The Confucian scholarly has a hard time in the Qin and Jin dynasties, and they have paid a great price for the beliefs and persistence of the doctrine.From the Han Dynasty, Dong Zhongshu finally made the king realize that he would also pay attention to "the entire society's complete improvement", knowing that he also used "moral education" to use the "Zhou Zheng" to play the role of a dynasty.Follow in the original hostile environment.This development is a real and profound significance to create a "State Confucianism" (institutionalized Confucianism) that puts criminal spells and German and Relief.

Ban Gu has summarized the development of Confucianism in the Western Han Dynasty in the Biography of the Hanshu Ru Lin: "Since the Emperor Wu Emperor Dr. Five Classics, opened a disciple member, set up a scientific policy, persuaded the official Lu, he was in Yuanshi, a hundred years, and the industry who passed on the industry.In the immersed, Zhiye Zizi, once speaking to more than one million words, the masters to more than a thousand people. "The masters of the scriptures are scattered, and the classics they have preached are vast.

The Han Dynasty followed the "teaching trip, and the first good at the beginning of the Beijing teacher, the inside and the outside", was the highest school in the country in the political center of the empire."The prelude to the preface to the eup", so that Chang'an, located in Shaanxi today, became the Confucian town of Confucianism at that time at that time.In fact, only about hundreds of years ago, the Gyeonggi area in the early Han Dynasty was still a thin place in Confucianism; and the Qin capital, which was entangled in the adjacent zone more than 200 years ago, was a place where Confucian students were in the field.

Xunzi, who is active in the 3rd century BC, traveled to Qin Kingdom.After Fan Yan, who was originally the nobleman of the Wei State, relied on the Qin Kingdom, and was worshiped by King Qin Zhaoxiang as a country to take part in the country.Ying Hou asked Xi Qing at the time to "see what to see Qin."Xunzi first praised the danger of Qin Kingdom to "solidify danger, stagnate and stool", simple customs, and people "(respect) Feading the Si and Shun (serving)", "respectful frugality and loyalty", scholar doctors "not better than weekly than Zhou.The party, Ming Tong and the public ", and the efficiency of the court is particularly high" listening to the end of the matter. "

But he turned around immediately, pointing out that although Qin Guo "did not have the same number of people, he balanced the name of the king, but he was too far away!" Why?According to Xunzi's opinion: "It has no Confucianism!"

It can be seen that about half a century before the unification of the world, Qin Di still had rare Confucian students.And this also made Xunzi lament that although Qiang Qin's superior conditions were prepared in all aspects, it was far from the achievements of the achievement of the king.

The situation of the situation allows us who know the development of history later, and we can't help laughing at his "Central Plains mentality", but the situation he observed is actually the Qin Di style.It is not an exaggeration to say that Confucianism is in the place of Xili in the East Zhou Dynasty, and maybe it is not an exaggeration.

Confucianism is difficult to take root in the Qin and Jinlands in the west

When the Han Dynasty began to push the school of the Five Classics with the power of the court, according to the Biography of the Historical Records of Rulin, it was at that time as a model of Confucianism. "Born and Yu Yan, Han Taifu; Yan Shangshu came from Jinan Fusheng; Yanli was born from Lu Gaotang; Yan was easy to be born from Kawagawa Tian;Among the eight houses, those who originated from Qilu lived in six; the other two came from Yan and Zhao Guo, and did not from the original natives of Qin, Wei, Han and other countries.It can be seen that at that time, the Empire was still the hometown of Confucianism in the east.This also explains why earlier, the Emperor Wen dynasty "who wants to be able to cure stills" actually "has nothing in the world, and he heard that Dr. Qin, Jinan Fu Sheng's Hometown (can be governed).""Unable to recruit."

The academic base of Confucius and his disciples in Qilu is in Qilu. The Shandong area thinks the birthplace of Confucianism.After the death of Confucius, his disciples passed on his studies.Confucius is also due to talents -those who are the masters of the country, and the lower part of the people uses teaching and preaching as the industry, so that the Confucian children will become an influential social group.However, the scope of Confucian scholars' activities seems to be gathered in the heart of the ritual and music civilization after the eastward movement of the Zhou Dynasty, that is, within the territory of the east vassals.Although Confucianism has also been broadcast to Shanxi and Hunan, Shanxi and Hubei (Shi Qian said, "Zi Xiaju Xihe, Ziyuju Chu"), but in the end of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, the end of the East to the end of the Warring States Period.The place of Qin and Jin is rooted.

Sima Qian said that during the Warring States Period, "the world competes (to the enlightenment) Confucianism."The key is actually from the brutal mergers and mergers between the vassal states, which has spawned new academic ideas, so that the doctrine that originally flowed into the people of the king and officials from earlier, such as Confucianism, and Taoism.limit.These new schools are based on Zhao, Wei, and Han, the three Jin Dynasty (now Shanxi area) as the foundation of the legalist, soldiers, and the science of the family.

Mr. Qian Mu once summarized the characteristics of the two major academic camps that started and followed in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty from the perspective of the East and West.According to his observations (see the history of the Qin and Han Dynasty), "Kong Qiu and Mo Zhai are all Lu people"; while Li Ke, Wu Qi, Shang Yang, Corpse, Shen Buhai, Gongsun Yan, and Zhang Yi, "There are many scholars. "The oriental studies represented by Confucianism and Mo, "the chance of culture, focusing on history, and the object of learning style, focusing on the entire society"; it "does not take the prosperity of the narrowing country as the starting point", but seek "the entire society is complete."Improvement" is 鹄.However, the "eyes and energy of the Sanjin are often limited to one country."Therefore, their studies and techniques are "based on the wealth and strength of their country", so that they only focus on "rough and innovative status quo", and cannot "pay attention to the entire society, all life";"Ideological" is "because of profit, tending to stop at the current utilitarian".

Therefore, why is Zhao Weihan, which is located west, is also the earliest Hou Guo, who is the earliest in history, and Chu Guo, who is adjacent to Qin, and the south of Chu Guo. This is not accidental.However, although the academic bureau has appeared, Confucianism is "between Qilu and scholars are not abolished." At that time, the oriental region was still the soil where the old Zhou old science was survived."Perseverance.

Mencius Shi Wei, when King Liang Hui saw him, he asked, "Not far away, will there be Yiwu country?" Mencius warned him that he would have been in a hurry to lead the country."And persuading" Wang He should be profitable?The monarch of this western school naturally depends on what Mencius said is "far away and broader than things."When Mencius "the world's affairs are in the same vertical and cross -horizon, and the attack is the sage", she went to "the king of the world" and still attached to the "describing the virtue of the Tang, Yu, and the Three Generations".Even so, although Xun Qing had nothing to get in Qin, "studying in Qi State" was still proud of the His Majesty Palace.Qi, Qian Mu's pre-Qin Zhuzi was inferred that Xunzi entered Qin Dang between Qin Dang between 266 and 255 BC).

It can be seen that in the Eastern region, Confucianism is still in place, and Confucian scholars still have room for exhibition.In fact, when Liu Bang and Xiang Yu won the soldiers and surrounded Lu, "the Confucian Confucianism in the Luzhong still talked about Xi Lile, the sound of the string songs was endless", and Shi Qian could not help but use "Fu Qilu's leisure to literature. Since ancient times, it has since ancient times.The nature of nature is also described.However, in the west of the Sanjin, the fate of Confucianism and Confucian students has a great contrast.

According to the historical record of Qin Shihuang, when Zheng Zheng reigned for 34 years (213 BC), he had "settled the Xianyang Palace", and 70 disciplinary officials wished him for his birthday.During the banquet, Zhou Qingchen, who was officially shot, sang a praise for the Emperor of the Emperor, saying that he had achieved the uncle's work of "from ancient times to his His Majesty", because the Qin Empire "with the princes as the county and county" made "everyone is self -proclaimed".Anle, no war. "

But there is a doctoral official Qi Ren Chun Yue, who sings and tunes, saying that the national crickets of the former Shang and Zhou dynasties can continue for more than thousands of years and hundreds of years."Branches".What he wants to say is that the predecessors sealed land to build princes, and set up a group of relatives as princes, so that each party used a solid obstacle to defend the royal family with this solid obstacle.However, Qin Yijian and county regulations unified the central government to collect the authority and take the authority of the country to the monarch alone. Only the emperorThe emperor's power is holding, and the ancestors are weak branches of unshakable resources.Chun Yuyue reminded Qin Shihuang that "His Majesty has domestic at home, and his children are husbands." Cultural and military officials are outsiders who have no blood relationship with the emperor.In the case, "Why save each other?"

Burning Book Pit Confucianism originated from hate Confucian scholars and self -reliance

Chun Yu's degradation of counties and counties and feudal, intending to point out the argument that "things do not have ancient but long -lasting can be known for a long time," are still proud of the "first merger of the world" in Qin.In terms of the climate of a bold political experiment, it is naturally very harsh.The result is "the beginning of the emperor's negotiation", and then the imperial power of the court fabricated the crime of "foolish Confucianism is not a teacher today, and the crime of not being the world, confusing and chaos", or ordering the world to not hide poetry books, and it must be destroyed by it, and it must be destroyed.EssenceIf someone dares to "use ancient and non -present" based on the Confucian Scriptures, and use the ancient system to criticize the current administrative system, that is, Shi Zhi to torture or destroy the family.Confucius has a catastrophe.

I have seen the rulers of the early Han Dynasty who had seen the demise of Qin. Although they had a disdain for Confucianism, they had a disdain and convergence, but it was still difficult to hide the painfulness of Confucian scholars' self -essence.Empress Dou Dou, the mother of Emperor Jing, who was "displeased, the book of the Lao Tzu", once called Gu Guosheng to explain the book for her.It is solidly that "this is the family's words." This kind of book is just a private writing, not a university question from the rise and fall of the overall civilization of the upper cultural overall culture as Confucianism.The queen mother was furious, throwing the stubborn Confucian student into the circle of the pigs, and ordered him to "enter the circle".Jingdi knew that "bluntness is not guilty, but fake and solid soldiers", throwing a dagger.Gu Gu Sheng "in the middle of his heart, he should fall into his hands."Both Shi Qian and Ban Gu remembered it.

It can be seen that the reason why the Han Dynasty had to "use more grammatical officials and under the criminal rope" from the Emperor Xuan Emperor.For a huge empire, it is still indispensable for the cumbersome daily operations, the increasingly complex political governance, and even the punishment of Diaomin dog officials.Qin Qin replaced the establishment of the earth and the establishment of the land for hundreds of years with the new county system, which is essentially an unprecedented political experiment.After Liu Han's bold project collapsed, he re -picked up the fragments that had broken the ground, and tried to stick to it. Why not continue or restart this experiment.Han Chengqin system, that is, this means.

此 <, then how the Empress Dou was exerted such extreme insult to Yugusheng, how could Emperor Han Xuan feel that Confucianism would be "not suitable", and he would not hesitate to degrade Confucian students with words like "vulgar Confucianism" and ridicule this.It is not difficult to understand the "how to appoint it".All these are the cases of Han Ting who are trembling with the old industry of Qin, carrying conditional reflexes under the pressure of pounds.

The ingenuity of the San Jin learning burst into the top after Qin Yi's unification of the world. The status of Confucianism at this time is difficult to compare.However, Confucian students such as Xunzi and Chun Yuyue have repeatedly achieved the original hometown of the Western learning of the Emperor of the Qin Dynasty.This shakes the tide of the times, it is no wonder that the life is good.However, in the Qin Dynasty, it was used to sweep the leaves of the leaves to destroy the feudal remnants of the Western Zhou Dynasty, so it was tragic to burn books and kill.

But the lesson of Qin Qin's front car opened the situation for the development of Confucianism.The actual need to operate the empire made Han Ting's relying on criminal spells, and he dared not dismiss Confucianism.

The favorable historical environment comes

This favorable historical environment has given it, and the Han Confucianism has extraordinary capabilities at the moment.Dong Zhongshu has a strong skill in learning, and also has the strong skill of the unpredictable Tianwei. He can use the well -evident words, rigidity and tenderness to move the emperor, and to promote the temple of Confucianism and the Confucius., Open the opportunity.

The Confucian scholarly tasting hardships in the Qin and Jin dynasties, they paid a great price for the beliefs and persistence of the doctrine of the doctrine -from time to time to endure insults, and sometimes they have to pay for life.From the Han Dynasty, Dong Zhongshu finally made the king who had only understood that "the eyes of the eyes were limited to the prosperity of one country" and realized that they must also pay attention to "the entire society's thorough improvement".The role that can play a role in the long -term stability of a dynasty has enabled Confucianism to gain a foothold in the original hostile environment.

In fact, this development is really far -reaching significance, under the political framework of the world, so that the original oriental and western studies that have their own interests can be worn out, so as to create a criminal name spell and German education.Benevolence and smelting into a furnace "State Confucianism".This is the wonderfulness of the "two -Han Dynasty classics". The characters it educated has both "internal Confucianism" and "foreign Confucianism and internal law", but also because of this.

The author is the Dean of the Confucius Institute of Nanyang University of Science and Technology