As China is in a good place to adhere to the sovereignty of the South China Sea, Philippine President Fifdand Magos spends the first year after taking office to strengthen the coalition with the oldest allies in the country.Now, he is using a broader partner's new network to stabilize support.

At a critical moment at the Philippines and Chinese territorial disputes, Marcos is increasing the intensity of his tough foreign policy.In recent months, the maritime conflict between Chinese ships and Philippine vessels has become more frequent.

In January this year, Marcos and Vietnamese leaders promised to work closer to the coastal guards of the two countries.Vietnam is another country that fights against China for the sovereignty of this important channel waters.This month, Marcos successfully signed a maritime cooperation agreement with Australia.Last week, he made publicity in Europe.

"It must be acknowledged that 60%of the world's trade has passed through the South China Sea. Therefore, this is not only the interests of a Philippines, or the interests of the Southern Asian Alliance or the Indo -Pacific region, but also the interests of the entire world."Cos said in Berlin last Tuesday.

Marcos is the first Philippine President who visited Germany in the past ten years. Marcos, who is standing next to German Chancellor Olav Scharsez, also said: "For the interests of all of our people, it must be ensured that the South China Sea must be used as all international internationals.Trade security channel "

Analysts say that these successive diplomatic activities may eventually help deterant China.However, they also admit that the Chinese government will continue to intensify their territory claims, which will increase the risk of conflict. In the end, the oldest treaty of the Philippines may be involved in the United States.Washington has repeatedly condemned Beijing's operations and vowed to help Manila once armed conflicts occurred.

The foreign policy strategy adopted by Marcos after taking office in June 2022 is almost completely opposite to its predecessor Rodrigo Dutery.Dutdo kicked the West and pleased China. Macos not only restored and consolidated the relationship with traditional security partners such as the United States and Japan, but also developed new relations with Sweden, France and other countries. His government also promoted the arms fireTrading and military exercises.

The tension situation has been upgraded again this month. Chinese ships are close to the Philippine ship near the second Thomas SHOAL (China called Renai Reef -Translated Note), the second Thomas Shoal (China called Renai Reef), which is 200 kilometers away from the Balawan coast.The conflict eventually caused the Chinese maritime police ship to collide with the Philippine sea police ship.

Marcos told reporters at the time that there was no reason to start a common defense treaty with the United States.

China claims to have sovereignty over 90%of the waters of the South China Sea, including a few hundred kilometers from mainland China, located in the waters around Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia and the Philippines.In the past ten years, China has strengthened control over these waters.) The construction of the two island chains to build and enhance the outpost base and the airport, which expanded its military footprint.

The militaryization of the Spratel Islands allows China to remain around the clock 800 kilometers away from the coast of the country.The Chinese ships stationed there have repeatedly harassed the Philippine fishing vessels in the nearby waters. The international court of the Hague has ruled the waters as traditional fishing grounds in the Philippines, Vietnam and other countries.China's military existence in the waters also hinders the Philippines' full exploration of oil and natural gas reserves in its surrounding waters.

China blame the frequent conflict of the South China Sea on the Philippines.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has accused the Philippines of "changing the policy position so far, abandoning his promise to date, and constantly provoking trouble at sea."

Wang Yi also warned, "If the Philippines misjudge the situation, it is lonely, and even linked to each other with the unsatisfactory external forces and continues to be chaotic, China will defend their rights in accordance with the law and resolutely respond." Two weeks later, the Philippines announced that it had signed an agreement with Britain and Canada to strengthen defense cooperation.According to statistics on public statements, Marcos signed ten security agreements with seven countries last year. Agreement with Britain and Canada was part of it.

"China is basically pushing us to other countries that have been supported in the United States, including Germany and the Czech Republic far away from Europe," Renato Cruz De, a professor of international research professor at the University of Dellashall University in ManilaCastro said.

Last Thursday, President Peter Pavil, President of the Czech Republic, said he was willing to cooperate with the Philippines in terms of defense and network security. He also said that his country "fully" supports the Philippine government on the South China Sea issue.

"The South China Sea seems to be far away for us, but if considering the percentage share of the world or global trade in the waters, these routes will not affect Europe by any interference, which will not only lead to the shortage of goods in goods, but also will not only lead to commodity shortage., And lead to soaring prices, "Pavili told reporters at a joint press conference with Marcos."This is why we must pay attention to this theme."

Decastro said that the Philippines welcomes new allies because the Philippines cannot only rely on the United States, especially if the former President Trump re -controls power next year.

"The United States is now very unstable (even Americans will say so). The political system in the United States is very unknown. Look at the situation where the US military aid in Ukraine is happening," Decastroexplain."I don't say that Trump will win, but there is always uncertainty, because domestic politics in the United States is so unstable."

Analysts say that another important consideration of Marcos is to ensure investment in the Philippines.

"This means that we can truly firm confidence, and we can truly protect our interests in the South China Sea without having to consider the economic revenge that China may impose,"Argging said.

India, who has been silent for the South China Sea dispute over the years, announced in June last year that it will provide the Philippines with preferential interest rate loans for military modernization.The two countries have signed a cooperation agreement in the field of the Coast Guard in August last year.

Last week, Marcos warned in Australia that the Philippine vessels had constantly conflicting with Chinese ships and had increased the risk of misjudgment.

"The possibility of direct conflict now is more likely than before," he said."We Philippines are worried about this, because the conflict may not be the 'good of someone, and we have to start a war' strategic decision, but only some soldiers have made mistakes or adopted some misunderstandings."