Chinese history is to see a closed world with the "view of the world". At that time, the world did not include the regions of the West and overseas, and the world was self -contained in the world.Under such a view of the world, even if the Northern and Southern Dynasties lasted 300 years, people would not have a great sense of violation.But today, with the concept of sovereign state, the delineation of the boundaries between the country means completely discrete.This is why the word "independence" is so dazzling today.

Literary Master Wang Dingjun recalled a paragraph that novelist Jiang Gui said to himself in Taiwan in 1969 in his memoir.Others are from the province.Wang Dingjun looked back at this century in his works. He lamented that although Jiang Gui was not seen in the "life", the localization of the Republic of China in Taiwan was in line with expectations.

The Taiwan issue has developed to this day. The east coast of the Straits has experienced nearly 30 years of political localization. The mainstream public opinion has become lighter and lighter for mainland China;In a military way, you can realize the confidence of cross -strait reunification in the foreseeable future.

The academic community has cleared an easy -to -understand context in the complex cross -strait situation, and has made diversified efforts. Various research results and hypothesis are endless.One of them is based on the continuous basis of the history of traditional Chinese history. It is regarded as another "Nanku Dynasty" in the Republic of China of Taiwan.The corresponding similarities.Given that in 1949, in 1949, the legacy of the traditional society was still in the era of the traditional social legacy, and the enthusiasm of the two new and old characters from the old days and the upper part of the Taiwan and the top of the stage.Essence

From the perspective of the "Nantou Dynasty" perspective, the "problem" of Taiwan today and connecting traditional history and modern reality, the hope of "peaceful solution" seems very slim.

Analysis of the "Nandu" of the Republic of China

First of all, the analysis of a certain length is the historical incident of the Central Government of the Republic of China.

The two typical two dynasties in the history of Chinese history. One is the establishment of the Eastern Jin Dynasty after the death of the Western Jin Dynasty.The Nanming regime, which appeared in southern China after the demise of the Ming Dynasty, is more similar to the Dingge of 1949 from the process, but because Nanming and the continuing Mingzheng regime did not stabilize the foothold, they were not analyzed by the type of permanent type.Object.

The statement of the two Jin and the Song Dynasty was divided by historical researchers to explain the convenience of the explanation. At the time, the emperor, the law, the literature, and the tradition were in the same vein.Eastern Jin people will not think that Emperor Shiwu is a former person from the North.After the Republic of China was relocated to Taiwan, the Republic of China still maintained the Epoch's Epoch -ups, worshiped the Father, and showed its "continuity".

Jin Song Nandu was forced to move south because of the "barbarians".The slightly different is that Liu Shiben, who made the anti -Western Jin Dynasty, was an inner Hu people who took advantage of the chaos of the Eight Kings and the Jin Dynasty's decline.The anti -Liaoning country's anti -Liaoning country invaded south after the death of Liao.However, the same place in the two includes the direction of the attack is from north to south; the attack results are the old Beijing; the attack consequences are all the traditional dominance centers in the north or the large or small, and the south to a new place to a new place.Founding the capital and long -term existence (the Eastern Jin Dynasty existed for 103 years, and it was 169 years if the Southern Four Dynasties that Cheng Dongjin Ren were counted;

As far as the Republic of China is concerned, the biggest difference between the Jin and Song dynasties is that "the disaster" is caused by the internal forces and the erosion of the nation's rule.Large Paradist is to make the soil in Manchu.The process of defeating the Republic of China in the mainland is also similar to the Jin and Song dynasties. They have lost land in the north, the old Beijing has fallen, and has to run to a strange place to build a new capital.

In terms of duration, the existence of the Republic of China in Taiwan is more than 70 years (calculated in 2023 written in this article).

There are two more obvious features of the Nandu Dynasty, namely "Changtongxu" and "Taste Beiwang".The Nanku dynasty tended to show its own orthodox continuity, and (often more frequently at the beginning of Nandu) announced or practical counterattack recovery.The capitals of Jin and Song emphasized the "fishy" and "left" in the north, and they were orthodox by China and tried to the Northern Expedition.After the drama change, the Republic of China also has these two characteristics. On the occasion of the relocation, the literati and cultural relics symbolized by the "rescue" symbolize the Chinese literature. For the mainland Cultural Revolution, the Cultural Revolution also launched the "Revival Chinese Culture" campaign."Lighting the mainland" shouted in a sky -high price.From this perspective, the Republic of China has a very strong characteristics of the Nanku dynasty in Taiwan.

The change and home of the Nantu Dynasty

However, if you look back at history, you will find that the Nanku dynasty in Chinese history often cannot carry forward the orthodoxy and cannot achieve counterattack recovery.After the settlement of Nandu, they gradually experienced peace and localization, and eventually became unable to abide by themselves.

After the clothing, the Eastern Jin Dynasty gradually stabilized with the assistance of the Jiangbei clan, guarding Huai and Jiangjiang, forming a situation of peace.With the stability of the political situation, the southern soldiers were gradually incorporated into the decision -making system, and governance gradually focused on the needs of Jiangnan.In the later period, Wen Northern Expedition and Liu Yu's North Expedition, although under the banner of recovery, are all to consolidate their status as a military minister, or they return to the same way, or they have no great ambitions to restore the Central Plains.The most motivated "exiles and handsome" to recover north, and they also gradually integrated into the southern politics, and Shen Zhenyu took power.The Southern Dynasties inherited the mortar in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Even if the "Yuan Jia Cao" was inherited, there was no determination. Even if the Northern Wei Dynasty continued to be introverted, the Southern Dynasties did not take the opportunity to take the northern map. In the end, the northern Sui Sui unified and the soldiers were under the swing of Yang Guang.

The ambition of recovery in the north of the Southern Song Dynasty has experienced the bloody ambition of the Shaoxing Dynasty's "ZTE Four Generals".By the time of the opening of the northern expedition, it was the adventureist move of Han Yan's personal ambitions, which was not supplemented.At the same time, the court cultivated the south up and down, and the scholars raised them in the south.Until the millet was taken in the fire with the Mongolian Yuan, and the adventure attacked Jingjing. He was invaded by the Mongolian Yuan for decades.

Among them, it is worth mentioning that the North and South Dynasties.The Song, Qi, Liang, and Chen Jun of the Southern Dynasty inherited the orthodox of the Jin Dynasty: Liu Song was suffered by the Emperor Jin Gong, Xiao Qi was suffered by Emperor Song Shun, Xiao Liang was suffered by Qi and Emperor Zen, and Chen Chao was suffered by Liang Jingdi.The form of destiny transfer continues "China Orthodox".Tracing backward, Sima Jin was received by the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, and Cao Wei was presented by the Han Dynasty.If you trace it again, Liu Han is accepted by Qin San's Chuan Guo Jade Seal, and Qin moved to Zhou Jiuding. If the line of "unification" is left, it can be connected in series.

The Northern Dynasties moved to the Central Plains and changed the western suburbs as the southern suburbs. They even traced back to Liu Yuan earlier to use the grandson of Hanwai, which all showed or emphasized its "orthodox China".In the end, the Sui Dynasty used Yang Daiyuwen, and the front was the Tuoben of the Yuwen. He could only catch up with Tuoba Longxing Zixian Cave.Although "origin" has a large distance from "orthodox", after the subtle self -condition, the Northern Dynasty has already possessed the ability to advertise "orthodox".As soon as the unity of Chen was destroyed, Qin Han's "orthodox" moved unknowingly from the Southern Dynasty to the Northern Dynasties, from the Sui Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty, and extended all the way.

The Southern Dynasties did not determine and practice the "orthodox", and let the Northern Dynasties take it, which is particularly eye -catching in history.It is peaceful in the northern that is in the northern that is inherently "orthodox" in the northern "orthodox" in the northern that is unknowingly abandoned in the localizedThe Strait of the Sun does have a similar historical response.

The concept of traditional reform of the dynasty was replaced by the dynasties of the dynasty

In December 1949, the Central Government of the Republic of China finally settled in Taipei after being broadcast all the way.During that period of stormy, people did not treat Taipei as the history of us in the future.Another historical temporary station.

The outbreak of the Korean War made the Republic of China -the People's Republic of China change the dynasties, which broke away from the category of pure Chinese history.The international intervention has survived the Republic of China -she is not to keep the biased land by her own strength, as her strength, and the fate of being destroyed by the northern regime.The founding father of the People's Republic of China (including many people who fled with the Kuomintang flag) did not expect such a complicated future at that time, they hurriedly changed the country and set the country.It was thought that the clue of the regime was buried.The transformation of the Chinese tradition was gradually replaced by the concept of sovereign state in the theory of modern international relations, which made Taiwan a "problem" in a big country's game today.

On the Cold War pattern and the game map that continues to this day, the Republic of China was slightly shocked.At the beginning of Taiwan, the Republic of China still hugged "orthodox" everywhere: the constitutional national University was "preserved" because of its general representativeness of China.The political architecture of local provinces and counties has been shifted to the land of Taiping Jinma projectiles by the stacked bed; the heavy weapon of the country of the Palace Palace of Peiping wants to move to the subtropical islands to preserve the veins of "Fanxu".Someone will also be promoted because of the "jade seal" in the name ... Li Ao ridiculed the Republic of China in Taiwan, "only two provinces, only two counties in one province, and only two counties."Overseas view.

As the situation stabilizes, the Nanku dynasty will inevitably move to localization.The Republic of China cannot be from outside, and under the premise of "the dynasty cannot perish", it has to embark on the road of localization.

At the political level, with the gradual withering of the first generation of provinces after the war, the local politicians have become more and more entered politics and leading the situation;In half a century, it faded and fell. Since the governance of power cannot be in China, it has to be made up to maintain the operation with the lives of the "free regions";Focus on Taiwan.

At the economic level, the expectations of the dynasty's demise are temporarily eliminated. The government and the people have begun to focus on how to live in the present. More to make life more comfortable economic construction, the "top ten constructions" help the economy to take off the economy.At the cultural level, although education is still based on the Greater China consciousness, the Yangtze River and the Yellow River are already invisible and invisible.Culture has to be rooted in daily life.

The localization of the Republic of China in Taiwan is overlapping with the democratization of the political system, although these two things are not necessarily overlapping.The foundation and inducement of democratization are localization. A large number of local people are in politics. A large number of local issues need political concerns. Local persons require politicians to not live in the dreams of nihile and Central Plains.The dream of "unification of the Northern Expedition" is too big. People can touch and get only the "small luck" in front of them. The democratic political system strengthens the pursuit of happiness determined by small.Earthquake.

Finally, in the new century, we can only see from the government settings that still exist in Taiwan, and the government settings of the stacked bed houses show that the "East Asia is called" and the main relics of the Begonia Fossils of the Republic of China.The operation has been located and is constantly deepening.In the 100th year of the founding of the Republic of China, the Kuomintang and leader Ma Ying -jeou, who claimed to have the most orthodox thinking of the Chinese, governed in the Presidential Palace, and the Centennial Style Book, officially published by the Executive Yuan Journalism Bureau. The focus of the content is in Taiwan.In terms of narrative, it is less than that in Taiwan that has no affiliation with the political affiliation and still in the Japanese occupation period of 34 years. It can be seen that localization is an indisputable reality, and the blue and green parties have the ability to rebel.

In addition to Li Ao's ridicule

The aforementioned Li Ao ridiculed that the Republic of China in Taiwan is "only two provinces in one country, only two counties in one province".After the addiction, it did not provide an alternative option for the selection of the Nandu dynasty in addition to the unified view.In addition to his ridicule, the "upper hanging effect" of the Nantu Dynasty was lifted, which was nothing more than the heavens and the earth.Either, the Nantu dynasty was unified by the north, or the Nanku dynasty counterattacked and recovered.Zhao Song, the south of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and the south moved to the south and south, and they slowly evolved from weakness to inadvertent, and the Republic of China in Taiwan is now the same.As a result, only the road was unified by the north.The long -term saying "completed the great cause of the motherland" that the People's Republic of China has long said is actually to complete the process of being interrupted (more than 70 years).They are all means.For the Republic of China, the purpose of the People's Republic of China means that the demise of the Republic of China, unless the latter is willing to accept the death of the dynasty, it will definitely resist "Hehe" and resist "Wu Tong".

Either, the ultimate localization of the Nantu Dynasty completed is completely independent, which is completely independent, and this is the experience that has not been used in Chinese history. It is closely related to the concept of sovereign state in modern international relations.Chinese history is based on the "view of the world" to see a closed world. At that time, the world did not include the regions of Western and overseas experience, and the world of the world became one world with the world of Zhonghuawei.Then, under such a view of the world, even if the Northern and Southern Dynasties lasted 300 years, people would not have a great sense of violation.But today, with the concept of sovereign state, the delineation of the boundaries between the country means completely discrete.This is why the word "independence" is so dazzling today.In the past 70 years, the People's Republic of China can tolerate the existence of the same Republic of China as a Nantu dynasty. The comparison of strength is on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is because the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China hold the world view."World".If the Republic of China, or Taiwan completely abandon the view of the world, and completely embrace the concept of modern sovereignty state (that is, the so -called "legal Taiwan independence"), the People's Republic of China will not tolerate.

Therefore, Li Ao's irony "only two provinces, only two provinces, one province only two counties" have become the largest number or balance point that can be accepted for a long time.

However, such a balance is being broken.On the one hand, the People's Republic of China has announced that "the issue of Taiwan cannot be delayed forever", which continues all the attitude of all the northern dynasties in the history of the Nantu Dynasty in history: Since the first hit has not been completed, the change of the dynasty (the change in Yongjia in the Southern Dynasty failed to complete the change of the changes of the Yongjia.The elimination of the Jin Dynasty was the change of the Song Dynasty in the Southern Song Dynasty that the changes in Jingkang failed to completely eliminate the Song Dynasty).

On the other hand, Taiwan is gradually getting out of the framework of the world, embracing the concept of modern sovereignty state, and declining the recognition of the Republic of China on the mainland year by year.The time limit for the time limit of the People's Republic of China to complete the interrupted reform process in the world's view framework becomes more urgent.

The solution to Taiwan's issue is very dangerous

At this point, the solution of the Taiwan issue is very dangerous.

The "Nantou Dynasty · The Republic of China" did not have the expectations and plans of the country. No matter what framework it was bait, the initiative to surrender the land must be selected.Therefore, the northern dynasty had to repeat historyThe northern regime has done many times: attack south.Once this direction is determined, it is only a matter of time when attacking.The Northern dynasty was easy to move when the cost of calculating the calculation and the expansion of the army, just as the Northern Dynasty waited for the completion of the northern unity and the strength of Li Bing and Ma, and went south to destroy Chen.The possibility of force solving in the Taiwan issue in the method of murmoring Chen and Yuan Destroy Song is much larger than that of a country and two systems.

Mainland attack Taiwan may also fail. This may be because Beijing has made mistakes during calculations, or because of tactical accidents, or because of unpredictable variables.This does not affect the determination and awareness of the completion of the dynasty in the northern dynasty.

If Taiwan independently completes the ultimate localization solution under the concept of modern sovereignty state, it will need to be a combination of the mainland and Taiwan to completely escape the world view of the world and review the Taiwan issue with pure utilitarian ideology.This new system is also complicated and full of variables, and it is more out of reach than the previous description.

The largest number of conventions that are unwilling and independent of the Nandu dynasty, have maintained the "world" for more than 70 years of peace.However, the peace of the "world" is increasingly cracking into mirror flowers and water.Examination from the traditional historical perspective, perhaps the rumbling drum sound soon -it is almost inevitable -the land is about to move.

The author is a Beijing cultural worker