In the future, if emerging countries have the strength of the world in terms of economy, military, comprehensive national strength, and international influence, they are unwilling or at least not actively constructing and defending humanity and peace -based and peacefulness.The international order of values ​​is to make the world jungle, profits, and violence. That is by no means the gospel of human beings, but the disaster of the world.

Reuters recently reported that the United States frustrated and tried to assassinate the Sikhist leader in the United States. The main messenger suspected to have been committed to fighting the official Indian officials that combat the splitism of the Sikh.Just two months ago, the Canadian government accused Indian intelligence agencies in Canada's territory in June this year, assassination of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, an independent Canadian Sikh, who advocated the independent Indian Sikh, and Canada expelled India for this.Officials and other diplomats in Canadian intelligence agencies.

India has denied assassination allegations, and said that Hardip was suspected of directing terrorist attacks in India, which was the leader of terrorists.India responded fiercely against Canada's protests and expelction of diplomats, retaliated with dozens of Canadian diplomats in India, and accused the Canadian government accusing the Canadian government shelter terrorists.Relations between the two countries have fallen into a state of tension and have not recovered so far.

As of the information earlier this month, the author believes that Canada's allegations are basically true, and it should be the Indian intelligence department planning assassination of Hadipp.In addition, according to Canadian officials, Hardip did not create violence in Canada, but instead advocated the independence of Punjabi from India in a peaceful way to claim to live in peace.evidence.In any case, the murder of citizens of other countries in the territory of other countries is a serious violation of international law and infringing sovereignty by other countries.

The West shows scruples and weakness

For the two countries' disputes between the two countries, Western countries and politicians, including the US government, are reluctant to publicly condemn India, but dealt with the matter low -key.From September 9th to 10th on the eve of the exposure of the dispute over India, the leaders of Western countries attended the Twenty Group (G20) summit held in New Delhi, India.Indian Prime Minister Modi made a big head; the Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau who attended the summit was not eye -catching, and the assassination incident was disclosed after returning to China after the meeting.The Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) commented that with the intensification relationship with India, Canada tried to get more support from allies, but it was the silence of all countries.

Two months, it was reported that India tried to assassinate another Sikh leader in the United States.At present, the United States has also chose a low -key, and more information has not yet been released, only the British media was first disclosed.

These two incidents and the reactions of all parties highlight the rapid rise in Indian national strength and international influence. In the world, the more bold style of acting, especially the contempt of human rights and international law;It shows the scruples and weaknesses; it also reveals the current and future international relations, which has extremely worrying prospects.

Western countries represented by Western Europe and the United States have long -term dominating the world structure and controlling the international situation. In these hundreds of years, although there are anti -human rights such as colonial expansion, racial isolation, persecution of ethnic minorities, etc.With the joint efforts of many western and non -Western lofty scholars, they have gradually developed and built humanitarian and peaceful universal values, as well as related policies based on such concepts.

Especially in the past 100 years since the 20th century, the concepts of humanitarianism, peace, democracy, national self -determination, and assistance to the disadvantages have replaced the law of jungle that has long dominated the world for thousands of years.Become the foundation of international relations.Although war, oppression, and violence are still constantly, compared with any period of history, in the past 100 years, human society has paid attention to humanitarian human rights and the relative respect and protection of vulnerable groups. It is undoubtedly unprecedented.

International relationships and ethnic relations based on humanity -based and peaceful values ​​are largely extent to develop Western countries that rely on international order.The reason why developed countries such as the United States, Europe, and Australia can persist in humanity and peace in international issues, because they attach great importance to human rights, equal, harmonious, and inclusive systems and social environment in their domestic countries."Diplomacy is an extension of the internal affairs." It has a good human rights foundation in this country to truly practice the principle of humanity and peace in diplomacy.

But in the 21st century, the international pattern has changed dramatically.A large population country represented by China, India, Indonesia, Nigeria and other countries has risen rapidly.Their huge population base has the potential of dominating one party and even leading the world.

In the past 30 years, in the environment of peace and development and globalization, these large population countries have developed rapidly, their national strength has been rapidly improved, and in terms of politics, military, and international relations, they also seek stronger strength and influenceEssenceChina and India, as a large country with nearly one -fifth of the world's population, have the huge impact and changes in the international structure, which has caused world vibration.Nigeria, South Africa, Indonesia, Brazil, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and other emerging regions such as emerging areas have continued to increase with the world's economic share, and their influence has also increased.

They not only have huge influence, but also have almost stronger and greater international influence in the future.In the short period of two or 30 years, 50 to 100 years later, China, India, and other large Asia -Africa -Latin -in -law emerging powers are likely to replace Western European countries, the United States, Canada and other countries., Future human values ​​and behaviors of shaping and leaders of civilization.

Each of the Emerging Power has bad human rights records

This is not necessarily a good thing. On the contrary, this is quite concerned.Because the economic and military strength, comprehensive national strength, and international influence of these emerging powers are increasingly improved, regardless of internal affairs or diplomacy, they do not attach great importance to humanitarian human rights, freedom, democracy, diversity, and tolerance as western developed countries.On the contrary, these countries have various bad human rights records, and some are not democratic systems. Even if there are countries with democratic systems, democracy and rule of law are not sound. There are different degrees of political violence and oppression of vulnerable groups, and even due to their incompletenessDemocracy makes political violence more frequently and violent.

These emerging countries not only lack respect for human rights in the internal affairs and tolerance for the weak, but also "inheritance" in diplomacy.Compared to the long -term commitment to promoting worldwide human rights and progress, contributing to humanitarian issues, and striving to promote the international order more fair and peaceful, these countries that are still in the middle stage are not very concerned about the above issues, and even intentionally or unintentionallyDestroy humanity and peace.The Indian government or military agency department is suspected of assassining Sikh leaders in Canada and the United States, the latest example.

The performance of emerging great powers is not just this example.Whether it is India's aggressive attitude towards neighboring countries, whether it is controversial, it is considered to be lacking in human rights attention and the Belt and Road Initiative of Human Rights, Asian Infrastructure Investment Banks, as well as Nigeria and Turkey's domestic ethnic minorities, Saudi Arabia, etc.Extremely output of Vahabiism is disturbing.

Similar to the stressful relationship with the recent assassination, it was the arrest of Meng Wanzhou, the vice chairman of China Huawei Group in 2018 by Canada in 2018. It also made China -Canada relations continue to be dull for several years.2020 is the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Canada. Both parties who should have been grandly dealt with in a cold process can be seen that the relationship between the relations between the two countries is frozen.

In the future, if emerging countries have the strength of dominating the world in terms of economy, military, comprehensive national strength and international influence, they are unwilling or at least not actively building and defending humanity and peaceful values ​​internationally.Order, but to make the world jungle, profits, and violence, it is by no means the gospel of human beings, but the disaster of the world.

What forces are dominated by world relations human dignity

Especially in the face of the re -prosperity of the population of population and religious extremism, the climate crisisThe increasingly severe, local war and terrorism are resurrected. If the country dominates the world that does not respect the universal value, the future of human beings will be dim or even terrible.What kind of forces are dominated by the world, which is related to the most basic rights and dignity of human beings, and even life and death.

During World War II, Nazi Germany and militarism Japan represent racism, totalitarism, colonialism, slaughter and rape.If it was not for the United States, the Soviet Union, China, the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands, etc., the fate of human beings can be imagined.Of course, I am not saying that India and other countries are like Nazi Germany and militarism Japan today, but it shows the cruel and darkness of the ugly forces and the important and difficulties of defending universal human rights.

India's assassination of Canadian Sytic leadership incident and follow -up reactions, indicating that it is difficultAnd the strong challenges of emerging powers like India.

"Born in worries, died in peace", for individuals, nations, nations, and human beings, they are all well -known.Faced with the unavoidable rise of various emerging powers, the relatively weakening of Western strength and influence, the world structure has quietly changed. Regardless of developed western countries or Asia -Africa and Latin countries, people of insight must consider the future of human beings.And the way out.In particular, the increasing power of emerging powers in the national strength and international influence, enjoying greater right to speak in the international community, and even becoming dominating world forces should also bear the obligations as a great power.With strong strength.In particular, the world must think and practice how to make the value of humanity and peace. In more countries, how to popularize and guide emerging countries in more countries, truly integrate into the international order based on universal human rights.

Regardless of developed or emerging countries, they must inherit the legacy of the predecessors who are struggling with human rights and progress, so that the world is more civilized, the international relations are more reasonable."In the cage", do not let the jungle habits of barbaric violence, empire hegemony, bullying weak jungle rolls come back.

The author is a writer and international political researcher