First of all, the association of the title is a verb, not a noun, not the name of a brand.Recently, I read a logic of the growth of the book. It is the lecture set by Edmund Phelps, the Nobel Prize winner of Economics, in China. The theme is innovation and how China innovate.This issue is highly valuable for China.

The German History School in the 20th century believes that innovation is the discovery of scientists and navigators.Over time, everyone gradually realized that innovation is to use imagination and creativity to change traditional production methods in the past, creating new production methods and innovative productive forces.Innovation is the vitality of economic development.Phelps emphasized that innovation must be widely used in industry and markets.If not, it is just invention, and it cannot be called innovation.

Phelps believes that the development of economic vitality is reflected in the growth of economic and consumption, and more importantly, the change of work methods, and innovation requires space, ability and desire.Innovation needs to have room for tolerance failure and non -mainstream culture, which requires the government and social efforts to build it; innovation ability needs to be cultivated, and the ability to learn and self -thinking needs to be cultivated. This is very important. Innovation also requires wishes, which requires people in society to innovateIn desire, society has vitality.

Phelps made suggestions to China's innovation, and needs to develop education and cultivate a culture of innovation in society.He also pointed out that the prosperity of a country needs local innovation, and there is a need for popular innovation based on grass -roots levels, so that the country has a steady stream of vitality.He took Haier as an example -Haier's Zhang Ruimin promoted employees "entrepreneurs" within the group within the group, inspiring employees' autonomy and creativity.

Regarding the cultivation of innovative thinking, Phelps pointed out that generals may be as important as business courses and even more important.Rogers, one of the founders of the American Quantum Fund, also told young people in the United States that they need to invest in business schools. Instead, they do not have to go to business schools.Undergraduate courses in Harvard, Yale and other famous universities are based on general education.China Tsinghua University and Nanjing University are pushing undergraduate education in general, thinking that this is of long -term significance for students' future development.

Phelps believes that in the current China, if you want to promote innovation and high -quality development, what SME owners need to judge the maturity of technology, that is, to learn the technical literacy of new technologies, and what state -owned enterprise managers need areCultivation of business judgment.Maybe both need to focus on different enterprises.However, this suggestion is worth thinking about how to improve their technical literacy and promote the innovation and development of their own enterprises; the selection and cultivation of state -owned enterprise managers must focus on the cultivation of their business judgment.Essence

Innovation means the re -combination of production factors and production methods to promote the development of productivity innovation, which is actually a new productivity recently proposed by China.Such development is also the connotation of high -quality development.

The difference between the

The 20th National Congress of the Chinese Government and the previous Party Congress is that it is separated by the educational technology and put it behind high -quality development, highlighting that the country's awareness of education technology is constantly deepening.In this chapter, innovation is defined as the core position of China's modernization, and the importance is self -evident.

In the past two years, with the United States ’technology curbing China's stuck neck, China has gradually realized the importance of original technology. It must be basic innovation from 0 to 1, and it can no longer be satisfied with copying production from 1 to N.Only in this way can China become an innovative power.The advent of Huawei Mate60 has inspired a lot of Chinese people.Although its technology is still not the top, although the price is high, the supply is still in short supply.Behind the Chinese lining up to buy, it is the recognition and expectation of the innovative efforts represented by Huawei.

In fact, in the past year, there is another case in China that he is proud of the world, that is, the first time in 2023 replaced Japan to become the world's largest exporter in the world.Of course, this number must be dialectical. Many Japanese car companies have invested in overseas factories. If these are calculated, Japanese car strength is still the world's first.However, the Chinese automobile industry can achieve such a breakthrough in 2023, which has explained the speed of development and a new height.The Chinese automobile industry can achieve such achievements, and new energy vehicles have contributed.It is also because of the development of the new energy vehicle industry that cities such as Hefei and Changzhou have become the development of Internet celebrity cities in the past few years.

The author returns home in the Spring Festival, and a feeling is that friends around me are changing domestic new energy vehicles.It was impossible to put it four or five years ago.Previously, everyone in the minds of the car was upgraded to buy foreign brands. Now many friends change cars, selling foreign brand oil cars, and replaced with domestic trams.The development of the industry and the consumer market are too fast and too large, and the logic behind is the innovation of the automotive industry.

Of course, in the view of the former Minister of Industry and Information Technology of China, China New Energy Vehicle has just won the first half, and the second half -intelligence began. This step is critical to the development of China's development from a large country to a strong country.People in the industry are also clear about this.Li Shufu, president of Geely Group, bluntly stated on the CCTV dialogue program that the intelligence of China's new energy vehicles is only primary, and there is still a lot of room for development.These are all from predecessors and abroad, and must be innovative.This is the same as the automotive industry, and other industries are the same logic. Only by taking the path of innovative development can we move towards the future.

The achievements that have achieved our knowledge and experience brought about innovation to China, and the lack of lack let us recognize the space and direction of Chinese innovation.Looking at the achievements soberly, face the difficulties calmly, the road to innovation in China will become wider and wider.

The author is an associate researcher at Nanjing University