Capitalism is not an antipyretic special medicine for global warming. The earth now needs antibiotics.We need everyone to come up with courage and willingness to do what we should do for our next generation.Don't spend money on war.

This year's United Nations Climate Change Conference entered the 28th year (COP28). Nearly 200 countries reached an agreement on the start of the "climate loss and disaster special fund" on the first day of the conference.EssenceHowever, Saudi Arabia, the main oil -producing country, resolutely oppose the world to gradually reduce the use of fossil fuels. The host Arab Emirates of the host country negotiates oil and gas transactions with the foreign government while the conference.Society should give the earth a sense of urgency for the earth.

Recalling COP1 in 1995, only 4,000 people attended the meeting.On the one hand, COP looks very successful, attracting more and more experts to seek medical medicine for climate crisis; on the other hand, this is actually a lobbying conference.According to statistics from non -governmental organizations, as many as 2,456 participants have more or less interests with fossil fuels. They are under the guise of responding to climate change and raising them with decision makers, business leaders, and technology entrepreneurs.

In the past 20 years, these capitalists and capitalists have participated in at least 7,200 various climate meetings, and they want to try to move around the climate policy.

Speaking of paradox, capitalism is the culprit that leads to the high fever of the earth today, but human beings still have to rely on capitalism to solve the problems it created.

The Kyoto Protocol has formulated a carbon trading mechanism to promote the reduction of global greenhouse gas emission reduction.This system aims to encourage countries with low emission reduction costs to reduce emission reduction, and then sell the acquired carbon emission rights to countries with high emission reduction costs to help the latter achieve the goal of emission reduction.,benefit society.

To buy and sell carbon emissions, we must first know how much carbon value.Carbon is a kind of chemical element, which is the most closer material: our body is composed of oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen, of which carbon accounts for 18.5%; we breathe will excrete carbon dioxide.Diamonds are a type of carbon; the fossil fuel burned by the thermal power plant is a hydrocarbon, so the power plant will emit carbon dioxide.

Diamonds are expensive, giant beauty diamonds are even more valuable.The fossil fuel is valuable and will change with the supply and demand. The UAE of the host country can manipulate the number of major oil -producing countries that can manipulate international oil prices by adjusting the supply of oil.

Carbon dioxide is also available.Soda manufacturers filled carbon dioxide into sweet drinks and made soda and other soda.Search for a search on Taobao, a bottle of 10 liter of food -grade high -purity high -purity carbon dioxide prices for 420 yuan (about S $ 80).

However, not many people know how much carbon is worth it.

Pioneers of carbon transactions believe that the price of carbon to formulate price and add environmental costs to enterprises can promote carbon reduction measures to reduce costs.

1 metric -ton carbon in different countries ranges from dollars to hundreds of dollars.The World Bank pointed out that less than 5%of the world's carbon is at the right price and can promote the truly implementation of carbon reduction in enterprises.In other words, more than 95%of the carbon on the market is too cheap, which is not painful for enterprises and consumers.

Kyoto Protocol Signing 26 years In the past 26 years, the positive implementation commitments of countries around the world have been signed.In general, the world took a big step forward, but a small step back.

Today, more and more countries have carbon transactions, but only 23%of carbon emissions are covered, and the rest is still no cost discharge.The carbon emissions of burning fossil fuels have risen steadily, and this year's global carbon emissions will reach a record high.The goal of the Paris Agreement is to reduce carbon emissions by 45%by 2030, and achieve net zero emissions in 2050 to control global warming within 1.5 degrees Celsius.1.5 degrees Celsius.

UN Secretary -General Gutres pointed out at the opening ceremony of the COP28 that according to the current policy direction of various countries, the world is actually moving towards the direction of 3 degrees Celsius.

Gutres calls on countries around the world to formulate a process of comprehensively suspending fossil fuels.He persuaded: "It is not reduced, not slowing, but gradually eliminating."

However, as mentioned earlier, Saudi Arabia opposed this, and the UAE also took the opportunity to sell oil and gas. Petroleum said that the guests could lead to policy trends.

Capitalist believers believe that the market has self -regulation capabilities. As long as the cost of carbon is included in the cost -based process, the market will gradually reduce carbon based on the needs of reducing costs.In fact, capitalism lacks self -regulation ability.The development of capitalism in the past few decades has brought a serious crisis to the world economy and the environment, including the financial crisis and the gap between the rich and the poor, and the current climate crisis.

The essence of capital chase can stimulate humans to pursue more, better and perfect nature, but capitalism is not a global warming special medicine. It can play a certain role, but the earth now needs antibiotics.We need everyone to come up with courage and willingness to do what we should do for our next generation.Don't spend money on war.