We should encourage enterprises to divide more profits to low -pay employees and give back to the society, not just take care of the interests of shareholders, or let senior personnel include all "credit" and remuneration.Rather than restricting personal wealth accumulation, it is better to encourage all rich people to use money as much as possible on social welfare.In this regard, we must return to our fine and traditional values ​​without repeating the mistakes of other countries.

In February this year, two eye -catching news appeared in the local banking industry.The first was Huang Zuyao, the second generation of the banker and the second generation of Dahua Bank; followed by the largest local bank Star Show Group announced that the group president Piyush Gupta was reduced by 30%last year, with a salary reduction of about 41410,000 yuan, which means that a series of digital service interrupt accidents in the bank last year were responsible for the bank.Group management collectively reduced the variable salary of 21%of the 2023 fiscal year.

According to the real -time net assets announced by the US Business Magazine Forbes, Huang Zuyao has a net worth of US $ 7.2 billion (S $ 9.7 billion). Last year, it ranked eighth in Singapore and ranked 359th in the global richest list.Gao Bode is a famous migrant emperor in Singapore.According to the Lianhe Morning Post in April last year, he received a total salary of 15.38 million yuan in 2022.The second place is Huang Yizong, vice chairman and president of Dahua Bank, with a total salary of 14.24 million yuan.

The total salary of Jane Fraser, the president of Citigroup recently announced, was even more amazing, reaching $ 26 million.Singapore companies adopt the American model. In addition to the annual salary (base salary) of the Emperor of the Migrant Emperor, it is more important to look at the additional interests such as stocks, rewards, car and horse fees, and club allowance given by the company's performance.These are collectively referred to as variable salary.

After all, the Emperor Empress only serves corporate bosses or shareholders. Therefore, their salary cannot be compared with the big boss's company anyway.On December 31st last year, the Morning Post quoted the Guardian that the living expenses crisis caused many people to have problems with filling their stomachs, but the richest people in the world, including US technology billionaires and Russian oligarchs, became more richer and richer last year.EssenceAmong the top 500 in the world, as many as 77%of the rich became richer.

The so -called the poor, the more poor people, the richer the rich.According to data from the "Global Citizen Movement" of the International Public Welfare Organization, 1%of the richest wealth in the world has nearly half of the world's wealth.The total wealth of 81 rich people is more than the total wealth of the world's half.Over the past 25 years, extreme wealth and extreme poverty have developed polarized.The problems of economic inequality and social inequality around the world are increasingly prominent.

According to Bloomberg's daily data that tracks the wealth of 500 billionaires around the world, corporate tycoon Musk ranks first in the world's richest man with a US $ 235 billion estimated net assets.Meta CEO Zuckerberg is also one of the biggest winners. The value of Meta has soared by 172%within a year, which has increased his wealth by 184%, from $ 45 billion to $ 128 billion.Nine of the top 10 billionaires in the world are from the United States.

The late Huang Zuyao's 7.2 billion US dollars, compared with the front world tycoon, is a small witch, but for the general paid class, this is an astronomical figure.But this asset is now completely meaningless for him, so the so -called life does not bring to death.Outsiders will not know how his family members will use or allocate this huge legacy.However, assuming that he could use it to donate all kinds of charity and rescue the poor, many people would definitely benefit.The migrant emperor like Gaobod must not use 10 million yuan for a year of expenses. Therefore, if he can use those who are not used at all in his lifetime, it will also benefit many people.

What does it mean to accumulate wealth?

There is no doubt that a person can become a billionaire whether a person is getting rich or relying on work or work, and to a large extent is his own wisdom and ability.However, if there is a missing social environment and system that makes them useful, I am afraid that they will not be able to achieve such a career.The so -called society, to return to the society, and give back to society and the country. This is our traditional values. Otherwise, what does it mean to accumulate wealth?

Someone will also ask, is it necessary for these rich people to accumulate so much money in their lifetime?The wealth is excessively concentrated in the hands of a few rich people, so that they are not only rich in enemy countries (the treasury of many countries is almost empty, the fiscal budget is deficit), and even manipulate politics and control government policies (gold power politics).The large amount of salary of the president of the large enterprise is not proportional to the salary of other employees, and it is also an obvious "injustice" problem.

Some scholars have therefore discussed a topic: Should individual accumulated wealth be limited?Those who propose such issues will soon be buckled with a hat of the new liberals or a "Communist" hat.However, Ingrid Robeyns, a Dutch political philosopher scholar, has been relucting to study this issue in the past 10 years and put forward a proposal for personal wealth.In the book where she just published -the book aganst extareme wealth (The Case Against Extreme Wealth), she believes that a person's wealth should not exceed 10 million (can be US dollars, pounds or euros, etc.), which is the limit.In other words, there should be no billionaires; if the wealth accumulated by individuals exceeds this limit, it should be re -assigned to society through taxation (such as wealth tax).

Of course, the author also knows that it is impossible to do this, but setting a limit can be used as an ideal goal.She believes that three actions must be taken in actual operation: First, it is structural, that is, to ensure that the social and economic system can provide people with opportunities for people, such as affordable care services, free higher education and complete anti -resistance.Poverty strategies; second, fiscal measures; third, ethical action, to be ethical, or to say that everything is available.

Specific situations in the poor and poor countries are different

The unequal phenomenon of the rich and the poor is a universal phenomenon. As long as it is a place where capitalism and the market economy have such a phenomenon, although the political system is different.However, there are differences in specific situations.For example, there are many differences between Europe and the United States. The United States is an extreme capital example, while the Nordic countries have a good social welfare system.In the United States, neo -liberalism is promoted by the small government (that is, the weak government). In fact, it makes the businessmen have the greatest room for profit, and the government cannot control it.But one of the evil results is that businessmen are politically left or right, followed by corporate executives often resort to layoffs, reduce salary, and increase employee work burden to show their performance.

The situation in Singapore is also very different from the United States.We believe that the important role of the government and the trade union has a high sense of mission, of course, politics is not around the business, and employers usually negotiate with the trade union.Therefore, the government has the ability to use various administrative and financial measures to correct the various deviations caused by the free market, and to replace wealth moderately.The contribution of national reserves and the return on investment from their income has also benefited the entire people, which has also become a mechanism for the wealth of the country's wealth for generations.Our union can protect the interests of workers.The first point proposed by Robbness, Singapore has almost done it.

But in this era of globalization, Robbus's "limit" suggestion seems difficult to implement.Because the rich can easily find a foothold in the tax avoidance paradise around the world and transfer wealth.Singapore has also provided tax discounts in recent years, attracting many rich people around the world to come here to settle down or set up a family office. However, the main purpose of the government is to attract long -term investment.The government also encourages rich people to engage in social charityIndustry.

Indeed, if an entrepreneur is desperate to make money every day, it is not meaningful to meet the physical needs of individuals and accumulate wealth.A friend said that a late billionaire, after retiring in his later years, panicked at home every day, and asked: How to pass the time?It's really sorrowful, what's the use of life at this time, what is the use of Jinshan!Secondly, enterprises make money, only rewarding high -levels and treating general low -paying employees, which is not justified.Fortunately, we have a three -party negotiation mechanism for labor and government -the National Wage Council, which puts forward salary increases according to the actual situation, so that ordinary employees can share the benefits of economic growth.

We should encourage enterprises to divide more profits to low -paying employees and give back to the society, not just take care of the interests of shareholders, or let senior personnel include all "credit" and remuneration.Recently, the three major local banks have rarely distributed an additional bonus for primary employees for a month to help them pay high living expenses.This is a good thing, but as far as the actual amount is concerned, this money is almost just the three major banks that make a profit of billions of yuan each year.They can actually do more.Rather than restricting personal wealth accumulation, it is better to encourage all rich people to use money as much as possible on social welfare.Of course, this is a problem at the level of moral ethics. In this regard, we must return to our fine and traditional values ​​without repeating the mistakes of other countries.

The author is a former journalist, a former member of the Congress