Even for decades, it can be regarded as a long -term planning, and the general election government cannot be worried.The Singapore government can make a century of worries and is very rare. It is mainly because the ruling party has been in power since 1959. It has always adhered to the political tradition full of concern.While this generation of governed by the country can take care of the benefits of this generation, it also takes into account the well -being of future generations. That is definitely a responsible practice.As for whether the descendants can enjoy the blessings, they can only look at their creation.

Life is less than a hundred, and I often have Chitose.What are you worried about?Most people are usually the future of descendants.For example, many people often expressed concern that young people cannot afford a house in the future because house prices are getting higher and higher.But the responsible governor is worried about the future of the country, which is a greater and farther worry.

The average person is worried about his children and grandchildren, so he will try to save as much as possible.People with good conditions not only buy a car for their children and grandchildren, but also let the descendants inherit their legacy.The governance of the country is worried about the future of the country, so I think of making various long -term plans, and hope that the country will continue.

However, these sounds now seem to be outdated.Because people's values ​​have changed, some people have just wanted to live in their lives. Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren.If you have a bit of ability, do charity.As for the governance of the country (or the government), looking around the world, and now how many are the long -term worries about working for the country and the people?

Most of the modern countries implement a democratic election system. The term of office of the president or government is generally four to five years. It is not a great country problem that comes from office, but whether the seat can sit in a stable.Therefore, how can I still worry about the long -term issues of the country?Therefore, we can clearly see that in the country of almost all democratic elections, the government that came to power was almost busy preparing for the next election, all of which were short -term operations.

In order to please voters, a popular policy must be implemented, and the easiest way is to spend money to buy people's hearts.Soon, Jinshan Yinshan spent.what to do?Then borrow, that is, bonds, issue national bonds.But debt not only pays off, but also add interest.If the old debt is not yet issued, the new debt is issued. With such a vicious cycle, the debt station will become higher and higher.This is the normal state of most countries in the world, debt, and debts.Like the United States, when will it have accumulated $ 33 trillion in debt?Americans are not worried, because they say: Our debt, your problem.We have US dollar hegemony.

Other debt countries have no such blessings. They can only borrow money from the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and major private banks.If the debt is not affirmed, it is not possible to print banknotes like the United States, but must be replaced with actual national assets.The word "debt" should be the "century" of the world today.Governments of many countries, if they were either a period of worry, or debt, or two worries.

Of course, there are a few exceptions, Singapore is one of them.Singapore also has national debt, but these debts have strong national reserves (including gold) as a backing. The government has pursued the fiscal policy that has been exported to, and try to accumulate the economy and accumulate fiscal surplus.However, the Singapore government also has worries. From the beginning, the country's survival issues were worried.Since 1965, this sense of worry has always existed and has been spurring us.When we have worked hard to accumulate wealth and clear out foreign debt, we have stabilized the economy and national defense, and we can make it more peaceful, but there is a new survival crisis.

Will Singapore be "sinking"?Premier Lee Hsien Prime Minister's speech in 2019's National Day Mass Conference indeed reflects the government's concerns about this issue.Climate change and the rise of sea levels are the major issues that have gradually attracted the attention of the world in recent years.Small island countries such as Singapore, thinking of rising a meter of water, may be overwhelmed by many of our low -lying areas, and it is inevitable that the governors are worried.A Swiss study also shows that it does not have to wait until the end of this century. By 2050, many cities in the world (including Singapore) will face the unprecedented impact of bad weather.As a result, the government quickly established the Singapore Research Institute, and began to study how to effectively prevent problems such as sea level rising.

Officially thought of the Dutch experience.About 27%of the land in this country is lower than the sea level. They invented the so -called POLDER, that is, building a dam in the sea, and then dried the pond water to form land.The government also conducts small -scale tests on a sea surface on Demoguin Island to build Putian, which can be used for military use in the future.This experience will be used in the future East Coast.

Premier Li put forward such an idea: We can build a few small islands along the coast between Binhai South and Zhangi, and then use the dam to connect them to form a pool, which not only allows the east coast coast to coastAvoiding the threat of seawater rising can also add a large reservoir to Singapore.This is the concept of the so -called "Long Island". It didn't seem to cause much discussion at the time.

This is of course a big project.To prevent the threat of rising seawater, it is estimated that in the next 100 years, Singapore will need to use 100 billion yuan or even more.This is a century of worries!On June 6, 2022, the long -term planning and review exhibition of the reconstruction of the urban area was opened, and the "Long Island" plan entered people's eyes again.The concept of reclaiming the island from the east of the coastal to the east of Zhangi, the closest step forward.

On November 28 this year, when Li Zhisheng, Minister of Development of National Development, attended a speech that introduced the environment of the East Coast Park, announced the latest concept of the "Long Island" development plan:The island is estimated to fill in about 800 hectares of new land, which is about two coastal bays.After the completion, it can ease the threat of the sea level rising to Singapore, and it can also create leisure facilities, housing, and industrial parks.The waters between the Shinojima and the East Coast Park will form the 18th pool of Singapore.The official research work that will be launched for about five years next year, this is a project that takes decades to complete.

Even for decades, it can be regarded as a long -term plan, and the general election government cannot be worried.The Singapore government can make a century of worries and is very rare. It is mainly because the ruling party has been in power since 1959. It has always adhered to the political tradition full of concern and consciousness.

Taking the land reclamation project as an example, this is because there is no need for long -term development to be worried, so it has been worried about now since 1965, and the reclamation project has not stopped.Another main reason can be said to be a historical accident. From the anti -election of the 1968 election, the Singapore's opposition party has been stunned, which has saved a lot of trouble for the People's Action Party government, and there is almost no suspense to win the election.Construction, improve the living standards of the people, establish outstanding achievements, and have always planned for future generations and national futures, enrich the treasury, consolidate national defense, reclaimed land, and so on.

Such politics has been maintained for nearly 60 years, but how long it will last in the future is unknown.Because not only the earth climate changes, our political climate is also changing.Recently, some people have proposed such a discussion topic: Does Singapore still exist after 100 years?Such a question does not seem to have a certain answer.Geographically, Singapore still exists unless Lu Shen.But what changes will happen in politics, economy, and society are unknown.In any case, while this generation of governed by the country can take care of the benefits of this generation, it is also a responsible approach.As for whether the descendants can enjoy the blessings, they can only look at their creation.

The author is a former journalist, a former member of the Congress