U.S. Secretary of State Brills criticized China ’s“ provocative behavior ”in the South China Sea. In response to this Chinese embassy in the Philippines, the United States must avoid“ picking things to be wrong ”or selected by the South China Sea issue.Stand up.

Brinken Tuesday (March 19) and the Philippine Foreign Minister Manlo's joint press conference criticized the "provocative behavior" of China in the South China Sea and reiterated that the United States adheres to the Allied PhilippinesThe "iron -like" commitment protects the Philippines from any armed attacks from the South China Sea.

Brillings also emphasized that the US -Philippine defense treaty is suitable for armed attacks on the Philippine armed forces, official vessels or airplanes in anywhere in the South China Sea, including armed attacks from coastal guards and aircraft.

The Chinese Embassy in the Philippines issued a statement on the official website on March 20 that Brins' remarks "ignore the facts and have no reason to blame China for legitimate legal activities in the South China Sea."

The Chinese Embassy in the Philippines said that Brins once again "threatened the Chinese side with the obligation of the United States and the Philippines joint defense", and China resolutely opposed it.

The statement also said that China "advised the United States not to pick up trouble on the South China Sea issue, and choose a team."

Earlier, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Lin Jian also responded to Brinken's statement at a regular press conference on Tuesday, "The US -Philippine military cooperation must not damage the Chinese sovereignty and marine rights in the South China Sea.We cannot use this for the Philippine illegal advocacy of the platform.