(Washington/Beijing Comprehensive News) The China -US Economic Working Group held a third meeting in Beijing this week. The US Treasury delegation participating in the talks told Chinese officials that US Finance Minister Yellen hopes to visit China this year.

The Third Meeting of the China-US Economic Working Group Monday (February 5) to Tuesday to be held on TuesdayJay Shambaugh, deputy minister of the United States, led a five -person delegation to attend the meeting. He Lifeng, the deputy prime minister of the State Council of China and the leader of Sino -US economic and trade, met with Shangbo and his party on Tuesday.

According to Bloomberg, the US Treasury Department said in a announcement on Tuesday that when the US Treasury delegation conveyed the information that Yellen wanted to visit China this year when meeting with Chinese officials such as He Lifeng.

Yelun Visiting Beijing in July last year was the first visit to China after her financial minister.In the past few months, she The signal that I hope to visit China again .

In December last year, Yellen mentioned in the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the National Committee of the US -China Trade National Committee in Washington. She will visit China for the second time as a finance minister this year., Key topics such as industrial subsidies and national security and Beijing's "maintaining clear communication".

The third meeting of the Sino -US Economic Working Group, which just ended, is the first time that this working group has held face -to -face talks in Beijing. The meeting is expected to pave the way for Yellen's plan to visit China.

According to the US Department of Finance, US officials frankly raised worry -free issues at the meeting, including China's industrial policy practice and overcapacity, and the impact on American workers and enterprises.

The Ministry of Finance of China stated that China expressed concerns about the United States' tariffs on China, two -way investment restrictions, sanctions on China, and sanctions on China, and the two sides agreed to continue to communicate.