The US Cable Television News Network website published an article by Farid Zakaria, a Washington Post columnist Farida Zakaria on February 23, entitled that conflicts have become the new normal.The article compiles as follows:

Look at the crisis of spreading around the world, it is obvious that we are in a period of geopolitical tensions similar to the Cold War.But this time, the West is treating each threat as a one -time crisis that can be resolved separately, hoping to return to normal quickly.But conflict has become a new normal.

Looking around.Ukraine is very unfavorable in the war, and has far behind its powerful opponents in weapons and troops.Its key advantages -obtaining Western weapons and funds -precarbing.The U.S. Congress seems to be unwilling to provide more weapons and funds through legislation.The European Union is involved in filling in some gaps, but there is no military complex in Europe and cannot provide Ukraine with weapons and equipment to fight Russia.

The Ukrainian army hosted Russia's attack.But as a senior European diplomat said to me recently, "Ukrainians are not super people. If they have no weapons and supplies, they will not be able to persist."

Russia is ensuring that the war can continue.Russia continues to benefit from the fact that many major economies in the world conduct free trade with Russia.

In the Middle East, when the Gaza War began, many people thought it would be short -lived, and the government of Israel's Prime Minister Neitanahu will fall.But neither of them may happen.

The shame of the Israeli National Defense Force, who was shameful in the raid on October 7 last year, determined to completely eliminate Hamas from Gaza.This means bombing, fighting and pushing for several months.Israel's tensions and internal disputes in other countries will only exacerbate.

Neutanahu has nothing to do.Most Israelis may not like him, but they agree with his war policy.The Israeli Parliament passed a resolution with 99 votes in 120 votes, announcing unilateral recognition of Palestinian.This is a sharp criticism of the international community, including the United States and the United Kingdom, to seek to seek solutions between the two countries.

A less noticeable war zone is in the north.Israel has been fighting the Allah Milks, and it is said that Israel has killed more than 200 Allah Milks.This campaign will continue or even accelerate.

The goal of the Israeli National Defense Force is to weaken the true party and allow the Israelites who escape from the homeland in northern Israel to return.At some point, the Allah may make a strong response, which may trigger Israel's invasion of Lebanon, thereby truly expanding the war.

The Hussean organization manages his rights through a series of attacks.According to a consulting company, since December last year, these attacks have reduced the number of container ships through the Suez Canal.The United States tried to organize an effective alliance to maintain the smoothness of the Red Sea trade.It responded to the efforts of the Houthi organizational attack and did not stop the latter's attack.

This failure has hit the reputation of "protecting the freedom of marine".Sea freedom is a key component of the global economy that has been opened in the past two centuries.This order of order will face more threats.

In this dangerous new era, the Republicans of Congress decided to return to isolation, hoping that they could bury their heads into the sand, so that the problem would disappear in some way.Contrary to people's general cognition, ostrich does not bury his head in the sand to escape the threat.This will cause them to suffocate.Maybe these birds understand things that some Republicans of Congress do not understand.(Compiled/Lu Yan)