Recently, Deputy Prime Minister and Treasury Minister Huang Xuncai led a heavyweight cabinet team to visit China. The new and China parties reached 24 results at the highest -level bilateral cooperation conference, which fully showed the upgraded version of the two countries.The rich connotation of partnership.The news also mentioned that the new China countries are conducting details on implementing details for the 30 -day mutual visa agreement, and strive to implement it in 2024.

"30 days of visa -free for each other" instantly became a hot topic of the Chinese social media circle. Many self -media platforms also used this as a soft advertising title to attract traffic.In the cheers of the Internet and the tourism industry, calm and rational thinking requires a calm and rational thinking: Is there a feasibility of operation?Are there any concerns of "the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment"?

According to the data of the Tourism Bureau, the number of admission passengers in Singapore reached 19.1 million in 2019, with nearly 3.63 million people in China.Needless to say, Singapore is a city -state country with limited resources and a limited population, with a permanent population of only 5.92 million.The number of immigration passengers in the post -epidemic era, if optimistic believes that it can refresh the record, 20 million people a year are also close to the upper limit of receiving hardware.Based on this, the number of Chinese passengers will reach the "ceiling" of 4 million passengers.

From the perspective of tourism experience, it is difficult to provide a depth parade for more than a week. For pure players, Singapore's 30 -day entry staying time seems redundant.It must be pointed out that visa measures are not the most important factor affecting the relationship between the two peoples.Singapore has always been given visa -free treatment to Chinese VIPs with official passports. For travel groups with more than three people, there are quick group signing channels, and business tours and visiting relatives are more suitable for multiple round -trip visas.

From the perspective of Singapore's domestic political perspective, it will also gradually preheat into Singapore's "Election Season" in 2024. On the premise of receiving the upper limit of tourist hardware facilities, if there is no limit to open visa -free free travel tourists, it will be inevitable.Public transportation, food and entertainment resources that occupy local residents, such as more crowded subway compartments and more local gourmet stalls.The full -scale unlimited visa exemption also has the risk of illegal immigration and illegal workers. If the relevant hidden dangers have not received enough attention, it may be transformed into opposition votes in the next election.How to maintain a balance between promoting the two -generation leadership of the new generation of leadership in promoting the balance between the two generations of leadership in promoting the two -generation leadership.

The difference between the population and border between the two countries and the border between the two countries is very different. Therefore, it is necessary to achieve completely equivalently in the visa arrangement, and there are practical difficulties in implementation.Fortunately, the leaders of the two countries have established a high degree of mutual trust and tacit understanding through long -term close exchanges and cooperation.Starting from the founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's successive prime minister is the most visited foreign leaders.As the leader of the fourth -generation leadership, Huang Xuncai is responsible for the important mission of the new friendship.I believe that the details of the implementation of the mutual exemption agreement announced in the near future will definitely be understood and supported by the Chinese government and the people.

Looking forward to the future, as the new China and mutual visa are officially implemented, the official exchanges between the two countries and the people must be deeper and deeper. Singapore can improve the reception software as much as possible through its own small and unique advantages.Implement more flexible and fast online visas and landing visas arrangements. At the same time, long -term visa -free treatment of high -end leisure and business passengers allows relatives to stay for longer staying periods.And Singapore Chinese people can also make full use of the advantages of visa -free entry in China, actively go to China's leisure tourism or business inspection, and contribute to the economic development of the two countries.

The author is the president of the Asia -Pacific Regional Enterprise Group