The increasingly powerful and active China, how can it be really unintentional or unable to go to nature and inevitably challenge the United States, and change the world order of the current international relations system., The key to righteousness.

The author's recent discussions on the United Morning Post on Sino -US relations point to a point of view: the basic attributes of zero -sum game that affects the global competition in the world, and there are many non -zero -sum places.Mutual and benefit, the basic positive game of benefiting the world.The key is how to view and handle the bottom line or red line of both parties.

Diplomacy is often a continuation of internal affairs.As mentioned earlier, the U.S. diplomatic bottom line lies in maintaining the international relations system of Westporia after World War II, which is actually to maintain the foundation of the US country and the world view. The so -called "American Creed"After the enlightenment, a set of political systems and value specifications on the basis of Western civilization includes civil rights and human rights, private property rights and personal freedom of the rule of law, and the sovereignty of national independence under the rule of law of the rule of law.

For these concepts of the three views (outlook, values, world view), which seems to be abstract and empty, the United States has always been extremely persistent, and often does not hesitate to work hard, including blood war to the end.An old example was that from 1952 to 1953, in order to persist in choosing the freedom of the war for prisoners of war, the United States played 15 months in the Korean War and sacrificed more than 10,000 American soldiers.A new example is that after the 91st attack in 2001, everyone knows where the anti -American terrorists come from, but the United States insists on various public security inspections and never discriminates of any race country.Highly high complaints.

The United States is extremely diverse and very cherished, and it was originally composed of immigrants from various countries.As long as you feel that your bottom line is not good, those relative international or losing, the rise of other national strength, and even the change of world leaders will be difficult to make the United States go all out and fight for life and death.In the past few hundred years, the world has risen many times and the competition for hegemony; most of them have been working with the force of life and death.The replacement of international leadership between Britain and the United States may be the only peaceful transfer.The homogeneity of the United States and the British value specifications should be the main reason.

In the past 80 years, Washington has often acted as a world patrol police with dry food. It is not so much that it is necessary to rule the country from all over the world.At that time, even the British boss, who had seen the same three views of the three views, was on the verge of defeat in the United Kingdom. The United States could no longer take a ride and hide behind Britain and France.Even in the world, Washington still had to wait until the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and Germany to declare war on the United States before officially joined the Second World War to start the leader of the West and the world.

The rise of Chinese diplomacy naturally reflects its internal affairs.Is the author's competition between the United States?(Lianhe Zaobao February 13th Edition) One article pointed out that Beijing's repeated diplomatic red line announced to prevent and defeat foreign countries from destroying the "internal political order of China".As far as the foreign policy of a country is concerned, this is understandable.Unfortunately, the three views formed by China's internal affairs are not only different from the West, but also in the United States.As a result, the red line in Chinese diplomacy or the highest interests is incompatible with the international order of the United States, that is, the red line of the United States; China, which has continued to rise and demand, and continue to be the boss in the United States, naturallyIt became a opponent of zero -harmony or close to zero -time game.

Can China's political system coexist with the international order of the United States?Can different countries with different internal affairs be coexisting peacefully?The theoretical answer is of course.This is also a major feature and strength of the world order of Westparia's international relations system, that is, the sovereignty and equality of sovereignty in various countries, and freely choose their respective value specifications and methods to compare and compete.The most bad place in this world is the overall optimization of human civilization through the international exchanges, innovation, learning, imitations, and international exchanges of population, resources, and knowledge technology through the self -trial and error, innovation, learning, imitation, and the international exchanges of population, resources, and knowledge technology.

In summary, although China and the West are quite different, they are far so bad than many other countries.How Beijing uses its political interests to define China's foreign policy, which is essentially the Chinese people's own affairs; the huge achievements of the Chinese people's hard work and the large -scale lessons of accumulated experience have contributed considerable to the world economy and human knowledge.Many (most likely most) Americans and Westerners to "better and more capable" in China, one day replaced the United States to lead the world, but it is obviously indifferent: everyone can immigrate to immigrate and seek better kingdoms.better life.In the Chinese world, the saying that the United States "anti -China" because of racism or "not to be strong" is actually "anti -China". In fact, most of them belong to their own hearts and lived.

The key to peaceful coexistence in different countries in Sanguan

Of course, under the international relations system, the three views of different countries must have a very critical limitation condition for peaceful coexistence: the value specifications and world views that do not match the different qualities cannot be imposed on people, especially if they can not be based on the skillsLet's change the world order of independence and decentralization of various countries, buy deterrent clothes and even directly conquer various countries, and establish a world empire with political unity.China, which is inconsistent with the United States in the three views, if it is really weak or unintentional (or neither nor wanting) to challenge the current so -called world -mainstream value specifications and world views from the West, especially the world order of the international relations system itself itself itself(That is, the US diplomatic red line), it has been able to continue to live with the United States peacefully for a long time, and continue to carry out various economic and cultural exchanges that are extremely beneficial and complementary to both countries.Improve world public welfare.

However, scholars have already discovered that the government of non -democratic rule of law seems to have been difficult to satisfy the world order that I live in the international relations system for a long time.On the one hand, an authoritarian government, once consciously has sufficient power, seems to have a behavior preferences similar to genetic decisions in the world empire.On the other hand, international economic and cultural exchanges will inevitably lead to the collision, integration, and even replacement of different values; after World War II, especially the so -called free international order after the World War II, especially after the Cold War, their existence and even if it is not a deliberate impact at all, it is bound to be inevitable.Recruit authoritarian regurs to fight against and counterattack for their own safety and survival.

Therefore, how can the increasingly powerful and active China really unintentionally or really unable to go to nature and inevitably challenge the United States and change the world order of the current international relations system.The key to righteousness.Mao Zedong's big question "Who is our enemy? Who is our friend?" Now that the Chinese people are urgently needed to keep pace with the times.As I have discussed in the New York Times many years ago, China seems to have internal changes and three -view update that matches its economic development and social changes.The people who get the world -class life and status they deserve completely are the gospels of the entire world.

The author is a professor at the School of International Affairs of Georgia Institute of Technology in the United States