Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency

Author: Li Yanzhou

Recently, the dispute between the Essekobo region of Periodical in South America and Guyana in South America has intensified.At present, the situation of the border areas of the two countries is tight.Whether the two countries will break out of war have aroused great attention in the international community.

It is understood that the Essekbo region constitutes about two -thirds of the country's territory, and 125,000 of the 800,000 citizens across the country live here.Venezuela also claims to have sovereignty over the region.

Essequan is rich in natural resources such as oil and gas and minerals.Focusing on the ownership of this region's sovereignty, Venezuela and Guyan have long -term disputes.Venezuela held a national voting on the 3rd, and 95%of voters supported the government's sovereignty on the Esseo Kuibo region.Although the result of this referendum was not legal restraint, the Venezuela government proposed legislation on the 5th to plan to include the Essequo area into the territory.

Venezuela Global News reported on the 6th that the Venezuela National Assembly passed a draft law to defend the Essesqubo area on the same day.It was proposed by Venezuela President Maduro on the 5th that the law stipulated that the 24th State Venezuela was established in the west of Esseo Kuibo River, and the new national map was announced.Maduro ordered the army to enter the state of comprehensive combat reserve on the 7th and announced the annexation of the Esseo Kui area.

Will the two countries burst out?Jiang Shixue, a special professor of Shanghai University, said in an interview with the Hong Kong News Agency on the 8th that the possibility of armed conflicts erupted by the two countries was unlikely, and both countries knew the terribleness of the war.Moreover, Venezuela's international prestige is affected by US sanctions, so it will not rash.

"International media believes that next year will be the Venezuela election. Madro hopes to improve the support of voters, so it will have a referendum for the whole people to establish a new state." Jiang Shi learned.

There are US media reported on the 7th that so far, Maduro's remarks are still largely symbolic and politically vain.However, his remarks made Guyanian leaders feel uneasy and caused a severe statement in the United States and Brazil, urging Venezuela not to use force to achieve its territorial requirements.

According to Reuters on the 6th, Brazilian President Lulla's diplomatic adviser Sero Suo Amorim said on the same day that Brazil opposes Venezuela to occupy any force in Esseo and will urge the Venezuela government to threaten neighboring countries., Brazil opposes "using force or threats with force."Due to the upgrading of the confrontation between the two countries, the neighbor Brazil's army has also strengthened its military existence on the border.

In addition, the military forces between the two countries are different. The Guiyanan defense army has about 3,500 soldiers, while the Venezuelan soldiers are 123,000.

Guyana President Irfan Ali responded that Venezuela's official action "threatened and violated international law" for the country's territory.He vowed to ask the issue at the United Nations Security Council and notify the International Court.Ali also said that Guyana would also invite partners including the United States, Brazil, Britain and France to participate in the mediation conflict.

U.S. Secretary of State Brosky has reiterated Washington's call for peaceful resolution of disputes and confirmed that "the United States has unwavering support" sovereignty.Blindken reiterated that all parties called on the arbitration award between the land border between Venezuela and Guyana in 1899, until the two parties reached a new agreement or the legal agency in charge of the legal agency to make other decisions.

Since 2022, the United States and Guyana have maintained military partnerships.The U.S. Embassy in Guiya issued a statement on December 7 that the Southern Command of the United States will cooperate with Guyana's National Defense Forces to carry out air joint military exercises in Guyana on December 7.