Why didn't the Chinese government take more action to restore market confidence?SCOTT Kennedy, a senior adviser to the US International Strategic Research Center, inferences that the leadership may not know what to do, do not know what to do, care about the current severe situation, or disagree with external analysis.

Gan Side emphasized that the outside world cannot confirm the specific reasons, but it is important to clarify that Chinese senior management is conscious or unconsciously making decisions, which will determine how the outside world should cope with China's current downturn's economic situation.

Gan Side on Wednesday (March 20) in an offline lecture held in Beijing in Beijing in Beijing, analyzing the above analysis when analyzing Sino -US relations.

At present, the problems of lack of confidence in China's economy and weak domestic demand have continued to shrouded.Gan Side said that more than a year ago, many people expect that the Chinese economy will rebound quickly after the epidemic, but this has not happened, and China's economic growth rate is much slower than expected.

When Gan Side was in contact with domestic private companies and foreign investors, they clearly noticed that they were disappointed and lost confidence in the Chinese economy.

China's senior management has focused on promoting the recovery of China's economic recovery in the past year, but the outside world has not hoped that it is enough to reverse the market confidence.

Gan Side said that one of the most confused issues in the outside world is: Why don't Chinese leadership take more measures to respond to people's concerns and enhance confidence?Why does it continue to go to this way?

Gan Side put forward the hypothesis of "Four No" for this; the first is that the leadership does not know the severity of the matter, and they have not been told some information."This is also one of the reasons for the face of the United States President Biden and other leaders who think of facing such an important reason with Chinese officials."

Second, it is too complicated to solve the problem of real estate problems and improve fertility. The leadership does not know what to do.The third is that the leadership does not care. It may spend more time than the Chinese leaders of the Chinese leaders and other Politburo members of the Politburo of the Communist Party of China than the political status of economic issues.Fourth, the leadership does not agree with the outside world's analysis and judgment, and they think they are doing what they should do.

Gan Side pointed out that the first two reasons are unconscious. If they master the information or know what to do, they will change the existing path.The latter two reasons are conscious, and they know what they want to do and think they need to do.Gan Side said frankly that he didn't know the real answer, but he emphasized that the answers were not four, and he had to clarify whether the Chinese senior management decided consciously or unconsciously.

Gan Side explained that if it is unconscious, the method of response is education; more analysis is provided through academic and business communication methods, and ensuring that this information can enter the Chinese system and let them understand what solutions are.

But if the senior management of China is consciously decided, it is much more difficult to find out how to make China change the direction.Because they know what price to pay, they have decided to pay these costs to achieve their established goals.The outside world has to find ways to reduce the consequences of these decisions on the economy and society as much as possible.

Gan Side said: "I notice how different the differences within China and how disappointing the route of China. There are already such discussions in China, and such discussions may be greater in the direction of shaping future policy formulation.The role.