(Manila Comprehensive) U.S. Secretary of State Brosky criticized China ’s“ provocative behavior ”in the South China Sea while visiting the Philippines, reiterated that the United States adheres to the commitment to the Philippines’ “iron -like” to protect the Philippines from any of the South China Sea.Armed attack.

Bollingken flew from South Korea to Manila on Monday (March 18), and met with Philippine Foreign Ministers Manlo and President President Pan Marco on Tuesday (19th).This is the second visit to Peloxyon since Paris in June 2022.

Brinton said at a joint press conference after talks with Manaro that the waters of the South China Sea (known as the South China Sea) are not only important to the Philippines, as well as the region, the United States and the world."This is why we stand with the Philippines and abide by the iron commitment commitment of both sides, including the commitment to the common defense treaty."

Brinken criticized China ’s“ provocative behavior ”in the South China Sea that after Chinese ships intercepted and strictly tracked the Philippine ships, and the use of high -pressure water guns for Philippine vessels, the United States and other countries jointly supported the Philippines.He also said that the world has seen China's behavior in the South China Sea that violates international law.

He said: "The actions of the People's Republic of China threatened our common vision of freedom and opening up Indo -Pacific, including the South China Sea, we have common concerns."

Manaro said how the challenges in the future are how to maintain and further enhance the relationship between the Philippines and the United States.He said that the Philippines hopes to resolve the South China Sea dispute in accordance with the rules -based international order.

China refers to the United States without the right to intervene in China -Philippine Sea -related issues

China means that the United States is not a party in the South China Sea, and "has no right" to intervene in the sea -related issue between China and the Philippines.

A spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lin Jian, responded at a regular press conference on Tuesday: "The US -Philippine military cooperation must not harm the Chinese sovereignty and marine rights in the South China Sea, let alone the Philippines illegally claims the platform. China. China. China. China. China.It will continue to take necessary measures to strengthen their own territorial sovereignty and marine rights and safeguard the peace and stability of the South China Sea.

Some Philippine people go to the streets to protest against the US Secretary of State Brosky's visit to the Philippines.(Agence France -Presse)

Di Castro, a scholar of the University of Manila, pointed out that Brintken's visit to the Philippines is to "promote alliance relations."

The University of the Philippines Political Scientist Clarvat believes that Marco may want to take this opportunity to understand what incident will trigger the United States quoting the 1951 US -Philippine joint defense treaty to protect the Philippines with action.

Brinken emphasized that the US -Philippine joint defense treaty is suitable for armed attacks on the Philippine armed forces, official ships or planes in anywhere in the South China Sea, including armed attacks from coast guards and aircraft.

U.S. Secretary of State Broskented with Foreign Minister and Foreign Minister and President of Manila watched a chip under a microscope while visiting a semiconductor factory in Manila.He described the Philippines as "increasingly important partners" to ensure the toughness of the chip supply chain.(Reuters)

The White House in the United States also announced on Monday that April, Maccoz and Japanese Prime Minister Kishita, will gather in Washington in April, and will be held on April 11 to hold the three -party summit in the United States, Japan and the Philippines on April 11.

The White House spokesman Shang Pie said that the three leaders will discuss the cooperation of the three parties, "promoting tolerance economic growth and emerging technology, promoting clean energy supply chain and climatic cooperation, and promoting peace and security between the Indo -Pacific region and the world."Essence