The Argentine Corporation website published on February 24, entitled that the United States wrote a cocoon in the competition with China in the competition with China. The author is Herch Castro.Article excerpts as follows:

The United States has controlled the market of the world's most advanced chips through its main semiconductor manufacturing companies -Intel, Nvidia, Gaocong, Chaowei, etc. -control.The 3 -nanometer chip produced by these companies is leading the digital process of the global economy.Chinese companies represented by Huawei and SMIC are chasing behind the leading companies in the United States.

This not only means that the technical gap between the two superpowers has a rapid narrowing trend, but also means that the Chinese competitors of these American companies may catch up with them in the next five years.

The US President Biden's government's technical transfer restrictions adopted to hinder or defeat global competition from China have produced the consequences of the United States unwilling to see but absolutely objective existence, that is, accelerating China's advanced chip development and manufacturingEssence

The extremes of this paradox are that the main chip companies in the United States now expect that knowledge and innovative torch in the chip field may be passed on to China in less than five years.

This is the direct result of global high -tech opening and cooperation in the 21st century, and the Bayeng government brings the damage to this kind of openness and cooperation conditions.

Everything in capitalism is "in line with objective laws", far exceeding the category of "subjective will", and the consequences of "unexpected" in capitalist society have become a historical law.Will is transfer.

This is the irony of the historical process.If you conform to the historical process, American companies will become the preferred partners of Chinese companies.

China is the world's largest semiconductor or chip market today.One of the reasons is that China has the highest degree of digital production system and has about 1.1 billion Internet users, most of which use 5G mobile devices.

The huge motivation of China's economic development is not from the growth of investment, nor the increase in labor, but continuous competition from producers in its domestic market.

Therefore, it can be said that it is the policy that the United States aims to obstruct and curb the development of Chinese scientific and technological development to a certain extent, becoming the biggest cause of motivating China to step up competition with the United States in this critical area.

The main chip manufacturers of the United States have expressed their opposition to Biden's government policy.They believe that the most affected U.S. company itself by preventing the sales or transfer technology to China, because it makes it unable to participate in the world's largest chip market.

This policy also hinders the establishment of a new chip factory in the United States, which contradicts the core goals of chips promoted by the Democratic government and the core goals of the science bill.

In other words, this means that the United States has self -imposing structural delays in global competitions leading chips and artificial intelligence.The fundamental weakness of the United States is that it is completely lacking in long -term strategic vision, which is completely attributed to the Bayeng government.(Compilation/Tian Gu)