In the 1990s, the owner of the "Heaven and Earth" nightclub in China, Qin Hui, was hidden overseas for many years, and he unexpectedly returned to the public vision this week.

The official website of the US Department of Justice announced on Monday (March 18) that Qin Hui, a wealthy Chinese businessman in the United States, was charged with illegal political donations in New York.Candidates with parliamentarians in New York and Rhodes are political donations of a total of US $ 1600 (S $ 16,000).

At the same time, Qin Hui, who lived in the United States for many years, was also charged by US courts accused immigrants fraud and forged identity documents.

Announcement pointed out that Qin Hui had pleaded guilty to the above allegations and promised to abandon the identity of the US permanent residents to leave the United States after the sentence expired.

Qin Hui's lawsuit in the United States is more than that.In September last year, he was arrested by the New York police for trying to smash the locked door with the ax. He was also accused of trying to kill his ex -wife a few months ago.

At first glance, Qin Hui's plot in the United States is quite dramatic, but it seems that he is not surprising when he thinks of his reckless style and ignoring rules in China.

The 56 -year -old Qin Hui once entered the Forbes billionaire list in 2018, the title of "the first person of the rich in private media", but his more well -known identity is the position that allows him more than 20 years ago."Heaven and Earth" Night Club.

There are many rumors of how Qin Hui created extravagant and fragrant "heaven and earth", including requesting Miss Miss Chatting to speak standard Mandarin and a foreign language, and understand current affairs politics and financial technology so that they can chat with the officials who enter and exit the place.wait.

The "Heaven and Earth" during the heyday did exceed the general venue, and became a communication platform for the celebrities of politics and business. It also accumulated an important business contact for Qin Hui, including the China Construction Bank of China Construction Bank, who later provided him with huge loans.The former president Zhang Enzhao and Li Peiying, the former chairman of the Capital Airport Group Corporation.

Qin Hui subsequently stunned in the capital market and was not unfavorable. It expanded wildly through reverse acquisitions and other methods, creating a "media empire" across film and television and communication electronics.

But Qin Hui's big shop and the capital operation of the movement also laid a footnote for the collapsed fate. Zhang Enzhao and Li Peiying's successive dismissal accelerated this process.

What surprised the outside world was that Qin Hui was involved in bribery in the corruption cases of the two people, but in the end, they both miraculously retreating. Soon after, the Beijing Public Security Bureau took off the "heaven and earth in the sky and the world.", Qin Hui, the former boss, is not implicated.

In 2018, in order to promote the backdoor backdoor of Xingmei, which has entered the decline, Qin Hui issued a statement high -profile and clarified the relationship with "heaven and earth". It also said that "heaven and earth" is just an ordinary entertainment venue.

He rarely accepted an interview with the China Business News in the same year, and for the first time, he confirmed that his first wife, Lin Jing, was the niece of former Chinese President Li Xiannian's wife Lin Jiayu.

But Xingmei has not ushered in a transfer. Not only was it punished by the Securities Regulatory Commission and the listing of the CSRC because of illegal regulations, many theater management companies were also sued in arrears of service fees and payment, and Qin Hui himself was also listed as a failed person.After that, Qin Hui retired from rivers and lakes to live in the United States.

Some people say that when you understand Qin Hui, you understand most of China since the 1990s.From the "heaven and earth" boss to Forbes rich to "Lao Lai", and then settling in the United States, Qin Hui's ups and downs brought his personal character, but there are many preliminary Chinese -owned private enterprises and merchants.The development of the economy from chaos to relatively mature development is not related.

China has entered the market economy in the early stages of the market economy incomplete laws and regulations, lack of supervision, huge information about information, and the securities market is even more chaotic and vulnerable.It is like a fish.

As the vulnerability is filled, the regulatory mechanism has gradually improved, and the threshold has been further improved, Qin Hui, who has long traveled the gray area for a long time, has to face the situation.

After pleading guilty of Qin Hui in the United States, his lawyer said that Qin Hui was very happy to be able to end the case and look forward to restarting his business career outside the United States.This can't help but stir up people's curiosity: the United States can't stay, Qin Hui, who is already "Lao Lai" in China, where will it be the next stop?