The results of the Taiwan election show that the two major parties of Blue and Green have lost a lot of young votes.Scholars analyze that if the DPP of the Green Camp does not respond to and improves the personal subjects that young people care, the local elections will continue to face the threat after two years;Young voters returned to ruling.

DPP Chairman Lai Qingde was elected president with a voting rate of only 40.05 % in the Taiwan election triangle war held on January 13.= "" R = NOFOLLOW target = _blank> Let Lai Qingde take over the "double" disadvantaged government .

Taiwan Foreign Ministry held a post -election symposium on Sunday (January 14) to analyze the results and influence of the election.Chen Mingqi, an associate professor of the Institute of Sociology of Tsinghua University, pointed out that the DPP has lost the support of young people in this election. This is a very big challenge, but Lai Qingde did not respond to this in the speech of the victory.

Compared with Taiwan's Tsai Ing -wen in the last election of 2020, 8.17 million votes have always been the highest number of votes.Hou Youyi, the presidential candidate of the Kuomintang, received 4.671 million votes, which was 851,000 less than 5.522 million from the previous candidate Han Yu.Ke Wenzhe, the chairman of Bai Ying's party, received 3.69 million votes, which was not far from the total number of votes lost in blue and green.

From the perspective of the election results, the Democratic Progressive Party is obviously the political parties with the most impact of young voters who have lost. The Kuomintang originally lacked young votes, so the impact was relatively mild.

Chen Mingqi analyzed that Tsai Ing -wen's ultra -high votes were supported by young people, but young people were alienated in the epidemic in the past few years.The death penalty and other issues involving fairness and justice are angry. At the same time, the dislike of bureaucrats and institutions, and identifying the rotation of political parties is the embodiment of democracy.Therefore, Chen Mingqi believes that Lai Qingde's "nine -in -one" local elections will continue to face the challenge of the loss of young tickets in the "nine -in -one" local elections.

As for the people's party that founded four and a half years, it is known as the middle route outside the blue and green, is very attractive to young people .Chen Mingqi said that the people's party is indeed dominated by young supporters. Their characteristics are to worry about war, hate mainland China so much, and question the United States' commitment to Taiwan.He studied and judged that the party's party's party votes doubled and won the good results of eight seats.It is not a one -time political phenomenon , but will continue to accompany Taiwan's future political sector.

A total of 6.078,000 young voters in this year's election are 20 to 39 years old.Young people and middle voters are regarded as the biggest variables and the creation of the creation of the election results.The middle voters refer to voters who do not have a specific party tendencies, mainly young people, and also include light blue or light green voters that have not been expressed.Experts evaluate that young and middle voters account for about 30 % of the total number of voters.

Attorney, Professor and Director of the Department of Advertising at the University of Culture, analyzes Taiwan Media, The Kuomintang was defeated in the presidential election , the key is that it has not successfully expanded young and middle voters.Many analysis also pointed out that the Kuomintang has not actively attracted young people's support in the wild in the wild.

The Kuomintang has the support of traditional organizations and elderly people, while the party's four and a half years of the party has young iron powder and air combat networks.The various polls before the election show that about 60 % of voters hope that the party's rotation will also have high expectations for the blue and white co -guarantee in the wild.

After Lan Bai could not talk about the break, the Kuomintang unprecedentedly united, so that supporters thought that independent operations also had the opportunity to win, and even expected to rely on Ke Wenzhe to attract more young people and lowered the Democratic Progressive Party to get votes.Zhao Shaokang, the deputy presidential candidate, worked hard to contact and talk to young people in the later election campaign. It was too late to reverse the overall situation.

Zhang Deng, a professor at the political department of Taiwan University, analyzed in an interview with the Lianhe Morning Post that if the Kuomintang wants to open up young and middle votes and move closer to mainstream public opinion, it will face many difficulties and challenges.Including the local parties that are expected to call for major route amendments, including considering changing the party name to the Kuomintang of the Taiwan Kuomintang, and even challenging whether to adhere to the 1992 consensus under the Constitution.

Zhang Deng and also pointed out that if the people's party wants to thrive and break through, they must also strive for the support of the age.