(Hanoi Composite Electric) held a special meeting on Thursday (March 21) Vietnamese Parliament, officially approved the resignation of the President Wu Wenzan, and announced that the vice chairman of the country Wu's Yingchun was appointed as the president of the country until the Congress was elected by the parliament.New President.Observer pointed out that within a year of more than a year, two state presidents stepped down due to disciplinary violations, highlighting the fierce struggle of the internal power of the Communist Party of Vietnam and the uncertain factors of politics.

The Vietnamese Research Planning Scholar of Yusov Isaf Isaf Issa East South Asia, Singapore, pointed out that the latest political earthquake is not a goodsign.

Vietnamese analyst Ruan Lin, a Vietnamese analyst at the global risk management consulting company, also believes that this political turmoil is a "public relations disaster" for Vietnam and threatens Vietnam's good reputation.

However, some analysts believe that Vietnam is the main beneficiary of the global supply chain transfer. The Vietnamese government realizes that maintaining and promoting the overall economic development is a long -term priority. Therefore, the current political change will not affect investors to VietnamViews of long -term economic potential.

Asia Frontier Capital LTD, a fund manager in Hong Kong, said: "This incident has not changed my positive view of Vietnam's economy, because the Vietnamese government realizes exports, manufacturing, and overall economic development.Long -term priority matters, so I don't think such political changes will shake the status quo.

Wednesday (20th), who was just one year after taking office, submitted his resignation on Wednesday (20th) to get the approval of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Communist Party, and became the President of the shortest term.His resignation is related to Vietnam's recent vigorous fighting.The Vietnamese government said in a statement on the same day that Wuwen appreciated the party rules, but did not mention the specific violations of Wuwen.

Wuwen rewarded the original term until 2026.He allegedly had a close relationship with the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Vietnamese Communist Party and was considered the successor of Ruan Fuzhong.In the Vietnamese party and government structure, the President of the State President is second only to the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.As Wuwen appreciates himself, who is the next successor who has attracted much attention, and the second time, Wushu Chun, who served as the chairman of the President of the State President, will be corrected by "logical", causing discussions on all parties.

The 53 -year -old Wu Shi Chun once resigned in January last year, after the former President of Vietnam, Ruan Chunfu, was temporarily replaced by the President of the State President after being resigned during the crown disease.Come on.

However, some analysts believe that Wu's Yingchun is not a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and the possibility of being selected as the President of the State is not high.However, if all factions in the party cannot reach consensus, she may become eclectic candidates.