On March 9, 2024, the famous politician and writer Jason Greenblatt (Jason GreenBlatt) was in an extraordinary journey in the short essay Saudi Arabia -I was amazed by my own eyes that Saudi Arabia was by American newsWith world reports as the ninth power in the world, it is booming, and women play an important role in society, entertainment, culture and opening up.

In the article, Greenbrate has repeatedly emphasized the efforts of Saudi Arabia in reconstruction and reshaping. At the beginning of the article, he wondered: "Can the Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman reshape this country?" At the end, heAffirmation: "People rarely have the opportunity to see a country for future construction and rebuilding themselves in terms of projects, infrastructure, new economy, and even society."

The history of modern Saudi countries is not too long.At the beginning of the 20th century, the political map of the Middle East changed dramatically, the Osman Empire disintegrated and the Republic of Türkiye was established.The secular modern reform campaign set off in Egypt, Turkey, Iran and Afghanistan involves women's issues.The demand for the construction of the nation -state plays an important role in the process of modernization, and women's issues are essential.As Harvard Professor Leila Ahamad said: "Women become the theme of nationalist theory of nationalism, Islamic customs and laws of women's customs and laws were first discussed for the first time in Middle East society."Abu Du and secular ethnicists support to give women education together, and the importance of liberating women from individuals to the future of family, nation and society.

Compared to Egypt, Türkiye and Iran, Saudi Arabia is an exception.In the early 20th century, the NAJD region of the Arabian Peninsula was still the vast desert, scarce population, nomadic, and a small amount of oasis agriculture.After the Saudi family and the Wakhabi sectarian alliance, after establishing an independent nation -state in 1932, the Saudi king began a series of reforms to strengthen centralization.

Saudi Arabia's Wahabi sects advocate simple lives and require men and women to be isolated. It is strictly forbidden for men and women to be non -marital sexual relationships.In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Saudi Arabia's national economic foundation was weak, without the foundation of industrialization, and fiscal revenue came from Chaozheng.In 1938, the US Petroleum Company sprayed oil in the oil wells in Saudi Daland, and Saudi Arabia received more and more oil production fees.These funds are used in transportation construction, hospitals, schools, and introduction of western male education, but have not yet implemented women's education.

The second half of the 20th century is the age of the modernization of women in the Middle East.Most Middle East countries have begun to industrialize. Women not only inherit the results of women involving education, employment and participation in early 20th century, but also expand the scale of education and employment.Saudi Arabia began to transform from the traditional nomadic economy to the modern economy. A large amount of oil income is a source of modern funds.In terms of the construction of nation -state, from countries based on tribal society, to modern countries.

In the process of promoting social modernization, the state plays an important role instead of the tribe.In 1953, Fahd, the son of the founding king of Saudi Arabia, was appointed as the Minister of Education to establish a modern education system.Regardless of the prevention of religious conservatives, he opened a women's school.In 1962, King Fasal promulgated the famous governing plan in Saudi Arabia, the modern blueprint of Saudi Arabia.

In the same year, Ferobasal and his wife presided over the establishment of a women's school.In 1975, Fahd was actually in power as a crown prince, and oil income soared. Since then, Saudi Arabia has used a short time to finish the century -long journey of developing capitalist experience in Europe.

In the context of the construction of modern nation -states, the modern education system is perfect, and women's education has developed greatly.Saudi women's education began to be late, but has developed rapidly since the 1970s.Men and women's adult literacy rate rose from 9%to 62%from 1970 to 1990. In 1990, the adult female literacy rate of Saudi was 48%and Egypt was 34%.In the 1980s, many women's colleges established an independent women's college.In 1980, about 5,000 women completed higher education abroad.

One of the most prominent features of the Middle East in the 1980s was the climax of the Islamic revival movement.As far as the influence, Saudi Women participated in the stagnation of economic modernization or even retreat.Conservative Islamists were dissatisfied with modernization of the Saudi royal family. In 1979, the McGa rebellion forced the government to cancel policies that benefit women's modernization.

The Saudi royal family delays reform and opening up, strictly implements the system of male and female education, and female occupations are limited to education and health care.Women's cosmetic hairdresse shops and female TV broadcasters have been canceled. They are prohibited from playing women on TV. Women cannot drive alone. Without men, they cannot travel. They must have a veil in public.From 1990 to 1992, Saudi women's labor force accounted for 7.1%of the total labor force, and Egypt was 21%.There is a phenomenon that attracted the attention of the international community. Former US President Carter in their world: President Carter pointed out that almost 60%of Saudi students were women, but about 78%of female college students could not find a job.

In the past 10 years, changes have taken place.Under the strong advocacy of the governor, Saudi women have achieved remarkable results.In 2016, the Saudi government released the 2030 vision to establish three major vision goals: Arabic and Islamic World Hearts, Global Investment Power, and Asia -Europe and African Hubs are committed to increasing women's labor ratio to 30%by 2030.Cultivate their talents and invest in their production capacity, so that they can strengthen their future and contribute to social and economic development.In 2017, Crown Prince Saliman said: "When trying to achieve the vision of 2030, relying on the role played by our young men and women citizens, it has become a vanguard model in all aspects."

The World Human Rights Declaration of 1948 was an international convention for maintaining equality between men and women. When signing the contract, Saudi Arabia chose to abstain from the terms of the freedom of marriage.On December 5, 2023, the opening ceremony of the opening ceremony of the opening ceremony of the "75th Anniversary of the World Human Rights Declaration" held in Beijing, vice chairman of the Saudi Human Rights Commission, was called on the opening ceremony of the "75th Anniversary of the Declaration of the World Human Rights", calling on countries to follow the UN Charter and relevant international conventions.Perform the basic obligations to promote and protect human rights and freedom.

Various facts show that the new changes in the construction of the Saudi nation -states are intertwined with women's modernization issues. The positive effect it brings as Greenbrate said: "You rarely have the opportunity to see history start in front of you,A country is reshaping itself and strives to become one of the world's leading business, tourism and life destinations.Hope to help promote these changes proudly. This is today's Saudi Arabia. "

The author is an associate professor of the Institute of Research Institute of Yunnan University