TEMPO) on May 9 last year that the principle of not intervening in the internal affairs of Asia's member states may be regarded as a obstacle to solving Myanmar issues.He believes that with the impact of Myanmar's conflict, Asians must change their practices."We need a new vision to make us more flexible on the way forward."

Anwar said that he still supports the principle of non -intervention and tends to take a tougher stance on the Myanmar military government, but does not advocate completely cutting off the communication with each other.

Scores for Palestinian's internal affairs and diplomacy

Since Israel and Hamas broke out in October last year, the Anwar government fully supported Palestine's positions that caused dissatisfaction with Western countries such as the United States and Europe.In this regard, Anhua didn't take it for granted.

On March 11, Anwar said at the joint press conference after a talk with German Chancellor Tsumin in Berlin that Malaysia had a political connection with Hamas, but there was no military contact.The connection between Malaysia and Hamas can play a role when necessary, such as assisting in solving hostage problems.

He emphasized that the root cause of the conflict must be because Israel has been "atrocities and forcibment of the Palestinians for decades.""I strongly oppose the Harbin conflict and blame the Harbin conflict (Hamas last year) on October 7 (attack)."

Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar (left) visited Berlin on March 11 and held a joint press conference with German Chancellor Chousz.Anwar defended Malaysia to support Palestine's position at the press conference and stated that countries must "understand the fundamental cause of the problem."(Agence France -Presse)

Wangrohra believes that supporting Palestine has always been one of the focus of Malaysia's foreign policy, especially after the outbreak of the Harbin conflict."Regardless of how the Malaysian regime changes, the position of Palestine has remained unchanged."

It can be used to reinvigo the influence of the country in the Mention of Pakistani

She pointed out that Anwar continued to support Palestine and humanitarian issues, so he was able to reasonable on the international stage.When the global Muslim community began to lose hope for the Arab countries and other Muslim leaders, Anwar can take this opportunity to become the new Muslim leader and regain the influence of the Malaysian world in the Muslim world.

Wangrohra believes that Anwar does this is also to save the support of the Mali Mentalians who have gradually lost. After all, they can basically get applause from the Malay community for the Palestinians.

After Anhua became the Prime Minister, he has been criticized by his opponent that he has not been able to get support for most Malays.Some recent incidents, including the official forced primary and secondary school cafeteria during the fasting month, and the sales of "Allah" and socks in supermarkets have further impacted the Anwar government's original Muslim's support rate.

South Korea said that Anwar high -profile supporting Palestine is a strategy to attract Malaysian voters to support, which is also in line with Malaysia's long -term support for Palestine."Anwar shows support for Palestine in the Israeli War, and it may also strengthen the legality of the unity government in the Mali Malsean community in Malaysia."

Regarding the next diplomatic trend of the Anwar government, South Korea believes that the unity of the government's foreign policy will be largely led by Anwar."Malaysia's foreign policy has the characteristics of high consistency and institutionalization. Therefore, the model of Anhua's handling of foreign affairs is roughly similar to the previous Prime Minister, but Anwar's personal characteristics and confidence are more."

South Korea said that An Hua's ambitious hopes will once again shape the new image of the Malaysian processing area and international affairs, but "he must first stabilize the domestic affairs bureau in order to score on the diplomatic stage."

In other words, once Malaysia reappears from the political chaos from 2020 to 2022, even if Anwar has a good ambition in diplomacy, it will not be implemented due to the internal concern.